I have heard good talks and bad talks, and really dislike the sacralizing of the universal and perfectly average activity of mothering. Alece, I dont need to socialize at church. This talk teaches us how rearing up children in righteousness can help keep them safe in an increasingly wicked world and how what happens in the home can benefit communities and nations. One year they handed out Sheri Dews talk Are We Not All Mothers? and I thought that was cool. At my ward the angel mothers were to aspire to. I know of no better answer to [the] foul practices that confront our young people than the teachings of a mother, given in love with an unmistakable warning.. But guess what?! Over the years, Ive heard some very good Mothers Day talks, but I have also heard some that were cringe-worthy. I dont remember terribly well, but at the Episcopal church I attended for a while, I dont think Mothers Day was nearly as emphasized as it is in the LDS church, because its not part of the liturgical calendar. Thanks for clarifying. Thanks for reminding me so I can stay home. Well, counselor x/counselor y is in charge of May, I dont know what hes doing for sure . Sadly, though, it probably caused a lot of pain to the listeners. Lewis moments ago which speaks directly to those thoughts: So this year we are setting up tables and chairs in the gym, hauling in meat and cheese and veggies and chocolate, and the Bishop will talk for five minutes and then we will let everybody socialize while I play the tuba for the entire primary. Questions & Answers: What am I supposed to think about during the sacrament? It is good to share personal stories, but be aware that your own family might be abit stranger than you think. I am not sure what other words I can use to convey my meaning when I rely so heavily on tone. Why in the church is there such a strong, almost secular aversion to motherhood? I do think it is easy to understand my point and I appreciate it when others understand my position. That was the job of the family, and for single sisters, the home teacher. Sometime in the mid-1990s, I went to the ward library after sacrament meeting to obtain materials for teaching a lesson. Our current ward celebrates Mothers Day with the obligatory talks. Have a variety of ages speak on ideas or what they've done to help their mothers and ways they've stayed close to their mothers. Local leaders are ministering to them at this time," Church spokesman Eric Hawkins said. "We express our love to those in this congregation and our prayers for the victims and their families. Alece, I also love CS Lewis, and agree that we should look to higher ground in our mortal journey. Every year someone has to pick up the flowers for my ward. The primaries (100 of them? It was the first Mothers Day since she died. Being Mother's Day, that meant the soft seats up front were filled with grandmothers and other maternal figures visiting for the weekend, which meant latecomers like the Lemons got metal seats in the back this week. In the garden He said, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death (Matthew 26:38). I was initially surprised he went that way, but I have to say although Ive occasionally heard people say they wish something were did, I heard many complaints every previous year that something was done about what that something was. We also have free LDS program covers and printable LDS program covers you can print off at home. I find women in general to be compassionate and sensitive to other people and a joy to be around. Keep in mind, this is from a male perspective, andmy opinions might be worth exactly what you paid for them. To all of you giving talks, good luck on navigating the mine fields! The first speaker was a single father, then the bishop spoke, then the stake president spoke. The speaker described how she saw her mothertake stock of the smoking wreckage of her life, humble herself, and begin the heroic and difficult work of transforming her life into something she didnt need to be ashamed of anymore. I did live in one ward where the mothers always got plants but the fathers always got cookies. I have suggested the donate-money-to-the-shelter thing for about four years now; it gets a blank stare, followed by a startled, oh! Ziff, thank you. He suffered for the sins, sorrows, and pains of all people, providing remission of sins for those who repent and live the gospel (see 2Nephi 9:2123). Gospel Q&A: How Can I Find and Foster Celestial Love? If my kids are with me on MD I go, but FD is just too painful. My son Dan was married June 13 about a week ago. After the explanation, both seemed excited and accepted the challenge willingly. I've done this in past years but always enjoy the new ideas from the participants here As I plan our Mother's Day Sacrament Meeting, what have been your favorite talk topics for Mother's Day? I wanted to know more, so here are his thoughts. Mother's Day: My talk by Kaimi Wenger May 5, 2009 23 Comments It's hard to strike the right balance, between affirming Moms who really need to be told that they made a good decision; and letting others (especially women) know that they're okay, too. We teach that you are basically good or even great (gods in embryo), that you are responsible for your actions and that you can actually make other people do what is right through prayer and works especially your children, that the sins you accumulate both those of commission and omission are entirely your fault, that Christ is not really in the middle of the picture until you really screw up and commit something unforgiveable like adultery and that you need to try harder to keep every one of those commandments or you are going to lose your reward of having a planet & of having eternal sex , and the celestial DFAC will snatch your children from you and destroy your perfect family sprouting from the buried nuts of polygamy where mother valently hoisted the impossible burdens. His topic? more guilt and more controversy.). Part of this ordinance is a promise to remember Him always and a witness of individual willingness to take upon oneself the name of Jesus Christ and to keep His commandments. Classic! Bear in mind thatmost of women in the congregation havelives that havent turned out the way they expected. I would say that since Christ is supposed to be the express image of his Father that we do know quite a bit about the Father. Those were the kinds of talks I gave, and thats what I would rather listen to. lesson about prayer. Intent matters, and I dont believe the idealism we are fed is meant to hurt, but rather to uplift. I meant an ideal not an idea! Thanks, kc! I must speak the loving word, One thing I would add is that somehow we need to stop telling LDS women that they need to do everything in 6 days and 90% income with smiles on their faces and do it better than their non-LDS peers. Gospel Q&A: Do We Really Have the Spirit With Us All the Time? I struggled with infertility for nearly a decade. Thank you for being the kind of people you are and doing the things you do. The only Mothers Day event for another church Im aware of is when a friend told me that in her church the main talk is always about Christ no matter what holiday it is, but when its just the women the speaker will focus on motherhood and Christs teaching about mothers. My wife and I were not in his ward to hear the talk, but he told us about it later. It has been another hellish week, reminding me of all my faults and short-comings as a mother, all that went wrong for me as a daughter, and it has all brought me a liitle closer to God, who is repeatedly teaching me that one-size-does-not-fit-all, or most or even many. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is using augmented reality technology to bring , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["f992c357-0be0-4334-a4f7-87772a39cf1e"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["ef22f1d7-4b5e-494f-8e7f-703e2b67dff1"]); }), New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson Sent Forth to Preach and Bless, New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson Faith in a Miraculous Savior, New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson The Sermon on the Mount, New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson Learning from the Beatitudes, New Augmented Reality Tool Brings New Testament to Life, New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson Ye Must Be Born Again, New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson Jesus Was Tempted in the Wilderness, President Johnson and President Cordon Begin Ministry in Africa, Elder D. Todd Christofferson Meets with the President of Ghana, Church of Jesus Christ Issues Statement on SEC Settlement, Latter-day Saints to Celebrate Easter With Single Christ-Centered Worship Meeting and Music, President Oaks Explains the Churchs Position on the Respect for Marriage Act, Elder D. Todd Christofferson Dedicates the San Juan Puerto Rico Temple, Elder Neil L. Andersen Offers Six Ways to Strengthen Faith in Jesus. Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. . It appears that this phenomenon is growing and becoming even more common everywhere in the US church. I am infertile, though I now have three children through adoption. Is it callender time, number of posts, how irritated the host is with the comments! I have not attending other churches that have mothers day services aimed at mothers. And this is all in addition to the everyday problems like getting the bills paid and the laundry done. Then I served in a Branch with 90% women who had absent husbands and who also grew up with absent fathers. I wish that EVERY ward had a FD talk on what unrighteousness dominion is, and why it should be the job of every priesthood holder and father to raise sons who understand it and daughters who wont stand for it. How could I forget? My wife spoke on Mothers Day (which I originally thought was a bad choice, because she herself appears to the outside world to be the perfect mother) about her own mother and some of the simple things her mother had done for her that made a big difference in her life and how grateful she was. I have to go home right after Sacrament meeting, because the Sisters all bring their flowers with them to the other meetings. Alma 56:47-48. That we be a great subject for Mother's Day. It was a great idea and something I will always remember and a great way to honor mothers on Mothers Day. I spoke about her one year. Seriously, it would be nice to have some idea. At a certain point, their best has to be enough. An ideal is fine to have in your own life, but imo it is dangerous to attempt to have one for a worldwide religious organization. I could send you a PDF of the sheet music, but it's probably too late now for your choir and Primary to prepare in time for Mother's Day. "The ordinance of the sacrament," taught then Elder Dallin H. Oaks in 2008, "makes the sacrament meeting the most sacred and important meeting in the Church." 