gospel meetings and events of churches of christ. Christ Healing the Man with the Withered Hand. . There are six outlines each on Galatians: The Gospel of Our Liberty, What the Church Needs to Succeed in the 21st Century, The Gospel of Jesus Christ (A study of 1 Corinthians 15:1-5) and The Essentials of Our Salvation (PDF file size: 524k). Michael Ramsey's modern classic The Gospel and the Catholic Church is as relevant today as it was when it was first published some 70 years ago. Christ And The Church, the 2002 Dumas Drive Lectureship book. How preachers motivate and empower their listeners to obedience determines whether their biblical exposition becomes a self-centered or Christ-centered sermon. Publishes "Discovery" for Kids. Certainly, it underscores the public pronouncement of heralding the good news of the gospel. Program Book Ads. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . One Sunday after worship, a long-time member said to me, I deeply appreciate that you speak to unbelief. Sierra Leone students and staff "turn their world upside down" with the gospel As one song leader humorously said to the preacher, I like to follow your sermons with a rousing hymnsomething that really gets the blood flowing again! Jesting aside, the combination of uplifting singing and powerful preaching has provided quite the platform for the word of God to reach the masses effectively. Boy Jesus in the Temple (Christ in the Temple) Burial of Jesus (The Burial of Christ) . 2015 AL State Lectureship Audio Sermons "The Reason For The Need" - Bro. Trust meIve inadvertently not preached Christ more times than Id like to admit. A decision we celebrate and rejoice in around here! Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (99 pages). Includes several charts in a 58 page book (PDF file size: 440k). Gospel Radio Network.org -- Online Version of Reflections On The Book Divine. 184 views, 13 likes, 2 loves, 5 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Tonto St Church of Christ: Nathan Elder (North Las Vegas, NV): "The Word: Quick, Powerful and Sharp"; Hebrews 4:12. 4:1114). Wednesday's at 7 pm 2023 Lectureship Love, John Lessons from the Apostle John November 3rd, 4th and 5th Click on the pic above to see the schedule. All content 2012 Cold Harbor Road Church of Christ . Below are links to free publications published by the Board of Publications for the Church of Christ. Such preaching requires a redemptive-historical approach to Scripture. Important questions concerning the nature of true worship and what is authorized as worship, and why, are answered. Isaiah 52:13-53:12: The Suffering Servant of God. 1950 Harding College Lectures (Restore the NT Church) 1951 Harding College Lectures (Christ and Problems) 1957 Harding College Lectures (New Life In Christ) 2015 Oklahoma Lectureship - Atheism, etc.. 2014 Oklahoma Lectureship - Churches Not Growing. Leo Looney. Every person is created in Gods image and lives in Gods world and interacts with Gods truth, whether she acknowledges him or not. "A HUSBAND AND WIFE TEAM SERVING THE LORD". 18th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2013. Scooter & Wheelchairs. We make these studies available now with the hope that they will continue to be used in the great work of keeping souls in the narrow path that leads to life. Pastor Harper is the 5th child of 6 living children of Harvey and Inez Rodgers and was inspired to open a church following in her father's footsteps, hence the name: CLICK TO PLANT SEED, OR GIVE YOUR BEST GIFT, STANDING IN THE GAP/INTERCESSORY PRAYER SERVICE. MacArthur Cooper. Thirteen full outlines in 66 pages (PDF file size: 249k). Challenge - Online Publication battles Atheism, Evolution and deals with Moral Issues. Pastor Ethel Harper was saved at the age of 12 and grew up in a household where her Father and Mother and family served the Lord. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by 2x See who you know Get notified about new Publisher jobs in Salt Lake City, UT . That website is now closed, but we took over 100 of their favorite sermons and put them into this ZIP file. We are comprised of people who have been drawn together for worship and service by a unified faith in Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:9The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. This packet contains 91 charts prepared by Elmer Moore and Jeff Asher to accompany the sermons brother Moore presented in the Second Annual Lectureship at Dumas Drive in Amarillo in June 0f 2002. Samuell Pounds - Minister of the Hilltop Church of Christ (Winter Haven, Fla.) is hosting along with area Churches of Christ . By checking this box, you're consenting to receive marketing emails from: (File size: 28k). Topics include "Wise Advise," "The Abundant Life," "Little Foxes," "Giants and Grasshoppers," "God's Law Of Harvest," and "Have I Become Your Enemy?" 