Masonic Cipher Book Grand Lodge F.A.A.M District of Columbia The spade, which dug the grave of our Grand Master, may soon dig ours; the setting-maul, which terminated his earthly existence, may be among the casualties which will, sooner or later, terminate ours; the coffin, which received his remains, may soon receive ours; the grave, that abode for the dead, may soon be our grave; the acacia (that evergreen which once marked the temporary resting-place of the illustrious dead), that bloomed and flourished at the head of our Grand Master's grave, and was the cause of its timely discovery, is an emblem of our faith in the immortality of the soul, which never! Some substitute for the latter, but with less propriety, the crown of thorns. SW: I am. The brother who has acted the part of sea-captain now takes his station at the door again, when these Fellow Crafts approach him in the west. Avery Allyn, in Ritual of Freemasonry, explains that this degree originated, according to Masonic tradition, at the building of KST. W. M.--From whence came you, and whither are you travelling? He will meet men who would otherwise have remained strangers. One system says fifteen Fellow Crafts went in search; another, twelve; and asserts that the three (murderers) left the sprig of acacia: others affirm that it was the recanters who placed it there as a mark. After being taught how to wear your apron as a Master Mason, how were you then disposed of? Lessons in Masonry are taught in three separate stages in our Masonic Lodges. They buried it in the rubbish of the Temple until low twelve, or twelve at night, when they met by agreement and carried it a westerly course from the Temple, to the brow of a hill west of Mount Moriah, where they buried it in a grave dug due east and west, six feet perpendicular, at the head of which they planted an acacia, in order to conceal it, and that the place might be known, should occasion ever require; and then made their escape. Let him enter, and be received in due form. First, the Entered Apprentice Degree, second, the Fellow Craft Degree and finally, the Master Mason Degree. that my body had been severed in two, my bowels taken from thence, and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I. Ah! "A few years afterward, on his return to his brethren in Vermont, he stated to them, as I have been credibly informed and believe, that he found in the Western and Southwestern States different systems of lecturing prevailing, and that, upon presenting Gleason's Lectures to them, they were objected to by the different Grand Masters, who would not sanction his lecturing in their respective jurisdictions, unless he would adopt the lectures then in use among them; that, desiring to pursue his occupation there, he learned the different systems of lecturing existing among them, and made use of his newly acquired knowledge under the sanction of the respective Grand Masters." . J. D.--By a brother of this Degree within the outer door. Morgan [1827] (Murdered by . I was then asked by what other right or benefit I expected to gain admission. Capt.--They were three brothers, workmen from the Temple, seeking a passage to Ethiopia, but, not having King Solomon's pass, were not able to obtain one, and returned back into the country. (Mirror Site), Illustrations of Masonry, by Capt. 7, p. Brother Gabe, permit me to call your attention to the last emblem on the carpet--the spade, setting-maul, coffin, grave, and sprig of acacia. A candidate for the sublime Degree of a Master Mason is generally (as in the preceding Degrees) prepared by the Junior Deacon and the two Stewards, or some other brethren acting as such. The Junior Warden then takes hold of the candidate's right hand, giving him the Entered Apprentice's grip (see Fig. Jubela! no pass. this work, would not be out of place, as it will account to the reader for the difference existing between Masonic "works" in the several States, and in Europe: "In the year 1817, Brother John Barney, formerly of Charlotte, Vermont, went to Boston, and obtained possession of the Preston Lectures, taught there by Gleason, and approved by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Conductor--From the real grip of a Fellow Craft to the pass grip of a Master Mason. p. 166. CANDIDATE TAKING THE OATH OF A MASTER MASON. All in attendance, including exemplars, will be clad in business dress with appropriate regalia. (Gives one rap (), when the Junior Deacon, at the inner door of the Lodge, rises to his feet.) (See Fig. oftheStateofMaine!!!! Official!Cipher! In a just and lawfully constituted Lodge of Master Mason. Wait until the Temple is completed, and then, if you are found worthy and well qualified, you will unquestionably receive the secrets of a Master Mason; but, until then, you cannot. A sufficient number of the brethren now take up the body (yet rolled up in the canvas), and, raising it on their shoulders, proceed to carry it around