Plus, calling it a riddle generally makes it seem like you have to think outside of the box to get the answer, whereas thinking that the surgeon is the mother is rather more inside the box than most people would expect. Its where the if you want to hide something, put it out in the open truism comes from. My guess is that the effect of gender bias is true and will remain after the control groups are analysed, but it might be much less pronounced or even absent in the feminist group! This means you do not understand how severe prejudice is in modern days. I really did not know what to think except it was the boys mother. son gets taken to the hospital for surgery. Here's an old riddle. This article is very interesting.It helped me learn and understand gender schemas. He goes to the hospital but the doctor say "I can't operate on you, your my son." It is not his mom. We sometimes forget that women/mothers can also be surgeons. Your reaction to situations is built upon what you know to be true. The problem exists, and it is real. This is ridiculous! I dont think gender bias is the complete solution on why we didnt think the surgeon is the mother. Nearly forty years ago on a famous episode of All in the Family called "Gloria and the Riddle," Gloria posed a riddle to Archie, Edith and Meathead. The son is rushed to the hospital; just as hes about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, I cant operatethat boy is my son! Explain. The father is in a coma, and the boy has to be rushed in for emergency surgery. I say that and when I am looking for a male doctor, I say Doctor. The doctor is the boy . So No one is stupid; and there is no real need to get angry because it somehow makes the reader feel guilty or confused. Shame on you BU for trying to pass this off for something academic. Riddle: The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great person, while the entire word signifies a great woman. All the language is male dominated I wonder if it was a daughter instead of a son if that would change anyones answers? Upon seeing the young boy, the surgeon said, "I can't operate - this is my son.". This article inflames the fight and does not help gender bias at all. Its all about assumptions and our ability to think vertically once those assumptions are made. Agreed 100%. Case Analysis (Riddles) 1. Moderators are staffed during regular business hours (EST) and can only accept comments written in English. This riddle, if it is intended to display sexist bias, is severely flawed. Our outlooks may be changing. Then 100% gets it right out of 10. The surgeon is the boy's mother. If you are aware of the father being gay then you are enlightened. And yeah, schemas do exist, they sometimes change, and they interfere in our thoughts and actions lets all study psychology ;), Excludent isnt a real word (except in mathematics), The same issue arises in the Spanish version, which is that a son and his father get into a car accident and are taken to the nearest clinic. I agree that this study would need a control group, or at the very least change the wording to a girl and her father or a boy and his mother to avoid priming the group. We know that the daughter said to people that she is married but the neighbourhood said she isnt. The father is killed and the child is taken to hospital gravely injured. Here is the riddle: "Each of you has a hat on your head. (maybe Im just weird). The man is killed instantly. The emergency room surgeon said "I can't operate, that's my son!" How is this possible? Ali on 01.15.2018 at 2:04 am said It's the only word that does not become another word when you remove the first and last letters. Does gender bias trump sexual orientation bias? I think the study should be done not using male pronouns & see if they get a better correct response. A man is wearing all black clothing. The researchers ran the riddle by two groups: 197 BU psychology students and 103 children, ages 7 to 17, from Brookline summer camps. It may show sexist bias in some instances but in general cannot. Youre my son.. Comments / Answers (0) 2k views. Read the logic puzzles that we propose and argue the answers. The phrasing of a question often predetermines the response due to our language processing facility. On March 12, 2003, 15-year-old Elizabeth Smart was found safe nine months after being abducted from her family's home in Salt Lake City, Utah. Like a judge, I thought HE OR SHE recused him/herself on this basis. And indeed to maybe do it even more properly, as mentioned here, you need to rephrase to parent and child, to remove the priming. By the time the next available doc gets off the golf course,drives to the hospital,and cleans up for surgery, the boy is dead. A man and his son were rock climbing on a particularly dangerous mountain when they slipped and fell. Its interesting to review. The doctor comes in and exclaims, "I can't operate on this boy." "Why not?" the nurse asks. 2. And whose son? but honestly I also presumed the people inn the story were white. It is like people preaching tolerance, but showing no tolerance for those that believe differently than themselves. He is my son." I thought right away the surgeon was a man. Perhaps the only native of Trenton, N.J., who will volunteer his birthplace without police interrogation, he graduated from Dartmouth College, spent 20 years as a small-town newspaper reporter, and is a formerBoston Globereligion columnist, book reviewer, and occasional op-ed contributor. They have severe trauma and a SPECIALIST (general neutral word) is called. The man's son was in the operating room and the doctor said, "I can't operate on you. Fortunately, my daughter answered