useful c0mbat abilities [d0n't] c0me int0 play until y0u reach a very high level. Ginger Nettle Slippery Elm, bitches. A definition of page would be one who serves [aspect] or one who serves through [aspect] for others. 8ut once that journey is over, how fearsome he 8ecomes!. However, maid could be a possible counterpart to page, due to a page boy being a form of male servant. The main characters of Homestuck were all named by fans. 1. chronoMongler 9 yr. ago. Dirk (albeit the splintered version of Dirk that exists only within Jake's subconscious) reveals that Pages have a lot of untapped potential and once they find this potential within them they are adept at using it. A powerful psychic with an ability to speak with the dead, Aradia is responsible for recovering the code for Sgrub, the troll version of Sburb, from some ruins. Yet another speculation is that Mage is synonymous to being "given protection from [aspect]'s ill effects". Some readers of the webcomic see this implementation of death as a subversion of the "bury your gays" trope, as homosexual characters frequently get killed off in American media. He is quick to anger, loud, and often rude, but has a strong sense of justice, and is good at heart. God Tier Classes October 30, 2013 Emily Fantasy & Mythology Homestuck God Tier Class Maid Page Mage Knight Rogue Sylph Seer Thief . The most common definition of a Witch is one who manipulates [aspect], although that seems a little vague. Early pages of Homestuck were experiments in "fan-sourced storytelling", where Hussie allowed readers of Homestuck to name its characters and make story suggestions. Sylph is a magic-based class that is thought to specialize in healing. Kanaya's romantic relationship with Rose Lalonde is one of the most popular canon same-sex relationships in the webcomic, commonly referred to as "Rosemary. This can also be seen by how Meulin, the Mage of Heart, is very good at finding romantic pairings that will last. The exact powers of a Knight are unknown, but it has been described by Aradia as warriors that exploit their aspect as a weapon. Each Aspect is paired with another, which are in opposition to . Interestingly, the tiara appears to be attached to the hood. There seems to be a Heart for every emotion and personality we can think of. Curiously, the only session to succeed in breeding a healthy Genesis Frog involved the Time and Space players working together. [10] Jade Harley lives on a remote island together with her dog, Becquerel, who is the First Guardian of Earth (later merging with him). Knight is the class that takes in heroes and the ones who have a lion's heart. Inspiring rage in the other trolls to prevent them from fighting effectively is part of what ultimately led to all of their destruction in the Game Over timeline. His classpect is Page of Hope. The relationship between the player and the reader of the story fluctuates from page to page, and the player character may switch from avatar to avatar. Jane and Kanaya also had similar transformations into absurd creatures who avenged themselves on insensitive characters, with several directly parallel panels. Hello! She embodies an interest in both furries and shipping, a combination Hussie described as "for the sake of efficiency. [6][HS 20] Her astrological sign is Libra. The title "Heir" could also have the more literal meaning one who inherits/receives [aspect]. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. [HS 5] He is a fan of action movies and speaks in an antiquated fashion. [HS 26] Her classpect is Witch of Life. "[12], With few exceptions, all trolls fall on the hemospectrum, a caste system dictated by blood color and its corresponding attributes, such as lifespan, powers, personality, and rarity. Karkat helped Kanaya breed their frog less out of necessity and more out of wanting to lead his team to victory. Who do you save? His ancestor is Orphaner Dualscar, who he named his Flarp character after. You'd be a technopath; manipulation of technology combined with an unbreakable mental internet connection. In extreme cases they are single-handedly responsible for their party's massive downfall, their improbable victory, or sometimes even both. It shares this quality with the Maid, Heir, and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. What are you going to do now, once you've grabbed a weapon and beat up a few imps for experience? Also in Collide, a dead Kanaya is shown in a god tier outfit - but the pattern doesn't match Aranea, the other Sylph. The Witch is an active (-) class. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. Her astrological sign is Leo. Answer the sixteen questions as accurately as you can. Ampora is derived from amphora which translates from Latin into "Beaker." He frequently calls his friends by two-letter abbreviations of their names (e.g. Dave has so far saved the lives of all the members of his team. Vriska, the Thief of Light, is notable for stealing "luck" from her allies or enemies, and in doing so makes an outcome fall into her favor. You've told your teammate why their plan is flawed, but they just try to change the subject and talk about why they don't like your plan. Your favorite Homestuck kid/troll bursts through an inter-session portal, badly wounded, making a last stand against furious horrorterrors pouring through after them. The Page of Breath, Tavros Nitram, was shown exhaling with breath that resembled the Breath symbol when preparing to revive Vriska with a kiss. Maids are the only class seen with two colors (not including multiple shades of the same color) on the shoes that are unique to the rest of the outfit. Aradia (the Maid of Time) was able to freeze Jack, while Jane (the Maid of Life) was able to heal herself after being stabbed, and is able to bring people back from the dead - an ability, according to Jade, that is limited to one use per person. Known Sylphs are Kanaya Maryam, the Sylph of Space; and Aranea Serket, the Sylph of Light. It is not clear whether this is Caliborn's original default Lord of Time outfit or a modified version like Meenah's outfit in Ministrife, but modifications very likely took place. And WTF Is Homestuck? This was how I initially grouped each class with a type and wing. They've announced they're about to go to sleep and put the first part of their plan into action. Tavros is a bronze-blood who deals with self-esteem issues throughout his character arc. He was seen summoning large, tornado-like structures on LOHAC and on Skaia as well. After clicking to go to the following page, the reader's sense of control dissipates as they are not actually allowed to enter a name. You see, in every hero of hope there dwells a gr8 hidden power, unrivaled 8y that of any other aspect and for a page, the journey to reach his full potential is longer than it is for any other class. "[3] After Ryan North asked why "MS Paint Adventures" doesn't follow the adventures of a "Ms. [13], The names of the twelve trolls (all of which have twelve letters, divided equally into six-lettered names and six-lettered surnames) were also suggested by Homestuck readers, but they were the last instance of user input, as Homestuck's readership had expanded significantly at this point. It is possible that these classes are "master classes" in the sense that they are "master copies," or guidelines for what defines active and passive classes. One speculation for the class is one who creates [aspect] or one who creates through [aspect] for the betterment of others. January 20, 2020 Roxy Just For Fun Personality Homestuck Class Tier Breath Aspect Like it says it title. For example, on the first page of the webcomic, the player is prompted to enter the protagonist's name. What would an evil horse laugh even sound like? Q5: You're taking a break from your game and browsing the stranger parts of the internet when you come across a link labeled "SBURB Beta". Equius can be seen as such an example, as he had all the capabilities (great engineer, impossibly strong) and strong convictions (his belief in the hemospectrum based caste system) to be a most active element in the game and in the story, but by being an Heir of Void, he ended up just being a smaller presence. Late in the webcomic, Hussie introduced Davepetasprite^2, a fusion of the characters Davesprite (an apparitional alternate timeline version of Dave) and Nepeta Leijon. -ROGUE- Sollux also is able to sense impending doom through the voices of the dead. Q2: What (in your opinion) is the greatest way you contribute to the fandom? Likewise, its passive/active alignments are unknown. Now, let's talk about Light. It shares this quality with the Maid, Rogue and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. A heavy heart. If one goes out on a limb, one may also speculate that it is the counterpart to heir, being one who causes others to be affected by [aspect], as Sollux does with his virus, causing others to be affected by doom, or Meulin could do or could have done with shipping, causing others to be affected by heart. You only have enough time to save one of them. Mage: Easily immersed in hobbies and generally very sad. He was also saved in a battle with Jack Noir by turning into wisps of wind and reforming behind him. In the figurative sense, she focused on helping people to heal from psychological wounds. Q3: If you could have any of the below powers (in real life), which would you go for? Heart is the wellspring for the infinite variety of sentient life, each of us made unique in our subtle byplay of . Witch could also be a pun. I'm finally giving my fan trolls and kids god tiers and I'm not too sure how their aspects play into their characters I understand life is tied to Its placement on the passive/active scale is unknown, although most speculate it to be passive (+). What do you do with them? Yet another interpretation is that a Maid is one who gives [aspect]. Her class, Muse, is the most passive (+) of all classes, while Caliborn's class, Lord, is the most active (-)[citationneeded]. Changelog here. Homestuck Classes and Personalities: Heir: Heir's personalities are very diverse- their personality is more ruled by their aspect than their class. Who would your ideal co-player/co-player(s) be? Alright, so with all of the Classes done, its time for the Aspects. They eventually defined themself as non-binary. Bard: That one chill, offbeat friend who's hella weird but in a good