the Lodge, head foremost, three times, in representation of ascending a hill, the last time halting in the west end of the Lodge, nearly in front of the Senior Warden's station, and a little to the right. A. I was ordered to be returned to the place from whence I came, and reinvested of what I had been divested of, and wait the Worshipful Master's will and pleasure. SPONSORED. A. [paragraph continues] Master's carpet is a large map that Lodges generally keep, which is highly embellished with Masonic emblems). In a regularly constituted Lodge of Masons. There is a great degree of uniformity in Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin--also in Indiana and Iowa. Kneeling at the alter on my naked knees, my naked hands resting on the Holy Bible, Square, and Compasses; in which due form I took the obligation of a Master Mason. The next ceremony was to p. 114 tear the breast open and pluck out the heart, and if there were the least imperfection, the body would be considered unclean. On both points of the compasses, extending from my naked left to my right breast, which was to teach me that, as the most vital parts of man are contained within the breast, so the most excellent tenets of our institution are contained between the points of the compasses, which are, friendship, morality, and brotherly love. Jubelo!! About this time, the twelve Fellow Crafts, who had recanted from their murderous designs, appeared before King Solomon, clothed in white gloves and aprons, in token of their innocence, acknowledging their premeditated guilt, and, kneeling, implored his pardon. 67.). that my throat had been cut across," &c., &c. The second was the voice of Jubelo, exclaiming: "Oh! --Further light in Masonry. The "work" known among Masons as the "Webb Work,". J. W.--Pass. The Senior Deacon steps to the Master, and whispers in his ear, "Tubal Cain.". K. S.--Was the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, on or about it? After taking the obligation, what were you then asked? Subsequently to 1818, Brother Barney went to the Western and Southwestern States, and, being in delicate health, adopted the profession of Masonic lecturing as a means of subsistence. It is now past mid-night, and if we do not act with decision, daylight will be upon us, and we will be discovered and taken. S. W.--I did not, but found a substitute. They all pass out of the Lodge with a rush, into the ante-room, where they form into a circle. Complete Master Mason Study Guide. In the second section, the historical traditions of the Order are introduced, and an important instance of Masonic virtue is exemplified. Sec. The Senior Warden then takes the candidate's right hand, giving the real grip of a Fellow Craft (see Fig. finishing with a few other names; when he leaves the brethren in the ante-room, closes the door, and reports as follows to King Solomon: G. W. M.--Why leave you the west, and travel toward the east! ", "Oh! It is the culmination of all he has learned through the first degrees, including how to prepare for spiritual enlightenment through the craft's teachings. While they are going out, the Master gives three sounds with his gavel (), and says, in a loud tone of voice: W. M.--Brother Junior Warden, what is the hour? 'The five points of fellowship are--foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, and cheek to cheek, or mouth to ear. Here, too, one may easily discover the visual, in terms of a sequence; memorizing accordingly. The Master gives one rap with his gavel, when all take their seats except the candidate, who remains standing before the Master, by whom he is addressed as follows: W. M.--Brother Gabe, in closing this Degree, I now give you the following. (Sits down.). Thus was man formed for social and active life, the noblest part of the work of God; and he that will so demean himself as not to be endeavoring to add to the common stock of knowledge and understanding, may be deemed a drone In the hive of nature, a useless member of society, and unworthy of our protection as Masons. About this time a party arrived with the ruffians, and related that while sitting down to rest and refresh themselves, they heard the following horrid exclamations from the clefts of an adjacent rock. Join. A. "Five constitute a Lodge of Fellow Crafts two Master Masons and three Fellow Crafts. As the candidate is hurried along toward Jubelum (Worshipful Master), the latter seizes him with both hands by the collar of his coat, and swings him round, so as to place his back toward the east, with his heels a few inches from the edge of the canvas before alluded to. --Nothing, Worshipful. And at the same time he steps to the Master's desk, and re-ports as follows: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, I, being one of those who pursued a westerly course, coming down near the port of Joppa, met a seafaring man, of whom I inquired if he had seen any strangers pass that way; he