it correctly so maybe Im doing something right. Answer: It was Count Dracula and his watch said it was 3 a.m. but it was actually 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Required fields are marked *, Pioneering Research from Boston University, BostonUniversity. It took a few seconds, but I got the riddle right. Was quite saddened to read the dig at the Bible Belt. She went through the gamut of daft hypothesese and then when told the answer protested that BUT, as a matter of fact there are no woman trauma surgeons in the UK. Riddle: A man attending his mother's funeral, sees a woman in another pew, and experiences love at first sight. Of course it hurts, because it needs fixing; And, It is annoying; But, it is also true. The Old Gray Surgeon. Share This Riddle. Question: What does this riddle illustrate about the one mentioned in the article? Outrage would flare and the author would be censured, if not lose his job. A father and son were involved in an auto crash. 1 How is this possible? I was wondering why the doctor, no matter who they were, COULDNT operate on the dying boy. As such, this may confound interpretation in terms of gender bias but the riddle nonetheless powerfully illustrates the unconscious operation of either cognitive set, gender stereotypes or other perceptual biases. I thought it was about the surgeons mental state at the time, that is, maybe HE OR SHE had ethical objections or was so distraught that she couldnt do her job effectively because of her vested personal and emotional interest in the outcome. Here's a challenge for you. I am humbled by the exercise and the bias that seems woven into me. It is a complex situation in a complex society; And the answer to this real life riddle is not always a straight one, because we are all equally different and we all generally respond based upon how we perceive our life and the marks the world around us have left. We are all shaped by the impacts in our lives and by the way we react upon those impacts. This is the kind of thing that happens that just makes it worse and does not fix anyone. DON'T USE THE INTERNET PLS. You are spot on. The daughter is rushed to the hospital; just as shes about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, I cant operatethat girl is my daughter!. the man was killed, but the son lived and was rushed to a hospital. Q: A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed. Therefore, the most likely problem isnt that people use schemas, but its more likely that the English language itself is missing a critical evolutionary detail for humans to be able to handle it in a politically correct way. We have kept a lot of the traditions that we had before we were brought to the United States. When the car crashes the father dies but his son is taken to the hospital. Gender schemasgeneralizations that help us explain our complex world and dont reflect personal values or life experience, says Wapman. We think past the obvious. Published: Nov 30, 1999. That is why and how your personal experience influences your environmental schema. I was just wondering if at any point in the study anyone decided to reverse that narrative by doing the doctor one but by replacing only the word nurse in the scenario, and the same for the nurse example. You have two ropes that both take exactly 1 hour t. I did go to the assumption was 2 fathers. Sadly, my mind also went straight to male.. September 25, 2013 by aqb5500. It is also common to refer to someone as my son or daughter in the African American community in the United States southern region. What made imagining a surgeon mom so difficult? P.S: to show how gender biased againfrom your listed name, I also pictured you as a male first then only remembered the name could be either. In both tales its people of the same gender in the car, priming your brain to think of that gender when answering the question. In Nigeria and in most African countries where extended family system is the norm the fact that the doctor calls the boy their son is not strange because the doctor may be a member of the boys extended family. The father died. I didnt pick that up either (I didnt answer the riddle correctly). We are still very far in terms of parity in the minds of people in general Two ambulances came and took them to different hospitals. I love the outcome and determination of the female. "I can't operate on this boy, he's my son". There were times only male worked as surgeons or doctors. The ambulance brought the son to the hospital. Some of these can be very creative. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. And yeah the bible belt remark is embarrassing. The son is rushed to the hospital; just as hes about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, I cant operatethat boy is my son!. Schemas are very, very powerful, Belle says, adding that the studies results and the endurance of gender stereotypes would not surprise Virginia Valian, a Hunter College psychologist who has noted how people presented with the same CV for a man and a woman typically assume the man is more competent. New television shows are showing us the way things will be. Schemas are very, very powerful, Belle says, adding that the studies results and the endurance of gender stereotypes would not surprise Virginia Valian, a Hunter College psychologist who has noted how people presented with the same CV for a man and a woman typically assume the man is more competent. Here's an old riddle. To study the power of lived experiences and conscious attitudes in helping individuals to overcome nonconscious gender schemas, U.S. university students (n = 152) were administered a classic riddle requiring