way. Introducing the Extended Zodiac, an updated astrological profile for an expanding world. Two of the Seers can hear the mental commands of the exiles louder and clearer than the other players. Despite being known to be a miracle worker when it comes to match making, Meulin's own romantic history ironically is riddled with trouble and heartbreak. The Thief and Rogue class pairing are active (-) and passive (+) respectively. The Six Major Functions that the classes represent, or in other terms, the 6 possible ways of interacting with any given object, situation or environment. He copied this behavior from his older brother (also his biological father through ectobiology and his only guardian), who collects puppets and katanas on what Dave assumes is an ironic level. Sollux is a computer programmer whose personality is associated with ideas of duality. A quick quiz to determine your homestuck classes Enter Your Name Start Quiz By TheMoonEnvoy Take later 1.1K Takers Personality Quiz design a bedroom and ill tell you what 1am thing everyone does you are Take later 3.8K Takers Personality Quiz Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivalent Take later 1.8K Takers Personality Quiz What to build in Bloxburg Princes, it seems, are devoid of their aspect. No example of this has been seen with Latula, however. Contents 1 Passive and Active 2 Gendered Alignment 3 Thief and Rogue 4 Bard and Prince 4.1 Speculation 5 Heir 5.1 Speculation 6 Page 6.1 Speculation 7 Seer [1] We also have an unofficial Homestuck Discord at if you want to chat with fellow fans. The passive/active system exists on a scale, with some classes being more passive or active than others. The largest, most active Homestuck community in 2021. Similarly, Horuss Zahhak, Page of Void starts out with a deficit of nothing, being a high ranking renaissance troll with many skills. Paint", Hussie included a minor Carapacian character to Homestuck with that name.[19]. Sollux has the ability to talk to the recently deceased, who inform him that Alternia will be annihilated. Do you play it? Jane Crocker is the heiress to the Betty Crocker fortune,[HS 1] and she is the symbolic leader of the four alpha kids. Maids may also be the active (-) counterpart to the Sylph class, being healers or repairers, as Sylph appears to be a healer class. It is unconfirmed whether Latula assisted Porrim with frog breeding in the A1 session. someone who knows how the consequences of certain actions play out, I Am On Record As Once Having Facetiously Likened It To A Magical Witch. You have total control of the comic for one day, and inherit all of Andrew Hussie's artistic ability. Sollux is known to evade absolute death, even becoming only half-dead. Classes can be matched based on how similar their roles' functions are; within these pairs, one class serves as passive (+), the other as active (-), with each member of a certain . [HS 2] She wields a weapon similar to a pitchfork that vacillates between a pronged or spoon-like head depending on the Betty Crocker branding at the time (strife specibus Forkkind or Spoonkind). According to Aradia, they understand their aspect comprehensively (for example, Terezi knows all consequences of individual actions, and Rose knows the "most fortuitous path" and what happens in it). Master modules are not explained in detail as compared to normal classes which are extremely well explained. Sollux created the mobius double reacharound virus that resulted in the death of the trolls lusii, although it actually prevented a far more sinister timeline in which Gamzee kills everyone. The name Karkat is a reference to "Karkata" the name of Cancer in the Hindu zodiac. Strider's classpect is Prince of Heart. Online tools for the Homestuck fandom, from quirk converters to classpect quizzes. Caliborn's Lord outfit is composed of a cloak longer than the Heir hood which drapes over his shoulders, apparently double pronged at the end, but otherwise seems to match his previous outfit, complete with green suspenders and pants which leave his robotic leg uncovered, along with a lime green bowtie, identical to his text color. Wow, I forgot those existed. Vriska is cerulean-blooded and takes the role of an antihero in Homestuck. 4) Dirk even breaks himself down into 'splinters' in attempts to improve and better understand himself, but winds up forced to confront the most negative aspects of his personality and how to overcome them. No one will be able to hide any secrets from you! Start Quiz. His classpect is Heir of Void. Homestuck aims to normalize and humanize internet cultures that are usually disfavored and rejected. And more importantly, do you make a deal with the (equine) devil? Enter Your Name Start Quiz By MetaXing [HS 21] Despite his thorough belief in the hemospectrum, he has a borderline fetishistic adoration for Aradia Megido, who is of the lowest caste. He used the Breeze to lift the Dersite battleship containing WV and the Courtyard Droll, created a windy shield in Collide and was an important influenced in his session's direction, for example, gifting Rose her signature knitting needles and retconning the entire Game Over timeline.
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