informed me that he had--three--who from their appearance were workmen from the Temple, seeking a passage to Ethiopia, but not having King Solomon's pass, were not able to obtain one, and returned back into the country. It is the general belief (and it would be readily inferred from most exposures of Masonry) that a candidate is knocked down with a large setting-maul kept for that purpose, but no reasonably sane person would for one moment entertain any such idea of the ceremony of making a Master Mason. This Degree has a reference to the Christian dispensation, when the day of salvation is more fully revealed; atonement is made for sin; and the resurrection from the dead plainly communicated and confirmed by the resurrection of Christ from the grave. Master takes off his hat, and repeats the following prayer: "May the blessing of Heaven rest upon us, and all regular Masons; may brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement us. The third degree or Master Mason's Degree of the freemason order is the culmination of the Blue Lodge system. The Worshipful Master, who ordered me to the Senior Warden in the west, who taught me how to wear my apron as a Master Mason. He has not been seen since high twelve yesterday. W. M. (looking conductor in the eye.) The Barney "work" is that adopted by the Baltimore Convention. A. Why are they not at work as usual? It is my orders that strict search be made for him through the apartments of the Temple, and due inquiry made. The Master approaching me from the East, under the due guard and sign of a Master Mason, who in token of the further continuance of his brotherly love and friendship, presented me his right hand, and with it the pass and token of the pass of a Master Mason; and bade me to arise and salute the Wardens as such. A. Fourteen hundred and fifty-three columns, and two thousand nine hundred and six pilasters; all hewn from the finest Parian marble. right hand in token of friendship and brotherly love, and invested me with the grip and word, ordered. Yet, O Lord! W. M.--If you are satisfied it is high twelve, you will erect your column, and call the craft from labor to refreshment, for the space of thirty minutes (or fifteen minutes, as the case may be), calling them in at the sound of the gavel. It should be remarked here, that there is a similar column on the Senior Warden's desk, which is always placed in a horizontal position (i.e., turned down on its side) when the Junior Warden's column is up, and vice vers. The third was the voice of Jubelum, exclaiming, louder than the rest: 'It was I that gave the fatal blow, it was I that killed him. A. I was conducted to the Worshipful Master in the east, who presented me with the working-tools of a Master Mason, which are all the implements of Masonry indiscriminately, but more especially the trowel. W. M.--Reading of the present communication. We will carry the body a westerly course from the Temple to the brow of the hill west of Mount Moriah, where I have dug a grave due east and west, six feet perpendicular. Brother Junior Deacon, the last as well as the first care of Masons, when convened? "Further, that I will always aid and assist all poor, distressed, worthy Master Masons, their widows and orphans, knowing them to be such, as far as their necessities may require, and my ability permit, without material injury to myself and family. W. M.--Have you any thing on your desk, Brother Secretary? of Royal and Select Masters, Royal Master Degree, Order of Royal and Select Masters, Most Excellent Master W. M.--Brother Gabe, you will please approach the east. W. M. (lifting the candidate up.) All the implements of Masonry indiscriminately, but more especially the trowel. But nothing could be seen or heard of him. Conductor (for candidate.) On being brought to more light, what did you first discover more than you had heretofore done? (Clinches candidate more fiercely.) --Nothing, Worshipful (some say), in the west. Three ruffian nations from the south, the west, and the east--the Syrians, the Chaldeans, and the Romans--gave in succession this temporary dispensation its death-blow; those who sought religion through the wisdom of the ancients were not able to raise her; she eluded their grasp, and the polluted hands were also stretched forth in vain for her restoration. Then one of the best posted relates the responded following, in a clear and distinct voice: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, we come to inform you that fifteen of us Fellow Crafts, seeing the Temple about to be completed, and being desirous of obtaining the secrets of a Master Mason, by which we might travel in foreign countries, and receive Master's wages, entered into a horrid conspiracy to extort them from our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, or take his life; but, reflecting with horror on the atrocity of the crime, twelve of us recanted; but the other three persisted in