Nappies is starting to pick up over here, though. Cor blimey, its bloody hot today, innit!. Calling someone a tosser to their face wont normally go down well. Git is a type of version control system that is used for coding and software development, and is popular among software developers all around the world. Used to be standard wear for young boys until WW2 (getting "long pants" was a rite of passage). Translate any file to any language in one click. "bloody brilliant ". From New York, to California, Louisiana to Hawaii (and so much more! Fancy Dress: not "dressing fancy." Kind of the oppositeif. The tradesmen in our country are certainly no exception, and have invented plenty of words for the techniques and materials they encounter on-site. A word that is popular in the north and amongst youngsters. Though, to make things slightly more confusing, that could also be called a "tenner". Why you need to know American slang. In context, Get the food, put in the microwave, heat it up, then bobs your uncle, ready to eat.. 9. It is believed these terms were imported from India by returning servicemen. It's important to represent your ends. Cockney rhyming slang: take the Mickey Bliss = take the piss. For example, The guys on TV last night were taking the piss out of the government again.. Press the power button, type the password and Bobs your uncle, you can use the computer now. Bollocks; and, of course, it also refers to the scrotum and testicles. For example, I left my car in the car park this morning.. on Jan 22 2000. and Let us know in the comments below. Like grand, quid only ever appears in the singular. You alright fam?. And if you would like to speak like a native English speaker, it is a good idea to get to know some of these colorful inventions. There's an ocean of difference between the way people speak English in the US vs. the UK. . Bowler - used to refer to the type of hat worn by Chaplin or John Steed.Cagoule - never heard of this but, unless it looks like a blanket with a slit in the center, it's probably not the equivalent of a poncho. Tom Scocca, Submitted by Anonymous from Tennessee, USA Can also mean to pass something with flying colors. Last edited on Oct 10 2015. Much more fun than a slog, this is a term for a french kiss. The most commonly used form is as an alternative to steal. The word relates to the way a goose (a male goose is called a gander) cranes its neck to look at something. Submitted by Luke G. from Rossford, OH, USA For ex: Susan just had a new extension built onto her house, its beautiful but it must have cost her an arm and a leg! Ahhh, English. Last edited on Jan 22 2000. Nice one, really.. Check out some peng chicken. on Mar 02 1999. Cockney rhyming slang definitely already has two other meanings for the word "tom", namely jewellery (from tomfoolery) and **** (from Tom Tit), which just goes to show that context is everything when trying to understand a Cockney. Can be combined with "hard" for emphasis. Mate - this is an interchangeable word that is a commonly used term for a friend or as a greeting to a male you are unacquainted with. Submitted by Scott McNabney from Richmond Hill, ON, Canada In the United States, people from all walks of life use slang. Did I miss any of your favorite British slang off the list? Our new defenders the dog's bollocks. Blinkered. A penis, but also an annoying person. However it can be used to describe anything flashy or needlessly classy or expensive. It is not possible to make a complete list of modern British slang: by the time the list was finished, it would be out of date! fancy, impressive, cool, showy. Chuffed is used more or less all over the UK, it seems to be decreasing in popularity, but is still in relatively common usage. Bugger all a British slang term used to be a more vulgar synonym for nothing at all. Getting a good sense of UK slang terms that describe everyday actions will help prepare you to understand what the locals mean when they're describing actions. When someone spends a lot of time doing very little work, it is called faffing. British Accents: Tips on Understanding Brits! More of an usual term, a damp squib in British slang terms refers to something which fails on all accounts, coming from the squib (an explosive), and the propensity for them to fail when wet. A black eye. One of the more delightful British slang terms in this list, scrummy is used as a wonderfully effusive term for when something is truly delicious and mouth-wateringly good. Spend more than five minutes around any British woman over the age of 40, and you are very likely to hear the word "lovely." . A customer. Your written English leaves a trace of you: your ideas, your expertise, your brand. If youre in London you may overhear many other terms for money and many of these will come from cockney rhyming slang. In the past it was regarded as a swearword but now, due to its common usage, it is generally acceptable. 