This lead to a massive battle between the two, where one of the Thirteen betrayed the others, and Unicron and said Prime, now forever known as the Fallen, vanished into a black hole. Now aware of his old enemy's location, Unicron immediately headed towards Cybertron, but, seeking a herald to sow chaos in his name ahead of his coming, used his formidable powers to send three agents -Hook, Line and Sinker, forward in time to an alternate future version of 2009. And thus were born the Transformers. He leads his new undead army to Cybertron's Well of All Sparks, and engages the Autobots, Decepticons, and Predacons in battle. Prophesies foretold that should a certain planetary alignment occur, gravitational forces would wake Unicron from his slumber. In the cartoon, (Note: As originally written, it is quite clear that the story intends for Primus to have died after his battle with Unicron. The revelation that Unicron had been banished from his home planet indicates a different origin from ones used for previous incarnations of Unicron. Later, theCybertronTransformers learned fromPrimushimself that destroying Unicron resulted in an imbalance between good (Primus, who still existed) and evil (Unicron, who was gone); this imbalance factored into the creation of the black hole, known as the Unicron Singularity in American fiction or the Grand Black Hole in Japan. These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space. Despite using his anti-bodies and possessing Megatron's body to hinder him and the other Autobots, Optimus Prime uses the Matrix of Leadership to deactivate Unicron without destroying the Earth, though he loses his memory of being a Prime until the Autobots restore it.[10]. This is Primacron. Hes a vaguely simian humanoid alien that appeared in the third season of the 1980s Transformers cartoon. In this episode, it w Here it is revealed that he had dispatched Scourge at the head of a huge armada ofSweepsto search the galaxy for Cybertron. In fact, one scene in the movie shows Jazz driving out of one of Unicron's eyes, just small enough to fit through them, though in another scene the Quintesson ship Hot Rod arrived is tiny compared with the eye. - December 6, 2016 12:50 pm EST. Following Unicron's consumption ofCybertron's two moons, Galvatron successfully obtained the Matrix fromUltra Magnus, believing he could use it to bring Unicron under his control. Unicron is also believed to represent the Anti-Spark (most likely a counterpart of theAllspark). Travelling across realities, he arrived to find that the Autobots and Decepticons had already defeated Unicron, but elected to remain in this world for a time to safeguard against his potential return. Unicron in turn used the other Decepticons to createGalvatron's new lieutenants: Cyclonus, Scourge, and the Sweeps. When the Autobots were ordered off American soil, they regroupedunderCybertron and began working on the teleportation engines that Unicron had left there when he transformed the planet. transformers has always been vague in that topic, but the way I see it is that The One just split himself in half and the universal forge willed It was Unicron's intent that these small robots would increase the ferocity of the Autobot/Decepticon war, allowing Unicron to feed off the hatred that the war fermented - but as a result of interference by human children, displaced in time from the 21st century, the Mini-Cons developed sentience, and fled Cybertron, crashing on Earth, where they lay dormant for a million years. In Optimus Prime's later view, Unicron had likely begun to transcend physical form. Though the Fallen was stripped of his name as punishment for his betrayal, its legacy would live on when the leader of the Decepticons took the name for himself. However, it was first developed in the 2003 Transformerscomic mini-series "War Within: The Dark Ages." Similarly, Optimus Prime sought out Unicron elsewhere, traveling to the area which the Autobots believed to be the strongest epicenter of his consciousness. According to past Transformers mythology, Unicron was set adrift in space, ultimately attracting planetary debris to eventually become planet Earth. Having been defeated by the Autobot warriorOmega Supremeat some time in the ancient past of Cybertron, Unicron hid himself in plain sight of the Transformers, disguised as the planet's moon. As the war between Unicron and Primus went on, Primus realized that he was no match for his brother in combat. More Transformers 5: First Trailer Revealed / Internet Reactions to Trailer / 5 Biggest Questions After Trailer / How Last