their murderous design, and we fear that they have taken the Grand Master's life. reflect with horror on the atrocity of your crime, and on the amiable character of your Worshipful Grand Master, whom you have so basely assassinated. A. I hold in my hand an instrument of death; therefore, give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! Freemasonry, the teachings and practices of the fraternal (men-only) order of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest worldwide secret societyan oath-bound society, often devoted to fellowship, moral discipline, and mutual assistance, that conceals at least some of its rituals, customs, or activities from the public (secret societies do not necessarily conceal their membership or existence). "Solemn strikes the funeral chime, Notes of our departing time; As we journey here below, Through a pilgrimage of woe!" In order that I might receive a Masters' wages, and be the better enabled to support myself and family, and contribute to the relief of poor, distressed Master Mason, their widows and orphans. King Solomon, fearing some accident had befallen him, ordered the several rolls of the workmen to be called; and, after roll-call, it was found that three Craftsmen were missing, namely, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum, who, from the similarity of their names, were supposed to be brothers, and men from Tyre. Seven years; during which it rained not in the daytime, that the workmen might not be obstructed in their labor. I (state your name) in the presence of the most high and this worthy worshipful and warranted lodge of Master Mason's, regularly held, assembled and properly dedicated, Of my own free will and accord do hereby and Hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will always hele ever conceal and never reveal any . One of his companions exclaims: "I am tired, too!" 1. 40.) In addition, the triangle is an ancient symbol, and its many forms have various meanings. There was nothing found on or about the body excepting the jewel of his office, by which his body was discovered. The York Masons name the seaside; the Americans say, Mount Moriah; the French, Monet Lebanon. W. M.--Since that is the object of your search, you will reconduct this candidate to the Senior Warden in the west, with my orders that he be taught to approach the east, the place of further light in Masonry, by three upright, regular steps, his body erect at the altar before the Worshipful Master in the east. WM: *. p. 178. These Masonic rituals represent three degrees which are taken in sequence. "I furthermore promise and swear, that I will stand to and abide by all laws, rules, and regulations of the Master Masons' Degree, and of the Lodge of which I may hereafter become a member, as far as the same shall come to my knowledge; and that I will ever maintain and support the constitution, laws, and edicts of the Grand Lodge under which the same shall be holden. The pillar of Wisdom represented Solomon, king of Israel, whose wisdom contrived the mighty fabric; the pillar of strength, Hiram, king of Tyre, who strengthened Solomon in his grand undertaking; the pillar of Beauty, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, whose cunning craft and curious workmanship beautified and adorned the Temple. 126:1 Among such a vast concourse of people as were assembled together at the construction of this edifice, it is natural to expect every variety of propensities, both good and evil. We have several, and they are divided into two classes. A. Kneeling on both my naked knees, both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses; in which due form I took the solemn oath of a Master Mason, which is as follows: (Here give the obligation; but it is never required--being only a matter of form.). This Degree is very lengthy, and to give the lecture at an initiation would take up too much of the night; but if there is time, the Master and Senior Warden usually go through with the first section before closing the Lodge, so that the candidate and brethren may become conversant with it. Third Ruffian--Let us secrete ourselves until night and steal a small boat and put to sea. From the above causes. A. Let him enter in the name of God, and be received in due and ancient form. J. W.--Brother Senior Deacon, is he worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared? 18.) The ground has been newly broken; this has the appearance of a grave," pointing to the candidate on the floor. you with my right hand, and with it the pass and token of the pass of a Master Mason. K. S.