'Ace' - a British slang term that means something that is brilliant or excellent. "I bet that cost a lot of money!". No-one can snark quite like they do, and there are certain turns of phrase that are so utterly delightful, the rest of the world really should sit up and take note. For example, Dont listen to him hes telling pork pies.. Unlike most rhyming slang expressions, it is still in semi-popular use both in London and outside. It means "little", but can be added to almost everything. Hes a complete nutter. on Dec 10 2000. Did you take care of that thing? For example, I left when Darren threw a wobbly.. Mostly heard in London to mean a "lot of effort" or "annoying". In the dialogue, we were choosing between a cheap cafe or a more expensive pub. Can be a noun (fancy a snog?) or a verb (did you snog him?). 23 Brilliant British Expressions to Blend in with the Brits. Note how the second word pies rhymes directly with lies. A toilet. Lets go into town tonight mate, itll be jokes. I dont drink coffee but I do like a nice cuppa! London slang for the area youre from. A face, or an idiot, depending on context. Cracking 18. Minging (pronounced: ming-ing) is a lovely alternative to the word disgusting or gross. Originally a reference to gambling but can be used in a broader context now. A grand is used when talking in thousands. Sounds wicked - wicked means great in British slang. 23. For example, Thats a load of tosh about what happened last night, or Dont talk tosh.. Submitted by Rob H. from Newton, MA, USA Were mad about English. Gobsmacked a truly British expression meaning to be shocked and surprised beyond belief. Our currency is officially known as the "pound sterling", but many more informal terms exist to describe money in the UK. Sunnies - sunglasses Furphy - a strongly believed untrue story or rumour Billy - a teapot for boiling water Cossie - a swimming suit Prezzy - a present Brekkie - a breakfast Chrissie - Christmas Bikkie - a biscuit To cost big bikkies - to be too expensive Exy - shorter variant of "expensive" Footy - Australian football Lippy - lipstick If you want to read more about cockney rhyming slang and money, read this BBC article. I feel there is something appropriate about it. on Mar 08 2002. Ace. The minister has over-egged the pudding by talking about too many things at once in his speech. Coming originally from Caribbean English, its most prevalent in London. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA Arsed 16. Knickers - short pants that button below the knee; usually seen on young boys in turn-of-the-century photos.Nappies, plimsolls, y-fronts - words known to us through British television programs.Klecks - did you make this up? A brief essay outlining the parameters of this dictionary and information on slang can be read in the slang introduction which, to avoid disappointment, I'd recommend reading before . Writers who can turn any piece of writing into a dream read!Show me their credentials! This is a shorter form of the word umbrella.. So, as a way of easing you in, here are some of my favorite slang words, phrases and expressions from around the British Isles. The origins of this word are disputed, but all British people will know what you mean if you tell them Im just popping to the loo. She sought work as an "agony aunt." Ricky Gervais tests his knowledge of British slang. Grandparents might use it to better communicate with their grandchildren. We use this expression a lot. To inform on someone to the authorities. Last edited on Jul 11 1997. These English slang words have made every language have its unique fascinations that are understood only by native speakers. An exclamation of surprise. Some have claimed that "tom" meaning a prostitute derives from "Thomas More" equalling "w h o r e". Bog-standard - To be plain, or run-of-the-mill. Faff 8. But, remember that this is not normal spending. A short period of time. For example, I am absolutely knackered after working all day.. Learn the lingo and you'll soon be conversing like a true Brit. Cheeky 5. A lively party. 1. Now KSWL is a rather unique slang which doesn't really exist in English. This shirt makes you look like a proper geezer! A not so delicate way to refer to sexual intercourse. But there is something wonderfully tender and endearing about it. Making jokes, often at the expense of others in your company. An object or event can be mental (Did you see that goal? For example, My wife gave me a real bollocking for getting to pick up the dry cleaning on my way home from work.. Need your document in perfect English? In anger you might say, oh bloody hell!, Or to use it as emphasis, thats bloody cool!. Lost the plot is one that can actually be discerned by examining the words themselves. You get a bollocking when youve done something you shouldnt have. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you British slang is a niche of its own, evolving and transforming and adapting from city to city and from year to year, just as the English language itself has done. Therefore one quid, five quid, fifty quid. Example in written form: In my new job Ill be earning 75K a year. Oh, the Brits. For example, Dont it that mate it looks minging.. 2. This is because, as you might have guessed from the title, there are a number of U.K. clothing words that are either not used stateside or are, at the very least, not very common. Follow our writing guidelines and make your words COUNT! Mental!) Wally 17. Meaning to vomit or to be sick, chunder is almost always used in correlation with drunken nights, or being hugely ill and sick. We opted not to join the Europe-wide currency and have stubbornly kept our pounds and pence. See also, Another London term, for someone or something that is attractive or desirable. So, you can actually say the phrase "that ace was ace, Ace!" to your tennis partner! Fortunately, there are quite a few descriptive British slang terms that paint quite a vivid picture to anyone who knows what the informal words mean. For example, I ate a bad pizza last night after too many drinks and chundered in the street.. However it can be used to describe anything flashy or needlessly classy or expensive. It comes from the older English word faffle, which means to flap around in the wind. Oh, wanker. Do not use a wet cloth to clean your computer, you wally! They just want a cigarette, guys. The British equivalent to the American parking lot or parking garage. Its a bit nippy out, isnt it!. lush: [adjective] great; amazing. Mostly heard in London, this means "men". Alcohol and words relating to pubs and being drunk feature prominently in British slang. But wait before you tighten your seat belts, there is a catch. In every country there are slang terms for money. Ten Very British Behaviours "Brolly" Abbreviation of "umbrella." "Grab your brolly, it's drizzling outside." Pixabay "Budge up" An informal way of asking someone to make room where they are. Welcome to Britain, where the food is heavy and the slang is almost completely impenetrable. Chuffed 2. Dont talk rubbish.. Cost an arm and leg - Something which is very expensive. Thus "feet whips" refers to expensive shoes (the "cars" of your feet). Don't be such a plonker. He created the word while playing video games with his cousin. To over-egg the pudding is to overdo something with the intent of making it better. Fortunately, there are quite a few descriptive British slang terms that paint quite a vivid picture to anyone who knows what the informal words mean. I forgot to bring my brolly to the office today and now I will get wet in the rain when I leave. (That's not to my liking.) all from a British perspective, with new slang added every month. on Oct 03 2009. It is a term denoting your younger brother/ sister, or close family member such as a cousin. Citation from "Episode 3", Little Britain (TV, 2004), Season 2 Episode 3 blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site . on Sep 21 2009. Finally, explore a few U.K. slang terms that are helpful when it comes to describing a person's attitude or expressions of emotion. American life. A British pint is roughly 20% larger than a US one, which means Brits are 20% more likely to be drunk. Youll find multiple spellings of this word, largely used in London, to mean "to kill". These will help you know how to react to what others say, how to express appreciation or end a conversation appropriately. 1. Countable and Uncountable Nouns: What Are the Differences? London street slang for money, from a shortening of "pounds". A 'knees up' is a more old-fashioned term for a . More common, and common in the north and southwest England. It's what the "trendy" Moms are starting to call them now. Example in spoken form: In my new job Ill be earning 75 kay a year. Make sure you do not bodge the car. 9. You never know when it starts to rain in England. . adjective British Slang. A mancould be compared to the American term 'dude'. The definitions of these slang words appear below the list. You probably dont need me to describe this, out of all British slang, this is by far the most popular and most commonly used. Possibly the best British insult on the list, it fits a certain niche for a single-worded insult to lobbied out