If trust is broken, it is almost impossible to fix. I am NOT interested anymore in ANY PISCES. We earn from qualifying purchases. Aquarius man will adore her for this, and her love will lift him up without feeling smotheringthis is very important for an Aquarius man, because if he feels cornered in a relationship, he will start to get itchy feet. He will love you, treat you well, marry you and do all the right things, but you wont feel that complete abandonment of passion out of him. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. He wants a woman who is as empathetic as he is, but is so decisive that she can help him logically weigh the pros and cons and make a good choice. How to win a Pisces woman: Be stable with your emotions 5. I feel no matter what we will always gain insight from one another and I truly feel no matter what we will forever and always be in each others lives. She hadnt been very spiritual, didnt seem to be saved, but I can tell you now that I will never judge anyone, nor will I sa tha the only hell that exists is the hell that we need in order to show us our faults. You need to love her and be a good person to her. Only YOU can get out and LIVE your life (and you have only one life to live) or YOU can stay there with this mentally sick man and WASTE your own life. An Aquarius woman doesnt want a clingy lover, so a Pisces mans mysterious nature will be to his advantage when it comes to seducing her. After a year of my late husbands passing. I think aquarius is the one that needs to make the moves in this pairing which is hard because we are never chasers and we are used to fire and air sign men jumping through hoops to even get a date. i'm on here because i'm trying to figure out if it's in my best interest to end things with this leo and start back talking to this pisces . After having me being open and then later on having that used against me you can forget about openness. In the bedroom, he loves how she is open to experimentation and having a very erotic time with him. No matter how hard I try I just cant be happy with this man. Ok Im a younger aquarius woman with an older Pisces man. Weve been talkin for 8 weeks and I want to take it to the next level. But, as I read other comments, if it doesnt work somehow, it could be really painful. Pisces man however, could ruin the mood if he lets his emotions get away with him too much thus making sex less fun than what the Aquarius woman wants to have with him. She also really enjoys travelling and seeing what all is out there. But one thing I have to remember is that he is a double fish in the sea which ever way the wave flow, that's the way he is driven; to and fro and tossed. He loves all kinds of attention from women. It didnt make it justified but he was away, I was young and I lived close to the beach which seem to make it even worse. So, when it is nice between pisces and aquarius, it is really something special. Some women get caught up in abusive relationships and just complain about them and their lives instead of doing anything constructive about their situation, YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE WOMEN regrettably. I was 20 when I married. This union would take a whole lot of compromise, changing, and re-arranging and neither are very good at doing that. Whether they have an officially recognized marriage or whether they just live together for decades, the longer they are together, the better the odds are of them staying together. 19) they could be but bow in maturity absolutely not. I hope I find my Pisces man soon. 7. To attract your Pisces guy, show him that not only are you as loyal as he is but that you trust him to be faithful, too. If I wish to spend all day under a tree looking at the sky, I can. She needs space most likely. To me its may the best man winI give my all to all of them, and am very dependable, text back or write them when they do, but their part is to be there for me as much as possible. Its not a fetish, but Im sure as hell not squeamish. If you are interested in dating one of these signs, then you need to understand the typical Pisces man Aquarius woman compatibility. Literally a demon. it will all be to much for her!! its not cold and detached if she really likes you she is just figuring how to respond to it, like we over think things (speaking from experience), and the romantic thing, maybe try and rephrase this, its the way you deliver things. It wont be an easy path for either of them but it truly depends on how deep the love is. They give each other the benefit of the doubt and keep trying to forge a bond that will be strong. I also read THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, AS A MAN THINKETH (James Allen), MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS. If its something trivial then logic dictates that forgiveness should be an easy enough thing to do. His otherworldly nature causes him to do things that are often surprising, and she makes it a point to regularly confound expectations. Despite their differences, they can make a fascinating couple. This is attractive to the Capricorn man who's looking for a woman with inner strength, but also for a woman who's stable. He likes being close to his partner and never shies away from PDA. Is the any Aquarian woman who could give some advice or suggestions? I havent had luck in love yet. I feel very lonely and unseen in this relationship. I dont see any reason to bugger about. It takes a long time for an Aquarius woman to fall in love. I am a libra, and my husband is a pisces. Pisces can be more instinctively nurturing to an Aquarius; they can still open them up sexually but also offer something that Aquarius craves and Scorpio often neglectsromance, emotional intimacy, and originality. I am here because I have been single for past two years after my breakup with a Scorpio man and since last few months, I have been in touch with an Aquarius woman-Pisces man couple who have been together for 5 years. Ability to be cold and not look after the needs of their pieces man is a definite issue. Mostly wont talk about/reveal things until its happend or there are extremely high certancies often just fine in own thoughts/company at times. i really believe any probelm can be worked from good communication as long as both people are willing to listen and change. 