--You twelve Fellow Crafts will now go and assist in raising the body. Oh! The avenues to the Lodge are carefully inspected by the meridian officer, whose knowledge and fidelity have entitled him to the confidence of the brethren, and, after he had publicly proclaimed the security of the Lodge, the business of closing proceeds. During this degree, the importance of education and work, and the awesome power of God, are taught to the Mason. I suppose you are brothers, workmen from the Temple, and journeying, are you not? After saluting the Wardens, what did you then discover? The Jewish law had degenerated into a mass of rottenness and corruption:--piety, which planned the Temple at Jerusalem, was expunged; the reverence and adoration due to the Divinity was buried in the filth and rubbish of the world; and religion and morality were scattered to the four winds of heaven. (1 Kings vii. It was from the last that he was led to that most violent and excruciating death. (Shakes candidate. Answer--Most Worshipful King Solomon, we are but Fellow Crafts; we therefore know nothing about the Master's word or the Master's Degree. What I purpose, that I perform. (They all kneel.). How should a Master Mason wear his apron? So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.". 18.) Jubela!! O Lord my God!! The Pot of Incense, the Beehive. MM Obligation #1. As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not up till the heavens shall be no more. 130.). I'm the International Master Council of DeMolay and an EA out of Myrtle lodge in Oklahoma City. How did the Worshipful Master dispose of you? have compassion on the children of thy creation, administer them comfort in time of trouble, and save them with an everlasting salvation. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The Square Teaches morality, the Level Equality, and the Plumbrectitude of life. Masonic ritual has appeared in a number of contexts within literature including in "The Man Who Would Be King", by Rudyard Kipling, and War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy. The traditional account of the death, several burials, and resurrections of one of the craft, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, as developed in conferring this Degree, is very interesting. 5 The Jewels of a Lodge "The Jewels of a Lodge are six: The Square, Level, Plumb, Rough Ashlar, Perfect Ashlar, and Trestle Board. but which, he adds, "I can find only twice particularly described. Thus we find that "Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he made King Solomon for the house of the Lord." Q. After the obligation, what were you asked? W. M.--Brother Gabe, on receiving further light, you perceive more than you have heretofore. Treasurer--(See opening ceremony, p. Q. The Senior Deacon then conducts the candidate to the Senior Warden in the west, and reports: S. D.--Brother Senior Warden, it is the orders of the Worshipful Master that you teach this candidate to approach the east, the place of further light in Masonry, by three upright, regular steps, his body erect at the altar before the Worshipful Master in the east. Q. Master Mason Handbook. To preserve the reputation of the fraternity unsullied must be your constant care; and, for this purpose, it is your province to recommend to your inferiors obedience and submission; to your equals, courtesy and affability; to your superiors, kindness and condescension. A. "4th. The motives of emigrants were various - to work (or alternatively not to work), to escape an old society or build a new one, to acquire riches, or, as early colonists in New England expressed it, to secure a 'competencie'5 - but they all faced the same challenge of moving from the known to the unknown, and of coming to terms with an . 5, 6, pp. The Master, who ordered me to the Senior Warden in the West, who taught me how to wear my apron as a Master Mason. To place the fact of Hiram's being alive at the finishing the Temple beyond all doubt, it is said (2 Chron. The Setting-Maul, Spade, Coffin, Grave, and Sprig of Acacia; and are thus explained. We're allowed to do the second section of the 1st on multiple candidates at a time, so I didn't get the repetition necessary for it to really become ingrained in my head. These facts will account for the want of agreement between the East and the West and Southwest, as to what are the true Barney Lectures. 1, It is generally known among Masons, that in the Northwestern States the lectures and "work" are those as taught by Barney. All eyes are upon the Master. Dedicated to the Memory of Dudley H. Sheppard 1952-2006 Compiled, Edited and Approved by: Dr. Steven V. Cates Leaksville Lodge 136, Eden, NC Chair, Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education You have this evening represented one of the greatest men, and perhaps the greatest Mason, the world ever knew, viz., our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who was slain just before the completion of King Solomon's Temple. I now receive you on both points of the compasses, extending from your naked left to your naked right breast (he here places both points against candidate's breasts), which is to teach you, that as the vital parts of man are contained within the breasts, so the most excellent tenets of our institution