Night Setups up the Next films / Transformers 6 New Characters? This interpretation of the character is evidenced by the parallel universe spanningTransformers: Universetoyline and convention-exclusive comic books in which the singular Unicron captured Transformers from various alternate realities and pitted them against each other, feeding off the energies released and theTransformers: Cybertroncomic strip in the Transformers Collectors' Club fan magazine, which depicts Unicron's actions in the various realities in a chronological order and claims that Cybertron is the stable heart of the Multiverse. To explore the fledgling universe, he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then subdivided him, creating his twin, Primus. InThe Transformers: The Movie,after the Decepticons flee from a battle with the Autobots, they dump their mortally-wounded comrades into space. Unicron's head was seen one last time as Primacron's new creation had crippled Cybertron. As an immortal and eternal being with immense power, Unicron is the eternal arch-enemy of his twin brother, Primus, the In return, Unicron sent something into our universe - the near deadOptimus Primeof the parallel universe, who warned them of Unicron's coming before dying. The Autobots and Decepticons were able to destroy Unicron, but Cybertron was left in its transformed state and seemingly in the Sol system, as well as continuing to be dead and powerless. While they attacked Earth, a rich source of Energon, Unicron sent his four Horsemen -Rhinox,Airazor,TerrorsaurandCheetor, absorbed by Unicron in the previous battle - against Cybertron, devastating much of it before being stopped by Optimus Prime. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. As Unicron's planet mode is seen to be as large as Cybertron (if not larger) in the comics, this would suggest a diameter of 120,000+ km. He and Primus clashed many times, the force of their battles wiping out the very life Primus had been created to protect. A planet-mode diameter of 1000km has been suggested[5]and robot-mode dimensions would follow from that estimate, provided that there is no change in size (compression or expansion) common among so many Transformers. The Chaos Bringer offered Megatron a new body in exchange for servitude faced with no other choice, Megatron agreed and was remade as Galvatron. Although Unicron himself did not appear again, his origin in the animated series was later revealed. Topping it off, they now bore the names of the Horsemen of Apocalypse: War (Rhinox), Death (Airazor), Famine (Terrorsaur), and Pestilence (Cheetor). All Spark Day, Several years after Unicron was sealed away, Megatronus was freed from his imprisonment and brought to Earth, intending to use his spark fuser to combine the remnants of the Chaos Bringer's Anti-spark in Earth's core with the AllSpark, which would destroy both Earth and Cybertron. When Optimus Prime restores the spirit of Primus, Unicron senses it and awakens once more, this time in energy form. Likes: +15. Is Unicron responsible for the resurrection of a rusted Optimus Prime into the evil purple-eyed guy we see in The Last Knight? Shedding his lunar skin, Unicron transformed to robot mode and turned on Cybertron as the combined Autobot/Decepticon armada attempted in vain to stop him. However, the Mini-Cons turned against their creator thanks to their connections with the Autobots humans' friends (Rad, Alexis, and Carlos). Unicron easily bested Prime in battle, and obtained the vessel, only to find it empty. At the culmination of his plan, the Decepticons came into possession of all three Mini-Con weapons - the Star Saber, the Skyboom Shield and the Requiem Blaster - which Sideways and Thrust then stole and used to reactivate Unicron. He often employs the help ofDecepticonsin his work, and in some stories is considered part of the origin of the Decepticon forces. With the aid of other Transformers from across time and space, the Covenant succeeded in defeating Shokaract, and the Dark Essence of Unicron was drawn back into time, erasing Shokaract's timeline. The war between Unicron and Primus came to its seeming end during a climactic battle in which one of the Thirteen, Megatronus Prime, who would forever afterwards be known asThe Fallen, betrayed Primus and became an acolyte of Unicron. [citation needed]In this version of events, Unicron and Primus were again twin heralds, giant metal planetoids created by the "One", who were sent to explore the universe. Primus, Unicron, the Matrix, the origins of Cybertron itself, all the result of science gone