16) it cool with me. Good-decent. 2. Are Pisces men manipulative and could they fake interest just to get sex? Theyre usually so negative and hopeless, but this one gets much closer to how beautiful and complicated our partnership is. And ladies, since we support girl power, we just wanted to let you in on a little secret: if you're looking for love, you just might have men hounding around you because of your scent. Pisces men usually do this for aquarius women unless other things in the chart says otherwise. Jupiter makes the Pisces man so understanding, that he will try his best to understand his partner's need for freedom. Make your Pisces man forget every other woman and go absolutely crazy for you. As a matter of fact, an Aquarius man and a Pisces woman probably met through their shared interest in some social cause. That the only advise I can think of The previous one had typos and inaccuracies. A bit of both, depending on the mood. Aquarians are often attracted to Scorpios because it's one of the few signs that can awaken them sexually, but other problems can arise with Scorpio. Hardly. It will take a long time for a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman to understand each other. Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match? When you do that she will ask questions about you be honest she will admire that. He has no forgiveness in his heart for simple mistakes like this. Wandakate in N.C. @wandakate sorry but no. He calls me nasty names when he is angry at me for the most trivial things like forgetting to get the mail. Weve been married since 1983 and were still in love. I regretted it very much. We finally divorced and he remarried, and then after 9.5 yrs. WKR. The relationship works fine till the time the Aquarius displays cold and detached attitude, which can hurt Pisces very much. I hope he feels the same way. Thats being a little generous as I think others would rate them a little lower. Although the natural partner for an Aquarius woman is someone who is flashy and larger than life, one never really knows who she may end up deciding to date. I was with a Leo man for fourteen years and his ego and materialistic ways made me sick. Pisces man wasted my precious time. Other forces may be leaning in too heavily so you need to make some concrete and exacting decisions about where your plans and values lie. Things just work between us and the love that is growing feels very natural and it feels like all the wounds of my past cant hold me back and I am a kid falling in love for the first time again. Usually I dont see such a thorough and accurate reading of this pairing. Some of Aquarius and Scorpio's attraction and misinformation comes from them being fixed signs. You have just intensified my desire for a Pisces man with your honest replies. Logical and straight forward. This man can completely become spellbound by your electrifying aura and a very, very direct approach. I love her and really enjoy our sex together. She is a beautiful woman but she is so cold that I feel I have done something bad to her or that I have hurt her feelings. Whether he is choosing what to have for dinner or what career path he should pursue, a Pisces man often gets so overwhelmed by options that he cant make a decision. Aquarius brings in new ideas and helps Pisces move in the water. We do talk everyday and I happy to give her her freedom but I feel like she maybe bored sexually because we are so far away from each other that she may seek a one night stand as she is totally unattached to her emotions and just sees it as sex and nothing more. he did go through hi male mid-life crisis at about his mid 50s and that was when he decided to be 25 again. Aquarius men feel that Pisces women are overly sensitive and too needy, which is annoying and a turn-off for the Aquarius man.. He wants to find a way to succeed in what he dreams about so often. Many women have stayed with abusive men and been killed by those very men. Find a man in my area! A Pisces man is drawn to an Aquarius woman's quirky, unique personality, while an Aquarius lady is intrigued by a Pisces guy's quiet, introspective nature. I will choose one of the 4 men but by process of elimination b/c that is how it has to be with me. Best thing it to NOT have the distance. Its not a fetish, but Im sure as hell not squeamish. Respond to body language and suggestive looks. When you win her she is forever for pisces. 5) minutes Pisces are full of compassion, great mentors, and frankly, very dreamy. He will settle for nothing less than an otherworldly love story. He has to connect mentally with me b/c of who I am. It feels scary and vulnerable to show your affection but pisces will always accept it! An Aquarius woman has a hard time in relationships because she is not traditionally romantic; in fact, nothing about an Aquarius woman is traditional at all. This planet, on the other hand, is perceived as the God of the sea. this is not forever. 