4110 Preston Rd. Lectureships Online Academy of Biblical Studies Under the oversight of the Elders of the Chipman Road church of Christ 201 NW Chipman Road - P.O. Archive of their Current and Back Issues. The good news of Jesus Christ is both the reason and power for change (Rom. Of course, the term lecture simply refers to a style of teachinga teacher publicly speaks to a group of students, of which the practice goes back hundreds of years, and is a common form of education in higher institutions of learning. Brother Dye has used these lessons effectively in local work, building, and strengthening the churches. Each outline is thorough in its examination of text and themes (PDF file size: 556k). How sad that gospel meetings and lectureships are declining! To Tell or Not to Tell, There Is No Question! This is the third of six lessons presented during the October 21-24, 2012 Gospel meeting. Break 8:15 P.M. How Do You Know Which God Exists Jeff Miller FRIDAY: October 15 9:00 A.M. These sermons have been used by the author over the last 25 years and have proved effective in reaching souls steeped in the ways of the world and confused by the errors of denominationalism. This lectureship brought together three men whose combined preaching experience exceeds 150 years. Seek The Old Paths - Back Issues of the Plumline by Wayne Coats. To view the free downloads on your computer, you will need a PDF viewer on your computer. LET GOD BE TRUE- 2022-2023. Let's Reason Together (e-Tracts, Media Archives, Articles and Downloads), The Gospel of Christ - Norman, OK (Newsletter, Free Media and Archives), Banner of Truth Online - Walter Pigg, Murray, KY (Currently 2000-2013). CALENDAR WILL BE UPDATED AS NECESSARY, "Reaching one, to teach many, to live for Jesus". In these studies, the examples of worthy men who lived and died by their faith in God and the hope of the coming Messiah are examined. We are comprised of people who have been drawn together for worship and service by a unified faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible Mediator - Meditating On The Scripture since 1990 - Back Issues Online. This question sits at the heart of man. 24th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2019. Baptism is more than a ceremony. You can give using online giving , through the FBCP App, or by mailing a check to: First Baptist Church | 1021 5th St. W. | Palmetto, FL 34221. The Embrace of God's Grace - Dan Winkler conducted a Gospel Meeting at the PBL church of Christ on March 5-8, 2017. The Online Version of the Printed Edition. or CD of individual books in PDF, can be purchased by contacting: Contending For the Faith at 281-350-5516 or dpbcftf@gmail.com Spring Church of Christ Physical Address: 1327 Spring Cypress Road, Spring, TX 77373 Mailing Address: 25403 Lancewood Drive, Spring, TX 77373 springcoc@gmail.com 281-353-2707 May we resolve to restore the power behind the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Note: The video order format is: First Lesson to Latest Lesson . Explain how belief in the gospel and empowerment by the Spirit results in new obedience. St. Louis Area -Wide Lectureship Sept 21 23rd, 2017 Hosted by the St Peters church of Christ Thursday, September 21 st 2 pm Enriched by His Grace Eph 1:3 -18 Matt Stewart . 17th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2012. Southeast Lectureship. Christian Courier - Published Bi-Monthly by "One-Cup" brethren since 1966. The Gospel Guardian - Foy Wallace - No longer Published but has some back Issues. Grid View List View. Articles and Books - Centerville Road Church of Christ - Some Good Links Too! Welcome to the 77th Annual National Lectureship of the Church of Christ website. All Sermons; Gospel Meetings; Lectureships; Articles. Please make sure all fields are filled out. The Dreams And Visions Of The Prophet Daniel is a series of seven detailed sermon outlines on the visions of the prophet Daniel. Should Christian Parents Send Their Children to Public Schools? Aaron Ellis. (ZIP file size 10.4 MB), A Wedding Homily. Fulton County Gospel News - Sound Publication for over 50 years. 13th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2008. A wedding sermon prepared by Jeff Asher. In the nineteenth century, parlor lectures began to become popularthe act of inviting guest speakers for private lectures. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact. * Required information Acts 8:37Then Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he answered and said,I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.. -. These documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and in various eBook formats (epub and mobi). (File size: 376k), Chart Package for Christ And The Church Lecture Series. 20th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2015. (File size: 376k) Chart Package for Christ And The Church Lecture Series. What does God say we must do to be reconciled with Him? Apologetics Press - Professional Publication. Register. But non-Christians also possess belief that must be cultivated. Knowing Christ actually extends to and goes beyond the resurrection because it is after the resurrection that Christ's work of building the kingdom of heaven begins, according to Loisy. 