wrong. Here, the entity Fleer had called the "Allspark" was redubbed "The One", and the modern iteration of the myth detailed above was firmly established, and went on to form the backbone of subsequent fiction such asTransformers: UniverseandFun Publications'Transformers: Cybertroncomics. Over time, matter gravitated towards Unicron's fallen form, eventually forming a planet which found an orbit around a distant star. The first time we ever heard the Primus/Unicron backstory was in the UK comic continuity, from Unicron himself, in the story Legacy of Unicron, when he recounted it to Death's Head. This time the head looked very old and almost stone-like, underlining that Unicron was finally dead. "I have this Forrest Gump-ian way of touching something and it becomes a hit!" But as the Chaos Bringer drifted through space, he eventually attracted space debris around himself that formed into planet Earth, rich with Dark Energon. The second time the story was told was in the United States book by the Keeper, an ancient mechanoid who guarded Primus's head at the center of Cybertron. He is currently writing list articles for Comic Book Resources (CBR). Thus, he aligned himself with Sideways and, by extension, Unicron. With Unicron gone for now, Primus entered an eons-long slumber, his self-imposed sleep preventing Unicron from detecting him through the mental link the brothers shared. WebHowever, if we go by the lore, both Primus and Unicron were created by The One; the Omnipotent God of Transformers: The One created these two to create a balance of This time he was able to physically eat planets like his Generation 1 self. The character made major waves in the opening scenes of 1986s animated The Transformers: The Movie, in which, voiced by film legend Orson Welles, the planet-sized Unicron gobbles up the small world of Lithone. However, Welles' baritone tones also made Unicron a classic evil villain. A strange set of non-human creaturesopposed Unicron, threatening to attack him with a metal devouring organic spore. To fight Unicron's unprecedented might, Primus created "the Thirteen," a group of transforming robots that predated the Transformers and served as protectors of the light. In the MarvelTransformers comics, while Unicron was on his way to consume Cybertron, he first destroyed planet Ghennix. Their first act was traveling to an alternate dimension where Unicron had destroyed Cybertron and retrieve that dimension's Galvatron. In an act of sacrifice, Primus lured Unicron from the Astral plane to the physical one, trapping them both within metallic planetoids. In one issue,Soundwavewas dispatched to Cybertron afterRamjetandNemesis Prime's failure. He never got to see or touch Unicron. A twisted reflection of Optimus Prime with the powers of shape-shifting and regeneration, Nemesis Prime was a powerful opponent, wounding Autobot and Decepticon alike. Stockade believed they could renew Cybertron by summoning a new power source, one related to the AllSpark. Darkness Rising, Part 2 Megatron injected a piece of Dark Energon into himself and announced that he could hear Unicron's thoughts, much to Starscream's concern. Unicron's body was destroyed - but unbeknownst to anyone, he lived on in two forms: his minuscule Spark, and his consciousness, which lay buried in Megatron's mind. Unicron soon made his presence known to the Transformers much earlier than 2005. One ofOptimus Prime's visions of the future showed Mindbender and Unicron as a coming threat - a prophecy that came to pass in the fourth crossover "Black Horizon". Transformers: The Last Knight is set for release June 23, 2017. Unicron and Primus began life as personalities within a single omnipotent being that conversed with itself. Starscream (inhabiting and controllingScourge's body) gathered for UnicronMetroplex's eyes (breaking one and replacing it with one fromTrypticon) and Trypticon's transformation cog, and then began connecting his head to Cybertron, which would become Unicron's new body. It was with this telling that we learned that Unicron predated thecurrent universe, and had destroyed the previous universe which existed before the current one. Vector Prime then created a time loop around Unicron to keep him in stasis and prevent him from ever awakening. This sun was the one that was born to save Alpha-Q's world. Although Unicron had played a major role in the above-mentioned Japanese series, he had not been featured as a major player in American fiction for over a decade. The Fallen has become the most prominent of the Thirteen,jumping from the pages of comics to both