in a moment of frustration, anger, provocation, or, of course, as a jest amongst friends. Oh, mate, thats brilliant.. QUIZ. The origin of this one is related to *ahem* morning wood. No other language in the world has been as bastardised as this one! ; Trainers refer to shoes designed for cross-training. bog-standard - nothing special bonkers - crazy botched - something going wrong cack-handed - clumsy camp - flamboyant cheeky - sassy chockablock - filled to the brim cobblers - nonsense Bovvered - verb describing a lack of interest. Last edited on Jul 24 2013. ), read on for an exploration of fascinating, common, odd, rare and unique American slang. Seriously?Sneakers, Tennis Shoes, Trainers - all three are used depending on the type of rubber soled shoe we're talking about. Also fashionable among girls and women in the 1970s. 15. Hes a good bloke. Market reasoning is deeply, essentially smarmy. To lose the plot can mean either to become angry and/or exasperated to a fault, or in a derogatory if slightly outdated sense to mean someone who has become irrational and/or acting ridiculously. This means that something is incredibly expensive. While all of these expressions may sound fun and interesting, learners should always be careful when using them. A little bit coldas if the cold air was nipping at your skin. Over-egg the pudding 21. Very wealthy. For example, When my girlfriend saw the mess Id made, she lost the plot.. Last edited on Oct 28 2001. Perhaps one of the most internationally famous British slang terms, bollocks has a multitude of uses, although its top ones including being a curse word used to indicate dismay, e.g. Taking the Mickey. Butchers hook is just another way to tell someone to look. The difference is that people from the UK also use "cheers" to mean "thank you". In some ways, trainers is the more appropriate term, after all, athletes tend to wear them while training, not sneaking. So, the word gobsmacked literally means to be hit in the mouth. A little bit more affectionate than calling someone a pillock. Extremely tired. Are your language skills up to the task of telling the difference? FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. Usually used in conjunction with mate. Top UK English Slang Terms 1. Shortened form of luscious. 75 British Slang Words 1. For those unaware, the expression essentially used in the end of a series of basic instructions. Are You Spending Your Time on What Is Time-Worthy? Bobs your uncle is used at the end of a set of instructions that are very easy to follow. It is not considered appropriate for use in polite company. The Hitchhiker's Guide has this to say about John Rabon: When not pretending to travel in time and space, eating bananas, and claiming that things are "fantastic", John lives in North Carolina. Last edited on Mar 15 2011. But sometimes, the slang word is a reused word with a new meaning. Rank Meaning: Disgusting. 'You slept with Kate Upton last night? Meaning: to make fun of someone, to tease them a lot. Ace: 'Ace' stands for excellent. % buffered 00:01 3. Contents 1. Someone from Newcastle. This dictionary of British slang includes popular words and phrases that you might hear in the UK and will help you with your own spoken English. Some think it has its origins in the French word bon, meaning "good". That new chippy is the dog's bollocks. El cheapo- He bought the el cheapo model and now he's back to the shop within 3 months to buy a new one. As such a form of this expression Have a goosey also exists, but is much more uncommon. This place is much better than the last one, innit? Can also be used as an adjective to describe something from Newcastle. Bevvy Meaning: An alcoholic drink. It is used when someone is wasting their time or only pretending to work. Used as an adjective, to mean funny or just fun. In context, I cant come in, my shoes are all mucky.. Similar to a pillock, a tosser is someone who is annoying or a bit of an idiot. Stop faffing around and start doing your homework. The rules about capital letters and currency are the following: you dont use a capital letter to spell out the whole name, therefore: pounds, euros and dollars. For example you could say Im feeling proper chuffed I won that., If youre talking to someone else you can use it as such, I bet youre pretty chuffed you won!. Never get lost again by checking out these fun expressions. London street slang for someone untrustworthy. To have a tantrum or go into a rage. Another London term to mean the area you come from. Cockney Slang uses language in one of the most interesting ways, by rhyming with . Your grasp of the slang portion of British English won't be complete unless you master a few of the most common U.K. slang