12 Reasons Why Baptism Is Not Essential For Salvation. Review a list of all the available online lds tools provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 11th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2006. Another soul has come to Christ! Some well-written articles. Luke 13:3,5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. April 23-26, 2023. These outlines can also be used in a class setting. Acts 17:30-31 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. This kind of natural belief wont save her and needs to be encouraged to become genuine, saving belief. 51:27) (2017) * Typology (2016) * Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) * . Please come join us Jan. 22 - 29, 2023 For Our 2023 Gospel Meeting "Does It Matter"? A very detailed sermon outline of 19 pages (PDF file size: 152k). 3rd oldest Publication. Church of Christ Publications Let's Reason Together (e-Tracts, Media Archives, Articles and Downloads) The Gospel of Christ - Norman, OK (Newsletter, Free Media and Archives) The Christian Chronicle The Community Messenger E-Bible Class Teacher Gospel Advocate Banner of Truth Online - Walter Pigg, Murray, KY (Currently 2000-2013) The lectureship was a great success, and Freed-Hardeman University has conducted such a lectureship ever since (they just held their 76th Annual Lectureship earlier this year). Our rich legacy consists of great preachers of our past who were quite successful in these gospel meetings (J. D. Tant, Marshall Keeble, Foy E. Wallace, Jr., G. C. Brewer, T. B. Larimore, N. B. Hardeman). . Christ-centered preaching both encourages belief and challenges unbelief. Download File. When the preacher applies his text, he should answer why listeners must obey itand that answer should be rooted in the grace of God revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Her father became a Deacon and then went on to become a Pastor of his own church, Old Fashion Baptist Temple in Long Beach, CA. Lectureship. gospel preachers today. Dale Chamberlain. Lest we need reminding, Paul pronounced, For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe (1 Cor. The Houston area congregations are excited to host the 2023 National Lectureship. This intersection is where attempts at Christ-centered preaching often go wrong. Walt Nilsson loves Jesus and helping people know and live in the grace of God. More . These outlines reflect the depth of their knowledge of the Word and an approach to preaching that fast being lost among Churches of Christ. This approach has relieved its members and helps in times of crisis. Christians are taught that they are called to love others as themselves and to share their faith with the world. Twenty-four full sermon outlines by A. W. Goff, Wayne Goff, and David Goff. (Eight sermons; PDF file size: 2.1MB), Stepping Out With Jesus. If you are a member of the church of Christ and wish to advertise a gospel meeting or another special event post it here! Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. We are located in Knoxville, TN. The Lectureship will be June 17, 2023 - June 22, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston. The Christian Worker - published continuously since 1903. Butler seems to get the subordination backwards. ", 7:00 PM Tim Stevens,Congregational Singing, 7:30 PM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Are Nothing Like Jesus", 8:30 PM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Doubt", 9:30 AM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Don't Believe", 10:30 AM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Pharisees", 7:00 PM Tim Stevens,Congregational Singing, 7:30 PM Wilson Adams, "The Gospel At Home: Good News Marriage", 8:30 PM Tommy Peeler, "The Disaster and Destruction of Sin", 9:30 AM Wilson Adams, "The Gospel At Home: Raising the Next Generation", 10:30 AM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Suffer", 7:30 PM Tommy Peeler, "The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus", 8:30 PM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For the Desperate", 9:30 AM Lawrence Kelley, "The Gospel Is For Those Struggling to Keep It Together", 10:30 AM Tommy Peeler, "The Conversion of the Eunuch", 7:30 PM Shane Scott, "The Gospel Is For Those Who Make a Defense", 8:30 PM Wilson Adams, "Pray BIG: Getting Out of Our Comfort Zone", Home | About Us | Online Sermons | Online Articles | Southside Lectures | Members | Contact Us She is married to Gentleman Elder Terry Harper, who stands with her and by her in her endeavor to serve the Lord, and between them, they share 10 living children 5 from her and 5 from her husband; and they are the proudgrandparents of manybeautiful grandchildren to date. Through this study, men will hopefully imbibe more of the divine nature and prepare themselves to meet their Maker and Redeemer at the gates of Eternity. He is lead pastor of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (PCA) in California, Maryland, where he has served for over 17 years. Toney Smith presented this 3rd Lesson of the 2012 Fall Gospel meeting at the Phillips St. Church of Christ. The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ - 2002 My Lord and My God - 2001 Choose you this Day - 2000 Pressing Toward the Prize - 1999 The Christian Home - 1998 Jesus