animation (Robots In DisguiseandPrime Wars) andlive-action (Revenge of the Fallen), thoughthese later works tend to downplay if not omit his connection to Unicron. While writerSimon Furmanhad ruled out Unicron in the main IDW G1 series, this did not prevent him from using Unicron in hisBeast Warsseries. Arcee updated her personal log for the first time since coming to Earth just before the attack on Unicron. Finding Hot Rod inside Unicron's body, Galvatron suggested an alliance against their common enemy. Ultimately Megatron achieved what Unicron did not by contaminating the core with Dark Energon, forcing the planet to shut down and reboot. Through this disguise, Shockwave orchestrated the creation of Unicron by the Antillans, whose planet the Transformers had invaded. As Unicron and Primus ventured through the cosmos, it became apparent to Primus that Unicron was nothing but a pure corrupt being, and then he confronted the threat his sibling posed. Primus, fearing that to follow suit by forming himself in a similar manner would simply pick up the conflict where it had left off, sought an alternative way to defend the universe against the threat of Unicron by turning his asteroid intoCybertron; a planet that he populated with robotic beings that, like Unicron, could alter their forms. Eventually, Megatron disappeared through the Autobot GroundBridge. It was the backstory printed on Unicron's card which introduced the concept of the two being brothers created to explore the new universe by an extra-dimensional entity, here named the "Allspark". One of the biggest potential reveals The Last Knight could have in store is the live-action adaptation of Unicron, one of the biggest bads in the Transformers universe (literally). This was subsequently expanded on and combined with aspects of the various Marvel Comics stories inTransformers: The Ultimate Guide, published by Dorling Kindersley and written bySimon Furman, who had written all three prior tellings in the first place. For some reason, But even then, given who's telling them the so-called truth, that could very much Unicron would be a WMD created by the people of the planet Primacron to destroy another planet inhabited by people they have been at war with for millenia. Primacron The first origin given for Unicron was given in Season 3 of The Transformers cartoon, years before Simon Furman came up with Primus. Round 1: Both are in robot form. In theTransformers: Cybertroncomics, the tank version of Unicron is only the same size as an average Transformer, and is shorter than the AutobotsSentinel MaximusandOmega Prime, whom he fought. Though the day had been won, the Thirteen's exposure to Unicron had infected them all with a touch of his darkness. Also, ironically, Unicron's control over Megatron does more good, for now knowing the true meaning of oppression, Megatron relinquishes his hatred and his lust for conquest permanently, leaving for parts unknown to start anew. In the subsequent episode, series finale Nemesis, Megatron offhandedlyinsultedthe late Tarantulas as Unicrons spawn. Writer Bob Forward had not intended this line to be taken literally, but since the series offered no other explanation for Tarantulas beginnings, many fans did exactly that. However, during his battle with Optimus Supreme, who had grown to Unicron's size, Unicron demonstrates that he had enough power to simply destroy a planet completely without consuming it. Super villain Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Per Unicron's telling of events, he was a primal force of evil at the dawn of the universe, who led a legion of Dark Gods against his mortal foe, Primus, Lord of the Light Gods. Thunderwing even went as far as to seek help from the Decepticons for the repairs needed. Writer Simon Furman incorporated the various aspects of the Dreamwave comics story, some elements of the Fleer storyline and his original Marvel Comics origin to create what is now essentially the "definitive" origin for Unicron. In the cartoon, Unicron was created by Primacron, an ancient mad scientist of similar size and shape to a monkey, who built him to wipe the universe clean of life for him. Travelling across realities, he arrived to find that the Autobots and Decepticons had already defeated Unicron, but elected to remain in this world for a time to safeguard against his potential return. Eventually escaping Bumblebee, Unicron flies after Optimus and Unicron then opens the container, but upon finding it empty, he realizes too late that it is a trick, and his energy form is sucked into the container, freeing Megatron