I didnt have guidance for LID from my oncologist or any other doctor. Thank you for this post. My understanding is that it is only the items with the Trader Joe's label. It tastes pretty good too! Zero% sodium; 160 cal./serving; gluten free. : ) But, its better than any other vegan cheese I have ever tasted and it does not contain soy ingredients. Far better than last year's LID diet. Please be aware that there are no laws and no FDA guidelines that would prevent them substituting iodized salt. Zero sodium/zero sugar. Thyroid cancer support group and discussion community. Hope that helps! I hope all goes well and that thyca hasnt returned. Trader joes Dry roasted and unsalted pistachios. What are the items that are favorites of others? I have Trader Joe's Organic Jellys and they are all great tasting. When I asked my oncologist about LID, she told me to ask the Nuclear Medicine Department. what else can I put on my coffee.I still need to make my Mayo My WBS is scheduled for next wed how soon after do you think I will get my Rai ,I know I have to wait for the radiologist to call me with the results then schedule .I just want to be done ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. She was able to get me fresh veggies. I think chocolate is on a lot of do-no-eat lists because it oftentimes contains milk products (think milk chocolate). I contacted the company to see what type of salt they used in their products and got this response: I have received your inquiry regarding our Texas Pete Hot Sauce and the salt in our products. Thanks, Kareylynn. I am pleased to inform you that we do not use iodized salt in our products. There are two types of Elmhurst Milked Cashews.an unsweetened variety and a Barrista approved variety. recipesforsustenance One of them is StrawberryI also use Apricot and Blueberry even before the LID. It is best if rice is limited on LID. Its great on oatmeal. yes, iodine is naturally occurring in sea salt. Note- Nutrition facts label shows 0% sodium while the front of pkg says Both also had a good selection of fruit popsicles and sorbet that would be LID friendly to sooth any sweet tooth. Other lists (NIH) say foods with milk ingredients are allowed in very small amounts. = Rough. Bottom line is Trader Joes Brand (products that they manufacture themselves) products use non-iodized salt. They dont have much listed for the Philippines, but may be a start: http://lidlifecommunity.org/countries/phillipines Good luck! Hi! Today was my first day and I was feeling SO overwhelmed. The island of Marken in the IJsselmeer has been connected by embankment with the mainland since 1957; the . . Oreos are his favorite (dipped in milk of course) but he will be happy to just have the cookies at this point. Your hard work on this was greatly appreciated. It's almost like an applesauce and they are YUMMY! As always, read labels before buying product. Water, tomato, tomato paste, vinegar, iodized salt, onion, Chilpotle peppers, coriander, soybean oil, sugar, garlic powder, xanthan gum, caramel color and spices. Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry. Their organic fruit leathers are good too!! Hi Suzi, We do not used iodized salt in our Thai Kitchen or Simply Asia products. I also used this product for my Chicken and Noodles recipe. I do most of my shopping at Trader Joe's and only get a few from the local markets. LID is not easy, but Im glad I could help make it a little less stressful for you. Doing RAI at home. Of course, there may be regional differences so you should always check the ingredients list. Is it really helpful to place plastic around computers and phones. -Trader Joe's Unsulphured dried mangos and pineapple Some Daiya cheese substitutes contain sea salt, but some do not. Trader Joe's. "This Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry is super simple to make in under 10 minutes," Silverman says. recipesforsustenance The instant ones have sodium. Amy Jaguar (family friend) bought her lunch while mom and grandpa had sandwiches brought from home. We start the diet on the 11th. Anyone know if that's a fact or if I an eat the bread I bought? * Unsalted canned veggies (black beans, corn, etc) This product does contain sodium caseinate (a milk derivative). Yes, Tostitos brand items are okay to eat on LID (as long as they do not contain any forbidden ingredients) Tostitos and Frito-Lays brand products do not contain iodized salt. They have a list of safe foods. No sodium; no milk products. * Corn tortillas Thank you!!!!! We are starting on the LID on Monday for his second scan. I also found a salad dressing/marinade. I have read so many things about LID - I thought I read that there is a