In one survey, 24% of college graduates expressed a fear of public speaking, while 52% of respondents with a high school diploma or less also felt the fear. * Gallup News Service, Geoffrey Brewer, March 19, 2001. Other aspects that suffer due to anxiety, including fear of public speaking, are relationships (56%), appetite (32%), and the overall quality of life (29%). You do not have to use our links, but you help support CreditDonkey if you do. Our worries are renewed with each new violent attack and many of us feel more anxious, as indicated by. Nomophobia fear that you dont have your cell phone with you, Arachibutyrophobia fear that peanut butter may stick to the roof of your mouth, Psychologists recognize more than 400 phobias. The underlying fear is judgment or negative evaluation by others. People who suffer from it have an irrational fear of spiders. Or the fear of public speaking? According to SalesCrunch research published before the company website was shut down, when presenters do all the talking without engaging the audience, their engagement rate drops by 14%. As a consequence of the terrorist attacks in the US on September 11, 2001, many Americans have greater concerns related to terrorism. It can be overcome by many and easily. Glossophobia is also referred to as a social anxiety disorder. Based on the phobophobia statistics, this phobia is sometimes linked to other anxiety disorders. The impairment resulting from glossophobia ranges from mild to serious. Although adults with phobias may realize that these fears are irrational, even thinking about facing the feared object or situation brings on severe anxiety symptoms. When the audience starts engaging and seems amused, the fear of public speaking tends to ease. This phobia is often referred to as "fear of public speaking," which is a term that is very accurate of this problem. Public speaking is said to be the biggest type of social anxiety, and in 2000, it was concluded that 89.4% of people with some social anxiety disorder also suffer from glossophobia. 7. In a Harvard study of pregnant women, the use of acupuncture correlated to reduced levels of anxiety and depression. The fear involves acting in a way that will be embarrassing or humiliating (including showing symptoms of anxiety). Managing this issue can also help with ones glossophobia as theyre closely related. It's a common phenomenon that millions of people struggle with. A study into British lifestyles reveals that nearly 27% of Brits are terrified by change. If you have SAD, its holding you back, and it does not have to. And, it seems that confidence grows with age. After all, most phobias can be cured, and the best treatment by far is psychotherapy. Glossophobia statistics reveal that less than 10% of the US population seeks treatment. In this sense, the criteria that must be met to diagnose glossophobia are: However, they know theyll go through it, even though speaking in front of a crowded room is not something they enjoy doing. 2022 Magnetic Speaking, All Rights Reserved. You're in luck. Weve prepared some phobia statistics that might come in handy if you want to learn more about these anxiety disorders. Public speaking is still a magical land, let's call it like that, for a large number of people. You might have experienced this in a meeting or class where you are asked to unmute yourself and answer a question. 8. However, one of the rarest phobias worldwide is venustraphobia or caligynephobia, the fear of beautiful women. It happens in three out of four people. Suddenly, you are aware of all the eyes that are watching you and break out in a nervous sweat. People with glossophobia avoid public speaking for fear of judgment, embarrassment, or humiliation. If it gets too intense, you can feel lightheaded and nauseous. Agoraphobia involves different types of fears. It saddens me most when I look at the research and see that only 8% of people suffering from social anxiety or public speaking fear seek professional help. The other common phobias include people, flying, open spaces, thunder, and confined spaces. It's called glossophobia, which comes from the Greek glssa, meaning tongue, and phobos which means fear or dread. The therapist guides through regular exposure sessions where the person will need to face public speaking settings. You can do a set of 5 slow breaths to calm down quickly . For public speaking, feeling the fear and doing it anyway may not be the most proactive approach. Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is remarkably common. Just to show you how widespread public speaking fears are, here are 48 fear of public speaking statistics you should know about! Before you step in front of the audience to speak, calm yourself down and breathe deeply to relax your body. revealed that 2.4% of adolescents aged 1318 in the US had agoraphobia at some point in their lives. Death is something we all must face sooner or later. Thats why its vital to understand these four and learn how to adapt to the situation in different scenarios. The specific phobias break into 5 categories. The word glossophobia comes from the Greek glssa, meaning tongue, and phobos, fear or dread. Here's how it affects Americans. This fear encompasses the fear of embarrassment, fear of saying something foolish, fear of being critiqued or ridiculed, and fear of sounding unintelligent, among others while speaking in public. But only 36.9% of them seek treatment. Instead of just butterflies in their stomach, those with glossophobia can feel extreme distress in situations that involve speaking in public, interacting with new people, or talking in a group. Try our business solution for free! Therefore, many believe that phobias are only a minor problem. However, public speaking anxiety still remains prevalent, if not only gotten worse. Some people who have it may be afraid to climb a ladder, while others are terrified of being on the highest floor of a building. Required fields are marked *. Weve now looked at some interesting fear of public speaking statistics. By comparison, only 25% of those aged 16-24 felt confident. 