21 Accordingly, in 2015, Church leaders called for a renewed emphasis on Sabbath worship centered on partaking of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. She discusses the divinity of motherhood and how every woman can become a mother in the world around her. I havent had a bad Mothers Day since I divorced my ex and the day stopped being about making my kids miserable so that he could appear to be a good husband. Last time I spoke on Mother's Day I was texting during my talk. I actually feel it is not so dissimilar on fathers day, particularly since the disparity between them can demean men. My own father would probably appreciate a plant, but fortunately he enjoys cookies too. That wouldn't let her do such and suchall things in the end that weren't good for her daughter to do, one way of looking at it. I have some ideas of speaker topics but I thought I would start a thread for suggestions of topics, scriptures, conference talks, etc that would help make a great Sacrament Meeting that . She used several stories from the NT about Christ & his mother Mary to illustrate principles that we can all use to improve our relationships with others. I would love to avoid Mothers Day meetings, just because they are usually tedious, but I love to go for the sake of seeing my kids sing. This is Elder Hollands second appearance on this list of LDS talks on motherhood. Which isnt necessarily a bad thing. She has your best interests at heart. Disciples should take this personal holiday to their own homes to celebrate it when and how they choose. More often than not, his assumption is correct. Regarding the giveaways: in my ward for the last several years, all of the women have been given chocolates on Mothers Day (very nice ones). The good talks that I have heard tend toaddressthe details ofan individual womans life, in all its messiness and particularity. Talking to other grownups while nice doesnt belong in 3rd hour. Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their . May the blessings of heaven rest upon you. It was so honest and hopeful all at once. The US holiday was only adopted in 1870 and was also used to protest the sacrifices mothers had made when their sons were killed at war or killed the sons of other mothers during the Civil War. Well at least I know what not to talk about. It might be that it was a holiday originally conceived by the US Socialist Party and propagated by the Soviets. And, as your mother, I will miss the delicious pie during a relaxing third hour of church. Aleah Ingram At one point they cut down a tree and paraded it into town to symbolize the mother of the Gods (Asherah, anyone?). Like many others, my wife and her mother have both always struggled with hearing sacrament meeting talks on Mothers Day. Women focused or mainly about Christ too. As a member of our bishopric, I assigned the topics for this weeks talks, all motherhood focused, and I have forwarded your paragraph with Elder Eyrings quote to each of them. The answer has been taught by the Lords prophets. Great survey. Although, I hate how as a single man, some married women run from me cause they think Im going to try to seduce them or something. Focus on womanhood and examples of strong women, not on a perfect homemaker mother. If you take one thing away from this not-so-scientific survey, it is, when in doubt, go with chocolate. Our new bishop, for the last three years, gave no gift or acknowledgement. Saw the survey and didnt reply, but one suggestion-Please have enough for EVERY female in the ward or branch. The woman described her family as she was growing up. We go to church to grow closer to the Savior, not to get treats or recognition. With a purpose firm and willing, You can still give the women the day off. Thank you. In my home ward, we once had a Mothers Day Sacrament Meeting the topic of which was the priesthood. What if you brought in padded RS chairs for the YW & PRI workers, including Nursery sisters, so that they can feel a little comfort on that Sunday? It is even worse when women are so enthused with Father's Day that they want to ignore it completely - as in absolutely not mention it. Probably low on the most desired list, but very creative and I will always remember that with a smile. My favorite Mothers Day talk was my own talk. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us.. MD really is a no-win. #109 Rayloved the roller coaster quote on motherhood. I have been called by God to be there and that is where I should be. I hope Sunday goes well for you. You dont come, you dont get one. iPhone. I recommend that you take President Eyrings approach and assume that the women to whom you are speaking are doing their best, but that often their very best means just barely hanging on. The reminder was given to visit those sisters unable to attend on Mother's Day. Ive decided to speak on how motherhood allows me to develop Christlike attributes (knowledge, patience, temperance, etcref 1 Peter 1:4-8) through daily struggles and reliance on the atonement and then finish with how wonderful it is that mother is only one of the facets of who we are as we strive to become strong women of God. I agree Ray. More than at any time in the history of the world, we need mothers who know. Mothers Day is celebrated, and increasingly commercialized, but my impression of the local situation is that ones obligation to honor ones mother is largely discharged at home. I just dont like when they push the plant on me after Ive politely declined it. Another angle in this specific holidayhas been brewing for a while. I like the post. I spoke one Mothers Day about Eve and Mary, and thought it was a good talk and well-received. Just wondering. Although with good intentions, speakers usually put mothers and motherhood on a pedestal ("Mothers are loving and caring and naturally nurturing", "A mother's love is the closest thing to Christlike love on earth", "No mother is perfect, except my mom, who is literally an . Thanks. They really did. #37 Now that you mention it, Uchtdorf is pretty Hallmarky. Required fields are marked *. Our ward always does flowers, right after Sacrament meeting, and this is a real problem for me because of my allergies. I have some ideas of speaker topics but I thought I would start a thread for suggestions of topics, scriptures, conference talks, etc that would help make a great Sacrament Meeting that honors Motherhood while also keeping a focus on Christ. Set them up outside the chapel, or in the kitchen or sometime. Regular G.A.S. Ohand did you say you had an extra ticket??? Said she, If you havent convinced your mother that you love her the other 364 days of the year, nothing you say on Mothers Day is worth a damn.. If So, Should We Pray Out Loud? They are there, you just have to do a little digging. Those who are solely focused on their own selfish desires? Maybe we should do it eucharistic-like so I dont have to feel guilty? I dont know why that would be, unless people are just assuming we ache for something more to nurture. Plus, I thought it was extra cool that the Bish consulted the RS pres. Our current Bishop decided not to do anything for mothers day. I can only pray no one will take offense, as I certainly never mean any offense. I did this for five years and the sisters seemed to enjoy sitting, chatting, and not having a child demanding a bit of their pie. I love your idea of wearing different color of flowers. In order to equally celebrate Fatherhood , the males (12 years+) all get Nachos on Fathers Day (served up by the RS Presidency.). He also addressed many different groups of women separately with distinct advice for their situation, including women with small children, older women, and women who never marry. She was not a perfect mother, but I loved her. Through the shedding of His blood, Jesus Christ saved all people from what the scriptures call the original guilt of Adams transgression (Moses 6:54). In the same way, when we make a dramatic production of Mothers Day, I fear that we are sometimestrying to compensate for the way we devalue the real and important work they do on the other 364 days of the year. And, even worse, we are also cutting them off from the grace and redemption that Jesus offers. I dont think sacrament meeting is such an inappropriate place to do that, either. I think its terribly sad that growing up Mormon, I never heard anyone make any serious attempt to talk about Heavenly Mother on Mothers Day. Love for mothers is good, but sometimes there is a fine, fine line between love and dysfunction. We can all sound harsh at times, but this seems to be a community of sorts and following through on the different dicussions helps put context to opinions expressed. Ancient Romans and Greeks would celebrate Cybele / Rhea, the mother of the Gods with festivals in the spring time. "I am a sociopathic perverted mess emotionally and mentally thanks to the influence of my insane codependent mother.'". When we value families so strongly we should celebrate the roles of motherhood and fatherhood. Come on. Thanks for thinking of me, my youngest bishop son! It demands that the single day of the year that Mother's are celebrated to a holiday that is solely for adult females and no one else. Sisters would come up to me and express that MD was hard for them also for various reasonsone was abused by her mother while another friend had lost a mother she loved as a teenager so cried all day long. I think Ill check myself in to a nice bed and breakfast. If it is unique to us, I wonder why we have a corner on the Mothers Day anxiety market. In return, the Lord renews the promised remission of sin and enables Church members to always have his Spirit to be with them (Doctrine and Covenants 20:77). I loved it! I dont go to be honored or get a gift. Along with activities and programs during the week, Latter-day Saints gather on Sundays for an approximately hour-long "sacrament" meeting, where men, women and younger members offer prayers and give sermons, sing hymns and partake of the sacrament (similar to receiving communion). 