bread, peanut butter, chips and a salsa that are all allowed on the diet. -I made the lemon pesto rice with portabello mushrooms-I used brown basmati rice (whole foods brand), substituted walnuts for almonds (since I had a whole bag of walnuts on hand), and used Braggs premium nutritional yeast seasoning (found at whole foods). Best wishes! Based on what I have read, there is a lot of information available about LID diets, but quite a bit of information that my doctor did not address with me, and some conflicting information. Purchased at Fresh Market. Good luck and remember LID is about 19 days out of a lifetime, and it's all to improve your chances of knocking this cancer down for good! Have thyroid cancer and gonna have to have treatment and do this diet, recipesforsustenance And, I'm taking the advice the radiologist gave me--"Don't freak out if you accidentally have something with iodine in it". I was wondering how your iodine number actually was? I don't use milk or creamer in my coffee but use too so I know that it's tough to go without. I have honeyed cashews and they are a great snack I may just use sugar in my coffee and live without my milk/creamer. I probably would not use their products to be on the safe side. I found mine at Fresh and Easy0 mg of sodium, fat and cholesterol. They are also a bit sour so it helps with the salivary glands. Trader joes Unsalted organic white corn tortilla chips. Zero sodium.while it says Sugar Fire sauce is a dessert sauce- we used it on grilled chicken, hamburger patties, etc. recipesforsustenance I will survive this too :) Just another bump in the road :) They also have imported chocolate bars at the register, packages of 3 dark bars that are good. Ill keep a good thought for him (and you). RAI in 6 days! Tostitos Tortilla Chips Frito-Lay does not use iodized salt in/on their products. As i search thru the Web on the dos and donts i realised i should avoid it. I thought I'd ask about the salt in their products, and this was their response: When do you stop driving after going HYPO? LID Life Community does list several types of Pop Tarts as safe. Lots of LID friendly Grocery products discovered! Hope all is going well for you. So yesterday went shopping at 2 great (albeit pricey and sometimes hard to find) grocery stores and boy, I did good. One nice thing is that if a TJ item is made with Sea Salt it says so on the label, if it says Salt as an ingredient it is non-iodized. We are starting the 2nd round of the LID diet for my husband to start his radioactive iodine treatment next month. Trader joes organic brown rice penne pasta sodium free. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. I have been going out of my mind trying to find something to eat. I'm starting my LiD today and I spend some time in Trader aloes looking for Iodine free foods. I have a 17 year old son too. This put the surgery off until 11am. THANKS SO MUCH!!!! Sugar is little higher than we generally prefer, but when on the LID.go for it! It has really helped me get ready for the LID. Rice. You are welcome! You are so welcome! recipesforsustenance Smithfield Bacon This bacon does not contain iodized salt. I hope all goes well for him. Uncle Ben's Ready Rice Brown Basmati - it is said that basmati rice is the best rice for LID because it has a lower amount of naturally occurring iodine. Looked forever for a bar of chocolateThis was it! I wish my Trader Joes was closer 80 miles away. I am starting to hear canola oil may not be as good as we think. I was able to find out that corporate for trader Joes has guaranteed that they do not use iodize salt in any of their trader joes name bran products DO STAY AWAY FROM ANYTHING THAT STATES SEA SALT. Yay! I took a puzzle book, pen, pencil and paper to doodle/write on to keep my mind occupied if everyone else there fell asleep. I hope you will find some of the meal ideas on this blog helpful. Doc has me on LID for basically 5 weeks. . Hope this helps! They do Cary non dairy vegan cheese. Zero sodium; 80 calories/serving. Awesome post! They are till cheaper on a lot of things but they have also had to raise their prices because of the catastrophes going on in the USA in recent years (floods, droughts, bird flu, etc.). I tried to be as strict with the LID as possible. If they are, which ones? Trader joes organic brown rice penne pasta sodium free. Original and Lightly Salted Original Pringles are both LID-safe. Amanda. Mar 08, 2020 @ 16:45:36. Salt is listed in the ingredients list, but I called the company and was told that they do not use iodized salt. We then walked around a bit so he could get some air, breath a bit and then we all headed back up to the cardiac surgery