from his control and defeating Unicron once and for all, also destroying his legions of undead Predacons. Unicron has his universe's Galvatron and the rest of the G1 Deceptions. The third time the story was told was also in the US Marvel series, this time by Primus, when he gathered all his children together to prepare for Unicron's coming. Unicron then came to theArmadauniverse himself, where he was attacked by a combined force of Autobots and Decepticons. Apparently banished from his world thousands of years ago, Unicron travelled the galaxy, devouring planets to quench his hunger and taking their populations as slaves to maintain his inner body works. Since multiversal singularities are no longer a thing in the transformers mythos, who do you think would win in a fight? The awakening of Unicron from within the Earth sent ripples that echoed into the multiverse, drawing the attention ofLio Convoyin another dimension. Primus can use his moons. Grill, Awakened by the restoration of Cybertron, Unicron cast around for a new vessel for his anti-spark, and found Megatron's body at the bottom of the ocean. Unicron seized control of his body again for a new vessel and set out to rejoin with his Spark, but aPrimus-empowered Optimus Supreme engaged him in battle once more, and drew all of Unicron's consciousness out of Galvatron and sealed it within his own Spark. Writer Chris Sarracini has indicated that he would have followed through on the Unicron storyline, and also would have had the Dreamwave version of Cyclonus rescue Scourge from US government study. A theory about God that doesn't require looking through a telescope. Though Megatronus succeeded in drawing out the Anti-spark, he was ultimately thwarted by the efforts of Bumblebee's team, aided by the revived Optimus Prime, and the Anti-spark returned to Earth's core. Defeated Primus in combat and Primus had to trick him into becoming a planetoid. Arms Micron Gaia Armor bio, Rescue Force Sigma-17 was sufficiently aware of Unicron for Heatwave to remark that Boulder's throwing skills would be insufficient to hit the backside of Unicron with a lobbing ball. One Shall Rise, Part 1, In his three years in space, Megatron discovered the solidified form of Dark Energon, rumoured to be "the blood of Unicron". RELATED:10 Classic Cartoons That Got Marvel Comics. And so Unicron went on to become the engine of destruction that menaced the universe in recent years. The series opened with a disembodiedMagmatron, trapped in temporal limbo byRazorbeastat the end ofThe Gathering, watching the annihilation of the future Cybertron by a new version of Shokaract and Unicron. The plan fell apartafter the Talismanwas removed from Cybertron before Unicron devoured the planet. Eventually Primus took a stand against Unicron but the two brothers found themselves evenly matched in a perfect stalemate. This page was last modified on 6 January 2023, at 05:52. Debuting in 1986'sThe Transformers: The Movie, the literally planet-sized villain was revealed in subsequent comics to be the evil twin of Primus, the deity who'd given life to the Cybertronian race. The One then divided Unicron in two, creating Primus as his twin. One Shall Rise, Part 2 As they moved through the interior of the deity, the Autobots and Megatron were attacked by a swarm of flying drones, Unicron's antibodies. Transformers: The Last Knight is out now. When theGeneration 2animated series was aired, animated bits of the film with Unicron in it were edited into the episode "More Than Meets The Eye Part 1". Eventually Primus took a stand against Unicron but the two brothers found themselves evenly matched in a perfect stalemate. The most famous of these is Galvatron, the resurrected form of Megatron. He was powerful but lacked the healing abilities the unicron trilogy unicron had, as the dinobots were able to damage him. Unaware of his Heralds' failure, Unicron now threatened to destroy Prime, but the Mini-Cons and Jetfire managed to rescue Prime, with the power of the Mini-Con Matrix upgrading them and combining them into theirPowerlinkedmode. Dreamwave went bankrupt and the next issue was never released. Conversely, Unicron played a large role in the two Japanese-exclusive animatedBeast Warsseries,Beast Wars IIandBeast Wars Neo. Unshackled, Unicron went on a cosmic rampage, destroying all he found, with the end goal of consuming reality itself. The positively-charged Energon of Earth reacted with the negatively-charged Energon running through Unicron, tearing open a fissure in reality leading to a new area of space where planets Unicron consumed