exclamations and expressions. It is believed these terms were imported from India by returning servicemen. Last edited on Dec 10 2000. A Ace - is used to describe something that is awesome. Gob is the informal word for mouth, and smack means to hit something with your hand. Hes making loads of moolah. An informal term that stands for or means something else than its literal meaning; a shorter way to say a word or phrase It is another way of saying that you will be back soon. Pea-souper 18. A possible result of a knees-up. There are no categories underneath this one. I loved that movie, it was lush . Social slang. Gaff is just a synonym for home. Although it might sound quite similar to gaffe, its meaning is completely different. If someone is annoying you, you can tell them: "shut your gob". Used in Wales to mean "fantastic". Popular during the Victorian age and popularised further by Charlie Chaplin, the, This is one of those words I truly took for granted when I first moved to the U.S.; never in a million years did I imagine that the word, This word, on the other hand, is one of those I intuitively reconciled would not have much of a presence in the U.S.mainly because of its identity as a slang expression. Excuse me for a moment; I just need to spend a penny. Cockney Rhyming Slang. Fortnight a British slang term more commonly used by virtually everyone in the UK to mean a group of two weeks. Bog ( slang) - This is a slang term for a toilet, and has spun off several related terms, such as bog brush (toilet brush) and bog roll (toilet paper). Used to mean "very", particularly in the north of England. It can refer to your actual family but its often just how youll greet a friend. differences; what people in the U.K. call a, The same equivalents used in entry number 8 could also be applied here. A - Z Slang. "Quid" is British slang for "pound". You'll have a blast and learn more than a few new words that might be ripe for importation when you come back home. To run away. 2. A crude term for urinating. Used in the north of England to mean "thirsty". Possibly because you nicked something. Try it for free! Learning directly from native speakers is the best way to become an advanced English speaker. So you're basically claiming something, like the passenger seat of a car. For example, The birthday party went all to pot when the clown turned up drunk and everyone was sick from that cheap barbecue stuff.. of extreme high quality, expensive to a point that it becomes unattainable. Answer (1 of 6): As other answers have said "quid" is the British equivalent of "bucks", but there are a few slang terms for specific sums of money or denominations of banknote. Can also be used sarcastically in this same sense. Used mostly in Manchester to mean "very excited/happy". on Jan 18 2000. Fancy Before going deeper into your exploration of British slang words, take the time to discover some slang phrases commonly used in the U.K. Fortunately, in a British slang dictionary, there are quite a few informal phrases commonly used as slang. Aggro: Though this format of abbreviation seems very Australian, this is a British slang for being aggressive or in your face. A crazy person. All right? Fag This slang word for a cigarette has no pejorative associations in the UK, but causes all sorts of problems for Brits visiting the US. You are a lush . For example, Did you hear about our kid Kevin? Gaff 9. The most commonly used slang term for a pound is a, This expression has negative connotations, so, If youre in London you may overhear many other terms for money and many of these will come from, Some of the London slang for money is based on animals thought to have originally appeared on ruppe banknotes. Someone who is a bit stupid or annoying. Last edited on Oct 23 2012. Rugby, another popular sport which the British invented only for everyone else to beat them at it. In British slang terms, dodgy refers to something wrong, illegal, or just plain off, in one way or another. Home. Blimey is used to show excitement, surprise or shock. Bowler the British slang, please tell me what is happening here. After a quick review, you'll be able to confidently go out there and build connections with new friends! Want to Practice Speaking English with a Native Speaker? ; and it can also be used as a pejorative He just seems dodgy to me.. In this post, we will teach you some common British expressions you can use in casual conversation! 