waiting room. As stated many times their own made products use non-iodine salt. Their hummus is amazing with their whole wheat tortillas it was my go to for most of the time when I didn't feel like eating as well as their whole wheat bread and avocado. On the ConAgra site, you can search for stores that carry their Fleischmann's products by zip code. Lots of Hugs as Always, I figured I married him for better or worse, at least we can do this part of the journey together. * Can't seem to find the Rich's coffee Richand noticed there is soy in coffee mate. * Variety of unsalted tortilla chips To clarify, someone posted that they contacted TJ's and the response they received indicated that the foods with the Trader Joe's label use iodine-free salt in those products with salt. It is commonly called vitamin E in a generic sense, as vitamin E substances are made up of tocopherol and similar elements. I could have sworn I picked this product up last year while on LID and sea salt was listed as an ingredient. I have read that you should just keep all the clothes you wear in the room with you and not wash them for like 8 days to allow radiation to dissipate. You are so welcome! Uncle Ben's Ready Rice Brown Rice - Iodine occurs naturally in rice. I used Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites to make omelettes, migas, and scrambled egg whites. I wish you the best of health in the future. Thank you for these great ideas. There are several Kens salad dressings that are suitable for LID>. I LOVE to eat and they don't even consider the hormonal changes I'm going through! KBye ~ Wendi. Will continue to buy these after the LID! We had also packed up cheese and peanut butter crackers for snacks, girl scout thin mint cookies and some "cuties". I have Celiac Dermititis Herpetiformis which iodine acts as an irritant. I found a kosher supplier in New York that would ship it to me. -Trader Joe's Unsalted White Organic Corn Tortilla Chips The company does not use iodized salt in the products that contain salt and they do not use carrageenan. Progresso Unsalted Chicken Broth contain no added salt. Found a few LID recipes and products that might be helpful! I am ok, just extremely sore from that! -Pacific all natural hemp non-dairy beverage (vanilla)--this does not contain soy, sea salt, or carrageenans (sea weed), ingredients that every other dairy-free milk label that I have read seems to have. There's also a great Facebook group for LID. So Delicious Coconut Coffee Creamer Original This is the only non-dairy coffee creamer that I have found that doesnt have sea salt, soy, or carrageenan. ;-). Thank you so much- I know Im a bit late to the party but I have hyperthyroidism and I am low iodine for my RAIU test next week! Second thank you, thank you and thank you for all of your research and phone calls. Also someone mentioned to me a bread, which I think was in Trader Joes or Whole Foods that was LID safe. Fruit With the exception of rhubarb, you can eat any fresh (or frozen) fruit. IBS/Crohn's LID considerations- slideshow video, The Low Iodine Diet, Tips, Ideas & Recipes, My LID Pinterest Board- info resources/food/snack/product ideas, Low Iodine Free Cookbook- 100+ pages of recipes- PDF, LID Recipe Book- from Thyroid Cancer Canada, Thyroid Cancer Basics- 56 page PDF overview from ThyCa, Check Your Neck- Free Low Iodine Cookbook, Dr. Oz short video "How to Test Your Thyroid", Thyroid Cancer Survivors Assn.- Excellent Resouce. Of course, you should follow the directions for LID your doctor gave you. Trader joes Dry roasted and unsalted pistachios. and I know from inquiries Unilever & Frito Lay do not use iodized salt. Non-GMO (genetically modified organisms) Also, is sparkling water ok to drink? thanks is iodine bad for us survivors? I typically drink tap water, or water from a Brita filter at home, and water from a water dispenser at the office (not sure what kind). Feb 11, 2018 @ 19:43:52. They have Unsalted, Organic White Corn Tortilla Chips and they are amazing, just not salty. She then needed to go to Walmart to pick up a few things so we headed over there and I found some stuff there for me on the LID! This makes things so much easier!! The Smart Balance with Olive Oil should be fine for the low iodine diet. Will be using after the LID. http://www.lidlifecommunity.org wasnt around the first 2 times I did LID, but its a game changer. I will do everything I can for the RAI treatment to work its' best to erradicate any remaining thyroid cells in my body. Courtney :). This whole process is hard because no one around me quite gets it and I sometimes feel guilty for being down about what I'm going through. Seriously, just make some homemade bread. Put the squash into boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes. I have cancer and am doing the radioactive iodine treatment next week. I hope all goes well with your low iodine diet and second treatment. Hi everyone!! Cocoa, itself, is not a banned item. Trader Joes Tuscan Pane Bread although many of Trader Joes breads do not have dough conditioners in them, most contain sea salt. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. It is made from mangoes, papaya, oranges, brown sugar and habanero peppers. Don't know whyI need to find out. I did have to receive a CT scan with iodine contrast a week after my surgery, which was March 8. Elmhurst Milked Cashews This stuff is delicious! I am wondering how did you determine if the foods listed had iodine salt in them?? Best wishes! Plus, I was still recuperating from the total thyroidectomy, so I was exhausted and having to cook everything from scratch. Rice Noodles I found these rice noodles at an Asian Market. I used it to cook a chicken dish that my family loved! Dec 21, 2017 @ 23:00:10. Should I be drinking distilled water? can anyone tell me what products are sold at Trader Joes that are allowed on the LID? Dole Fruit Squish'ems! Im assuming it was good since you posted all of these items. , recipesforsustenance Trader joes made it so easy to find good tasting iodine free items. They have a list (with pictures) of LID-safe foods from the grocery store and even LID-safe food from restaurants. Milan says, "It's such a nice treat to start off a new weekand they're usually always under $7!" Check out this website: http://www.lidlifecommunity.org/, Thank you for these posts ..They will be very helpful. Aug 19, 2019 @ 23:49:39. Thanks for all the info! So I made a trail mix for my snack kashi cereal pinapple chips dried fruit and dark chocolate chips and almonds .. are dark chocolate chips ok they have no milk or salt I got them at trader joes and does any one know about coconut milk in a can can I use that in my coffee. I've used these before and love themthey're GMO free, BPA free and no preservatives including citric acid. I start my LID tomorrow. YUMMY I am looking forward to it as I am starving :) It's my big meal of the day as the rest of the time I usually have small snacks/meals through the day to regulate my blood sugars!! Make sure you read labels. Glad to see Publix brands too! https://onabutterflyswings.wordpress.com/tag/vegan/, http://thyca.org/download/document/229/Cookbook1pgEng.pdf, http://lidlifecommunity.org/countries/phillipines, https://lidlifecommunity.org/countries/usa/usa-foods/usa-breakfast/usa-other-breakfast/#jp-carousel-8956, https://thyca.org/download/document/408/LIDSlides.pdf, Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Cancer. ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. In fact, cup of cooked brown rice only has 1mcg. 3g sugar. Thank you so much for this list!! Ive been kinda bummed out trying to find things I actually like to eat. Lots to choose from i made lots of baked garlic fries with their russet potatoes and their ketchup is so good! The hamburger patty tasted as if it had no salt/seasoning and if it did, it was very minimal. I cannot determine if I should or should not include Nutrisystem foods during LID.. I would buy this product even when Im not on LID. Coconut milk can be used in Indian or Thai curries or soups. Dec 21, 2017 @ 22:09:47. Feb 16, 2021 @ 21:03:58. I hope your hubbys RAI is completely successful and he has minimal side-effects. Seeing it all written out helps me to think about everything that I can have on a low iodine diet instead of what I cannot have. They will also specify if they use sea salt instead of non-iodized salt, so you can avoid those products! Went to Trader Joes. I followed the guidelines from thyca.org (http://thyca.org/download/document/229/Cookbook1pgEng.pdf). I hope all goes well with your husbands LID and the RAI is successful! Texas Pete Hot Sauce I was pretty excited when I found out I could have this hot sauce while on LID. Finally I get home completely wiped out, sore from my fall earlier and I can't even think about making anything for dinner so I grabbed one of my new cashew & almond bars and it hit the spot! THANK YOU! Trader Joes Creamy Unsalted Peanut Butter Im not going to lie, I didnt care for this peanut butter that much. Purchased at Harris Teeter grocery store. I dont like to cook so a lot of these will be perfect for me. I used quite a few things from Trader Joes thanks to Kareylynns posting! I plan to use disposable plates/bowls/cups/utencils so that they can just be put in the trashno exposure.
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