were recreated and sustained through the Energon radiated from Unicron's head, which had now become a glowing red sun. Along with Unicron, his twin brother Primus was created. It turns out that Optimus had stored the Allspark in the Matrix of Leadership and would soon take the Matrix into the Well, sacrificing himself to ensure the return of Cybertronian life. Within Unicron's shell, the Spark ofAlpha Q, ruler of Planet Q, which Unicron had consumed in the past, still existed, and from Unicron's body he created theTerrorconsto gather Energon, which he would use to regenerate all the worlds Unicron had devoured. The One was curious about this new realm and created a new being, Unicron, to explore it. Unicron denied Optimus's pleas, as he considered the humans "parasites", and he birthed multiple copies of himself from the landscape that surrounded Optimus Prime. But Unicron was an imperfect being and turned to evil, adapting his form to transform into a giant robot. If Megatron had failed to destroy the last of the Primes thus far on his own, Unicron believed Megatron's help was worthless. The group fought them until they reached Unicron's anti-spark with Optimus Prime and Megatron ventured inside. How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. However, his self-interestmeant hewas exiled from that faction as well. At the end of the arcCobraoperativeDoctor Mindbenderwould meet with the cultCobra-Laand discover they had allied themselves with Unicron. His interference includes trapping all the Decepticons in a spacial rift, with the knowledge that Unicron would soon be attacking Cybertron. In 2010, however, Unicron attempted this again and succeeded, controlling Rodimus's body and reshaping it into his own image, before being defeated by Rodimus's own force of will. The black hole was born, and Megatron was freed. Unicron was defeated in his attempt to destroy Cybertron very early in its history, but emanations of his presence remained and were gathered and stored onTrypticonStation. In this dark future, Unicron's essence emerged from the Matrix and briefly took over Rodimus Prime, before he was thwarted by the removal of the Matrix from Rodimus's body. As Unicron slept, the core of this new universe - somehow a sentient being - became aware of Unicron's threat and created a defender to battle his evil -Primus, the lord of light. To prepare for the introduction of Unicron, weve put together a brief explainer with some of the more salient things to know about this big baddie from past Transformers lore. The vessel instead drew Unicron's anti-spark into itself, sealing the dark god inside and freeing Megatron from his will. He arrived at Megatron's old fortress of Darkmount, where he fought four Autobots. Optimus Prime subsequently used the Matrix, the full measure of Primus' power, to destroy Unicron. Welcome to Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki. Using his ancient sword and the power of hisEnergon Matrix, Lio Convoy carved up the remains of one of Unicron's rock-and-stone avatars to create the powerfulGaia Armor, severing its link to Unicron himself but allowing it to retain the power of Dark Energon. In theBinaltechsaga, the futureRavageseen inBeast Warsalters theoriginal G1 timeline. The "sentient core" of this new universe recognized the threat that Unicron posed, and so created Primus to counter his evil and be guardian of the new creation. Unicron is one of the biggest, fiercest threats to peace and order in the Transformers universe, but the character had never appeared in the Transformers film series until now. Thunderwing even went as far as to seek help from the Decepticons for the repairs needed. At his full power however, Unicron's mere aura overpowered the Thirteen causing them to nearly lose all hope before they rallied. Copyright 2023 For example, in one of the mini-comic books packed in with the later Armada toys, Unicron is indeed illustrated literally eating an asteroid or moon whole. VILENESS - 10: Entire planets perish in Unicron's path. Though they all tried to ignore it, Alpha Trion later reflected that by doing so, they gave the darkness fertile ground to grow in. Later, when searching for a new supply of positrons (anti-electrons), the Decepticons ventured to Unicron's head, where Cyclonus and Scourge accidentally awoke the slumbering demi-god. A collection of Furman's favorite Decepticons, the Heralds of Unicron wereG1Galvatron, Scourge, Bludgeon, Thunderwing, and Dirge, all culled from universes Unicron had previously devoured.
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