Spake unto them these Words - 1997 Strength for Daily Christian Living - 1996 Soldiers of Christ, Arise - 1995 The Cross of Jesus Christ - 1994 Fundamentals of the Faith - 1993 Mark 16:16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Christ Healing the Sick at Bethesda. As far as our concern for religiously educational purposes, in the summer of 1936, N. B. Hardeman wrote H. Leo Boles a letter to say that he was thinking about a lectureship program for preachers to run for four weeks to suit the needs of preachers whose opportunity to receive the rich benefits of a college education were denied. (107 pages) (PDF file size: 648k). Gospel Sermons That Save Souls, seven full sermon outlines that are suitable for Gospel Meetings or local evangelistic work. Bro. Back Issues Online. Christ and the . The Preacher 1400 4th Avenue West Birmingham, Alabama 35208 (205) 780-5108 The Preacher Evangelist Peter A. Moss, I The preaching ministry of Peter Alan Moss, began at the Roosevelt City church of Christ under the guidance and tutelage of Lee Townes. 24 Years 2000-2023. This version was prepared for the Bible Workshop and published by Bill Mosely around 1978. Powered by Congregate, SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST Preachers must also explain how the listener can do what God requires. 22nd Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2017. The National Lectureship of Churches of Christ will be held Saturday, May 23, 2020 through Thursday, May 28, 2020 in the beautiful and magical city of Orlando, Florida. Whether you are new to the area and looking for a church home, or if it has been a long time since you have attended church at all, we hope yourfirst visit at Vegas Drive Church Of Christwill be a blessing and help to your life. . How preachers motivate and empower their listeners to obedience determines whether their biblical exposition becomes a self-centered or Christ-centered sermon. Hallelujah! The Houston Area Churches of Christ are excited to host the 2023 National Lectureship and look forward to fellowshipping with each of you. Church of Christ at Greenwood churchofchristatgreenwood.org 371 W Main St Greenwood, IN 46142 (File size: 520k), For Christ And The Church. There are six outlines each on Galatians: The Gospel of Our Liberty, What the Church Needs to Succeed in the 21st Century, The Gospel of Jesus Christ (A study of 1 Corinthians 15: 1-5) and The Essentials of Our Salvation. The subject church discipline is important but too often misunderstood. Sunday: 9:30 a.m & 6:00 p.mBible Study: 10:30 a.mSunday Bulletin, Vegas Drive Church Of Christ3824 Vegas DriveLas Vegas, NV 89108, MF 8:00 a.m 5:00 p.mP: 702.636.4986E: contact@vegaschurchofchrist.org. 26th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2022. The 2001 lectureship book for the Dumas Drive Church of Christ. The video links on our webpages (sermons, lectures, and Gospel meetings) will take you to the YouTube channel. Administrator:. 1:16; Gal. March 2, 2023. REGISTER NOW. (File size: 1.3MB). I Work for a Pastor with Low Emotional Intelligence, Downplaying the Sin of Homosexuality Wont Win the Next Generation. Study the powerful examples of David, Jonah, Josiah and Daniel as they step out with Jesus in worship and service to the Almighty God. The Christian Informer - by non-Institutional Brethren. 1:21). In the letter, he pointed out that tuition to such would be free, and they would discuss such practical topics as church history, spoken English, vocal music, Bible geography and the preparation and delivery of sermons. Jesus and His Ministry in Galilee (Part 2). southsideonline.org, The Gospel Is For Those Who Are Nothing Like Jesus, The Gospel Is For Those Who Don't Believe, The Gospel At Home: Raising the Next Generation, The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus, The Gospel Is For Those Struggling to Keep It Together, The Gospel Is For Those Who Make a Defense, Pray BIG: Getting Out of Our Comfort Zone. . Every church planter and gospel-believing preacher wants Jesus to be front and center each time he takes the pulpit. If you are a member of the church of Christ and wish to advertise a gospel meeting or another special event post it here! Isaiah 53: The Servant Song Pt. 2014 Washington Street Church of Christ - Warrensburg, MO 64093, Serving The Cause of Christ in West-Central Missouri. Romans 10:17 Then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Administrator:. He is a graduate of Memphis School of Preaching (1994) & Southern Christian University (2001) and has preached at gospel meetings . The lessons in "God Is" are designed to call us to a practical consideration of God's attributes and character to instill in us faith in His existence and confidence in His willingness to save and readiness to judge. More modern records of the influence that gospel meetings or revivals had will take our minds back to the eighteenth century when Jonathan Edwards preached his infamous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, or many of the other instances of revival preaching both here and abroad.
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