14. In fact, shell find it rather refreshing that shes not the one who has to bust the moves. I did not do well with the fire or air signs. Libra Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Yet, of all of the signs in the zodiac, Pisces and Aquarius are the two that most often find themselves in unlikely combinations. They dream fantastically together and can make their dreams come true as a couple. I can also see how easily they can lose the sense of reality and get caught in the web of their own sufferings and the desire to inflict pain on others.I hope that whatever it is that pains you gets healed. I can love hard but I can also be extremely harsh and cold if I am being mistreated.I dont think Aquarians are usually pretentious and fake. But more seriously: Loyalty, honesty, communication (this cant be stressed enough) and various other traits that arent morally skewed. Im sorry about that but dont be so hard on all of us! He was up it seemed from about midnight till about 2 a.m. (according to the phone records) chatting with female chatters about sexual topics and masturbating to her voice and her wordsOMG. I am still a little confused whether or not you are an Aries Rising. The issues I have with my Pisces is always around trust and him being so quiet that I dont know what he is thinking or feeling. I feel that t hose gestures outweigh the possibility of me even wanting to explore anything else with another person because I know I have a good man who wont even compare to anyone else. Not too much that it seems fake, just let her know in genuine moments. I think you should take her somewhere fun some place that she would really enjoy then have a nice time to talk to her about moving things further. Still, both of these signs are unpredictable. 10 Best Colors For a Winter Wonderland Wedding. A Pisces woman is all about inspiration and uplifting, frequently spiritual feelings of calm joy and beauty. I love having my significant other cook for me. Once she has gotten accustomed to someone, she will want him in her life forever. I didnt think any other man would want me and thus remained alone which was a huge mistake. Not all happy years. WHAT? How to. Staying with him b/c you think there is a chance he will change is (in my humble opinion) not very smart or wise Im so close to giving up on my Pisces man. Be adventurous Do they get excited about fatherhood and are they involved in their kids life? 4. We are friends and lovers. 16. Even though she craves her freedom to continue to be her individualistic self, once she falls in love, she is forever of her lover. We are both used to doing everything alone since we were both loners, so it takes awareness to make sure we actually do things together, but you need to, it makes everything so much better and brings us closer. Neither of them likes to make promises as they hate to break them when given. If these two actually do fall madly in love then their love could help them overcome whatever problems they have. He is a charming person and he use that charm to entrap women to get what he wants. Part of it was like walking on eggshells. WE were married 33.5 yrs. Each sign of the zodiac has an age or maturity level relative to the other signs. He gets so focused on his partners pleasure and doing what he knows works well to please her that he fails to bring variety into his lovemaking. Aquarius and Gemini are two zodiac signs that Pisces women should likely refrain from dating, if possible. Aquarius woman wont have a problem forming a friends with benefits situation with the Pisces man if hes up to it. And the astrology experts do not recommend that match simply b/c its a VERY difficult match to find common ground on. Most of our arguments are about how I feel about something hes done and he flips it and says I hurt his feelings bringing it up which really p*sses me off cause how does my feelings and how I feel hurt his feelings it makes no freaking sense I just feel like hes trying to get me to apologize for my feelings? They prefer confidant leaders that pull them out of the clouds once and a while. Rigid or boring types simply won't do. an aquarian woman, Thats highly dependent on what exactly it is. Aquarius women please dont reply on behalf of Pisces men,thanks! Some Aquarius women with dominant air signs in their birthchart arent as vocal as I am about their feelings and sometimes they struggle with romance and expressing love so they choose to express it physically, Aquarius aims to please their partner to the fullest and is completely selfless in the bedroom.Aquarius females like myself also isnt afraid to stay celibate for however long it takes until we find our love and soulmate. However, neither of them are really built to change the fiber of their being. They could find a deeper connection if they were willing to sacrifice a little bit and learn to truly open up. Pisces men love love, and they love beauty. Absolutely terrible. We either want a relationship or we dont, we either care or we do not. 11. Aquarius protects Pisces' vision of love. I actually loved her. She hates being confronted with other peoples feelings and refuses to be held responsible for them. You are right when an aquarian woman truly love.. which comes after being good friend we love all the way n give it all!! I know this is true because we were so madly in love, so close, but after our kids were born, she became cold as ice and left me. Context is everything. If you want to know how to get a Pisces man to chase you, show him that you are as generous as he is. Our readers support us. We all have an inheritance awaiting, a eternal total ingeritence we cannot lose nor deny. There is a sayingIF YOU LOVE SOMETHING, SET IT FREE, IF IT COMES BACK TO YOU ITS YOURS, AND IF IT DOESNT IT NEVER WAS. The relationship can be difficult at first, but over time it will improve and can become very long-lasting. So it makes it hard to leave. A Pisces man can be described as clingy or codependent because he seeks a partner he can share every experience with, no matter how mundane. He was only 64 at that time.
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