21 Public Speaking Facts and Statistics Worth Knowing. how many people have fear of public speaking, what is the fear of public speaking called, Presentation Software: PowerPoint Alternatives, 2022 Complete Guide to Presentation Templates , 4 Steps To Deliver The Best Graduation Speech , 26 Inspiring Famous Speeches: What Makes Them Great? Below are key statistics on the fear of public speaking to illustrate just how many people it affects. Glossophobics will therefore go to great lengths to avoid speaking in public. Some believe that both nature and nurture can contribute to developing a phobia. Learn more. The 2019 thanatophobia statistics for the US claim that 31% of the population was somewhat afraid of death. It's still used today to ease pain and treat certain illnesses. Did you know 77% of the population has some level of fear of public speaking? Here are some strange and unusual phobias across the world: There arent a lot of statistics on this. When the fear emerges, the person often feels emotionally distraught. Metathesiophobes often feel that they cant cope with constant changes in their lives. Some facts are: Glossophobia and social phobia come hand in hand as they have same features. Other countries also struggle with it-in a survey done in the UK by YouGov, more than 2,000 respondents were asked to rate the 13 most common phobias. Statistics indicate that up to 75% of individuals. 2023 The most common specific phobias are related to animals and heights. De-stress before the speech. Glossophobia is so common because speaking in front of an audience makes us susceptible to rejection, a fear that is carried onto us from our ancestors. Glossophobia is a type of anxiety disorder, and is categorized as a social phobia, similar to stage fright. There are a number of different ways to overcome the fear of public speaking. In general, many believe that social phobias are incredibly common. How common is social anxiety disorder?An estimated 12.1% of U.S. adults experience social anxiety disorder at some time in their lives. Moreover, only 1.3% of the adults have experienced agoraphobia in their lives. The fear of spiders dates back thousands of years. And unfortunately, the more we worry about speaking in front of others, the more difficult it can become. According to Albert Mehrabian, a good presentation is 55% non-verbal communication, 38% voice, and 7% content. , this phobia is sometimes linked to other anxiety disorders. Get excited (or at least pretend to)When you're dreading giving a speech, pumping yourself up mentally can improve your performance. Butterflies may develop in their stomach or their palms may become sweaty. There are a lot of misunderstandings about phobias. An Australian study examined 46 musicians breathing deeply 30 minutes before they went on stage. Are you one of the many people who get butterflies in their stomach at the thought of giving a speech in front of an audience? As you can tell, there are differences in numbers between males, females and even countries. This condition has the potential to significantly affect your personal and professional relationships. Key Fear Of Public Speaking Statistics. Heights, Altitudes, and Elevations - 11% 6. ACT helps people develop "psychological flexibility." This is the ability to thrive despite the unpleasant experiences we inevitably encounter as we move through life. For instance, 69% of people over 45 or more felt pretty or very confident. Thats a lot of money to invest in professional help. For one thing, women are . Men are more at ease when speaking in front of an audience. Fear of public speaking gets less common with an increase in confidence and age. Despite the negative impact of glossophobia on peoples lives, a small percentage of them, or only 8%, look for professional help. [ 2] Muitas pessoas apenas possuem esta fobia, enquanto outras podem tambm possuir sociofobia . With Glossophobia or fear of public speaking as a major part of SAD, we can infer more stats about the implication for the sufferers. What is Gluteal fold? Yet, affected people rarely seek professional help. It represents fear of public speaking and is one of the most common phobias. Since public speaking fear is one form of social anxiety disorder we have to look into social anxiety disorder stats first. How to say glossophobia. Public speaking fear has a 10% impairment on wages. It also accounts for 19% and the largest majority of those suffering from some form of phobia out there. Talk it overTalking about your fear of public speaking in a therapeutic session requires an investment of time and money. Shes always up for new challenges and often tends to break out of established patterns since she believes creativity takes courage. One of the interesting facts about fear reveals that children may develop a phobia by seeing others have anxious responses to situations or objects. (Better Definition.) The good news is that as a soft skill, public speaking is taught and glossophobia can be treated by making appropriate changes in lifestyle. On the other hand, based on the phobias facts, anxiety results from avoiding core emotions. , some extreme fears are legitimate psychiatric conditions. show that these phobias are very common. Darkness and Twilight 12% 5. Being afraid or anxious is perfectly understandable and sometimes even helpful. Of course, many people are able to manage and control the fear. Location, Pain, Abscess | Gluteal fold vs Gluteal cleft, Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus Functions, Location, Lesion, Damage, Saturday Night Palsy Meaning, Definition, Symptoms, Recovery, Treatment, What is Jefferson fracture? Public performance on stage. For instance, many dentists give patients 3D glasses and headphones for entertainment. The dentists are constantly trying to find new ways to calm the people who are having issues with dental fear. About CreditDonkey CreditDonkey is a credit card comparison website. Phobias are very common and there are many people dealing with this disorder across the world. hough extreme fear may be influenced by genes, there is no evidence that phobias are inherited. Glossophobia or speech anxiety is the fear of public speaking.