41 Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me; 42 And none of them that my Father hath given me shall be lost.. Some were difficult for metotell without choking up. 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With that in mind, there are great ideas in this discussion thread of ways to do exactly that. Ere the sun goes down: In honor of Earth Day, you could throw in the topic of Mother Nature also! For those in Europe, is Mothers Day celebrated to the same awful-gut-wrenching extent? Through this ordinance, Church members renew the covenants they made with God when they were baptized. I hope none of you mind if I quote from this. To be fair, diabetics can eat chocolate. This talk by Elaine S. Dalton helps fathers understand the importance of loving and cherishing the women in their life. Ere the sun goes down: As the son of a mother who was destroyed every Mothers Day, and seeing many similar experiences here, I plan to stick to the Christ-centric meeting next year. EOR, I would venture to say, even with being fairly new to BCC that few here mean to give offense. Don't subscribe Im sort of hoping that the person before me goes too long and I have to wrap up with my testimony. I explained that I was not calling any men to speak, due to their tendency to give perfect mother talks, and felt they could do a better job giving an honest uplifting talk that could be of benefit to the mothers in the congregation. He did not have any high-profile ward or stake calling at the time, not that it matters. and read for the dayLOL, isnt that a nice dream?? a large group) sang to the mothers. Can anyone say overdone? please please please please dont pull us teachers from Primary for pie or talking. That feels a little thin still, so Im glad this post exists. One of my favorite talks ever wasnt a Mothers Day talk but was given by a mother talking about mothering (we were on vacation, so didnt know the woman speaking). Something else for me to kill.. I meant to type rebellious children in #90. I am aware of a seminary/institute teacher who is apparently of the firm and unshakeable belief that a pile of pizza must be provided each week without fail. Im also a High Councilor, who always tries very much not to speak in rose-colored platitudes that, sadly, you associate with High Council speakers. Why? I am actually traveling with my mother and other members of the family this weekend and showed her this in church to get a laugh. A nod to moms but no pedestal worshiping. Evry idle whisper stilling This talk was named after a phrase from Victor Hugo who gave all her food to her children, not because she is not hungry, but because she is a mother. Elder Holland talks about the central role motherhood plays in the gospel of Jesus Christ and gives many principles of comfort and courage for mothers who may be struggling. So that no woman felt left out. Just plant a tree and name it after our mothers! I dont think it would occur to anyone to give a man a plant for Fathers Day *, but its very common to give women plants for Mothers Day. Could someone remind of what the day is for after all? Or better yet, teach their classes and let them attend RS for a day? We know very little about HM and HF really. I dont remember all 18 things, but two of them stuck with me, even 15 years later. It was a very honest list, but emphasized that the things she would change had nothing to do with looking good, acting a certain way, or different callings. Gospel Q&A: My Children Have Left the Church & I Worry for Their Souls. They can eat whatever they want, in fact. I guess plants are pretty and mothers are pretty. I may have to borrow that. I personally am skeptical of ever looking to people for ideals. Then she spoke with conviction about the grace of Godthe grace that helped her forgive herself for the serious problems she caused her children that could have been prevented if shed prepared herself, and the grace that helped her achieve later in life the spiritual depth she had lacked when her children were young. Beware the philosophies of Hallmark, mingled with scripture. The responsibility mothers have today has never required more vigilance. But I love my mother, and I miss her, so Im hopeful that the experience will be a good one. My Mother will one day reach the godstage with my Father and will have there own planet. Modal title . I found out the hard way after a long list of them declined to give the talk. Steve P. wont be the only one this Mothers Day asked to speak on that controversial talk, its still in heavy circulation in wards. Now, I detest it. What Can I Do? She was not worthy of any review from me. That in no way shape or form precludes me from looking to Christ/HF/HM for ideals. Aleah Ingram May 3, 2021 Entertainment. Nice meeting. Sorry I missed that. I have nine children, eight grown, am temple divorced and remarried to a nomo.
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