are contained between the points of the compasses--which are Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love. [paragraph continues] Lodges, until future generations should find out the right one. SW: All present are Master Masons. Memory Work. 30 WM: As further evidence that all present are Master Masons, receive the pass-word from the Senior SW: (S) Worshipful Master. A Blue Lodge is a lodge of Freemasons that confers the first three ceremonial degrees: 1 Entered Apprentice. (See pp. ", "Oh! The Secretary commences to call off a lot of Bible names, to which each brother responds "Here!" left to right: S. D., or Conductor. Upon arriving there they commence to lower it into the grave, as they style it, but in reality only from their shoulders to the floor. What say you, guilty or not guilty? Hiram Abiff (also Hiram Abif or the Widow's son) is the central character of an allegory presented to all candidates during the third degree in Freemasonry . Q. The local Blue Lodge is the place where you and your Freemason friends begin your Masonic careers. S. D.--By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission? Get the best deals on Masonic & Freemason Books & Publications when you shop the largest online . Senior Deacon steps forward, and whispers in the Warden's ear, "Tubal Cain.". They repaired to the grave, when King Solomon ordered one of the Fellow Crafts to take the body by the Entered Apprentice grip, and see if it could be raised; but, on account of its high state of decomposition, it could not be raised--the flesh cleaved from the bone. At this command the Secretary passes out of the Lodge, accompanied by ten or fifteen of the brethren, into the ante-room, leaving the door open, so that the candidate can hear the rolls called. They present the jewel to the Master, who, on examination of it, says: "This is the jewel of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff; there can be no longer any doubt as to the identity of the body.". Q. 12 days ago. 142:1 LECTURE.--In the Masters' Degree, the first section illustrates the ancient and proper mode of raising a candidate to this sublime Degree. You say they turned back into the country? We were ordered to observe whether the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, was on or about the body; but, brothers, we are only Fellow Crafts, and know nothing about the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's, [paragraph continues] Degree; we must, however, make an examination, or we will be put to death.". They travelled as before, and, after many days of hardships and toil, on their return one of the brethren, more weary than the rest, sat down on the brow of a hill to rest and refresh himself, and on attempting to rise, accidentally caught hold of an acacia, which easily giving way, aroused his curiosity; upon which he hailed his companions, and on examination found it to be a grave. . The conductor then leads the candidate to the centre of the Lodge, at the altar, and makes duegard and sign of a Master Mason (see Figs. How should a Master Mason wear his apron? that my body had been cut in two," &c., &c. The third was the voice of Jubelum, exclaiming: Upon which they rushed in, seized, bound, and brought them before King Solomon; who, after a due conviction of their guilt, ordered them to be taken without the gates of the courts of the Temple, and executed according to the several imprecations upon their own heads. (See engraving.). W. M.--You will attend to that part of your duty, and inform the Tyler that we are about to close this Lodge, and direct him to tyle accordingly. Even in its exoteric aspect its simple, yet dramatic, power must leave a lasting impression on the mind of every Cand.. In the character of a Master Mason, you are authorized to correct the errors and irregularities of your uninformed brethren, and to guard them against a breach of fidelity. The first was the voice of Jubela, exclaiming: "Oh! (Pronounced by the conductor--Tubal Cain.) Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, was found to be missing on the following day; his absence was discovered by there being no designs drawn on the trestle-board. ), Conductor--Cain. J. W.--By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission? K. S.--You twelve Fellow Crafts will go in search of the body, and, if found, observe whether the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing that appertains to the Master's Degree, is on or about it. The first was the voice of Jubela exclaiming:2 'Oh! &c., &c.; the third was the voice of Jubelum, exclaiming, "Oh! By the order of the Master and the assistance of the Brethren. of such, and not unto him or them until by due. [1994] (Wikileaks), Masonic A. What are the working tools of a Master Mason? It describes ceremonies, including the those used for the three major initiations and the burial rite.
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