10. And, as with everything else, practice makes perfect! As such, you can use it like this, That bob is a good bloke.. Beef - a hostility between two people that usually results in violence. Another fun ironic way to say this is "It cost a few bob!". Perhaps the most interesting slang you'll hear in England is the infamous Cockney Rhyming Slang. For example, You need to wear a coat today, its brass monkeys outside.. They just want a cigarette, guys. Youve got to keep the punters happy. Ace a British slang term that means something that is brilliant or excellent. A shortened version of "family", this is used mostly in London. The expression is a synonym for lies. For example, Yeah, everythings hunky-dory at the office.. For some reason, you dont go to the localyou go/are down the local. A mouth. Sherbets 12. This word is used when something is brilliant or someone performs very well, usually on a test or evaluation. You know, one problem we terminal Anglophiles have is that we mostly know these terms because we're freaks of Nature who glom onto any tidbit of British culture, language, television, literature, etc, that we possibly can. high bling moola expensiver abercrombie and fitch buckle n-gage audemar crapintosh intel bathing apes miracle whips computer luxuria crys mercedes quiznos posh stink hdtv rolly doom 3 playstation 3 gross rip-off bill gatin' a10 hidden dear respectacles maximillian . I didn't do my homework and the teacher gave me a right bollocking. The origin of this phrase is disputed, but the most likely candidate for inspiring the expression is an eccentric wealthy newspaper owner named, Mostly heard in London, this means "men". A more obscure British term, brass monkeys is used to refer to extremely cold weather. All Rights Reserved. A pejorative term for someone from the upper classes of British society. U.K. slang is nothing if not interesting! Unlike bars, they open in the morning, often serve food, and normally have at least one resident drunk. The most commonly used slang term for a pound is a quid and it doesnt have a plural. A person can be peng, but so can food. This is the British university slang word for a library. Mostly heard in Manchester to mean "great". Sneakers: Another word for running shoes, or "trainers" - light weight shoes having . When someone in England, especially in London, takes the subway train to go somewhere, they usually use this expression. Another university-related cool British slang word is fresher which means a first-year student. From a higher social class, Proper denotes actions appropriate to certain circumstances. The slow way to perfection is years of study and practice; the fast way is to put it into the hands of our professional editors! Snog Meaning: A kiss or to kiss. So, if youre an aspiring Anglophile looking for some new lingo to help fuel your love for all things British, or you just fancy seeing what kind of words the British find themselves using their day-to-day, check out our 50 best British slang terms for you to start using and incorporating into your vocabulary immediately. spendy college patron pricey ipod whip d.a.r.e. acting above one's station. Students mostly refer to their university and/or college by just saying uni. Also used as an adjective in parts of northern England to mean "fantastic": Thats grand. Another London term, for someone or something that is attractive or desirable. Anorak: A person who knows a lot about a particular . A bender can last a significant amount of time, and involves large amounts of alcohol or drugs. A person who is not very intelligent or is not very good at his or her job is called a wally. This expression is used as an insult. Innit 12. Can be combined with other slang for extra effect: Check out that peng ting over there fam. It is used for emphasis. A geezer or dapper geezer is a man who is well-dressed in formal clothes. Hes got an ugly mug would be the former, do you take me for a mug?, the latter. Nothing makes the language more colorful than descriptive words. bling bling - booshi - bourgee - dolled up - fancy-pants - fancy schmancy - five-dollar word - flash - high budget - high-tone - lush - mint - pricey - ritzy - shmancy - spendy - steep - swish - tony Full definitions of all the slang words listed above: B bling bling adjective high class. Open yourself up to the delights of the English language, especially the variety that's spoken where English got its start. Jammy is in semi-common use in the north west and south west of England. I really fancy her is a profession of a love interest, but you could also ask someone: Do you fancy some lunch?. on Oct 23 2012. Boy and girl twins. Kerfuffle describes a skirmish or a fight or an argument caused by differing views. There were bare man at the rave. Submitted by Natalie L. from Thousand Oaks, CA, USA Submitted by The Last Don British tradesman slang As inventors of the English language, Brits are constantly looking for new ways to keep conversations fresh and exciting.