the gender schema-inconsistent realization that a surgeon could be a woman. If you guessed that the surgeon is the boys gay, second father, you get a point for enlightenment, at least outside the Bible Belt. How condescending! A father and his son are in a car accident. The riddle assumes most people would assume the doctor is a man. I made the assumption that the surgeon was male. Answer (1 of 91): I have collection of some really awesome riddles. Here's the answer, below. Answer: Vlad and Bram are fish. Actually, this issue is rather simple: in English, words dont have enough weight on gender, but the human mind relies heavily on words to make any and all sense out of everything. I also thought that the surgeon was his mother. Implies that those inside the Bible Belt are not enlightened and dont get a point. We have bias instinctually and its a reality. How is that possible? Obviously the father is officially dead and out of the picture. 3. Having people understand that they hold this bias, says Wapman, and when you look at job applicants, keep that in mind., Eternal vigilance, I think, is the only solution, says Belle. What goes with a car, comes with a car, has no use to a car, but the car cannot move without it? (Got you! So me. One out of every ten graduate students and professors that I asked were able to answer the original riddle correctly most people say some variation of second father. So check your facts before generalizing a whole third of the country you bigot. For example, the BU student cohort, where women outnumbered men two-to-one, typically had mothers who were employed or were doctorsand yet they had so much difficulty with this riddle, says Belle. This is an article that I am supposed to read to make me less biased if I happen to be biased. See: >A mother is killed, her daughter sent to the hospital, and a nurse declines to attend to the patient because that girl is my daughter; few people guessed that the nurse might be the childs father. I was thinking same about Slavic languages and probably more languages has words for men and woman. Thats the whole point of the riddle. He's my son." Yet the doctor was not the boy's father. It is very interesting that everyone thinks differently. Youd think they would prefer to be the one doing it to ensure it got done right, Also theres no way they would be waiting an hour if it were the doctors child so that messes people up even further. Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. This article is talking about gender bias and stereotypes, yours is just critical thinking. The father dies. You need to be able to explain what the article is about to your class (brief explanation/important details). The boy is knocked unconscious, but he is still alive. he guides us but he is a divine mystery. The father died. Fewer than a third of participants (30%) responded that the surgeon in the riddle could be a woman. This is supposed to help people? Errol Morris is one of the most prodigious documentary filmmakers of our time. Since I was brought up by a single father, I totally forgot about the mother. Most people subconsciously think that the doctor is the mother of the child, I immediately was thinking that that was his stepfather. Sadly, therefore, I am afraid that the author of the article has effectively botched his chance to make an effective point by a) not acknowledging the other variables than gender, b)not presenting the riddle in an effective way and above all c) not witholding the solution until at least the end of the piece (if not altogether). Plus if you do mess up, the guilt would be unbearable. My initial thought was: what is going through the surgeons mind? "I can't operate on him, he's my son." Solution: The doctor is the man's father and the boy's grandfather. There's a grisly riddle to consider: A father and his son are in a car accident. Riddle: A man and his son are driving in a car one day, when they are hit by a drunk driver. @ the people who guessed it was a gay couple rather than it was the mother! Experience can have some effect in our schemas, but much less than we might anticipate. Valian has also noted that schemas are identical in our culture for men and for womenwhich is exactly what the BU survey found. The son is rushed to the hospital. For the riddle about father, son and surgeon, I thought of an another answer. The surgeon rushed in and upon seeing . Explain. If it was neutral by using words like parent and child or they then people would be more inclined to choose mother or father. All the view points were very interesting. You just took a cheap shot at men. Answer (1 of 4): This is a riddle from my childhood. My son now can see both the new and old Xbox's. The issue now is that the new Xbox is in standby mode, and will connect if needed, the old console is "offline" or "online" depending if you go and physically press the power button on the old Xbox. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Sopeople are wired to look at the world through stereotypes and assumptions? Who was the doctor? Abusive, profane, self-promotional, misleading, incoherent or off-topic comments will be rejected. What made imagining a surgeon mom so difficult? Mostly because of the wording of the riddle. ), In both groups, only a small minority of subjects15 percent of the children and 14 percent of the BU studentscame up with the moms-the-surgeon answer. They are all rushed to the hospital and the doctor says, "I can't operate on him, he's my son." Give me a clue! But did you also guess the surgeon could be the boys mother? However, it was fun to read. -. This riddle is being analyzed based on gender bias, projecting that people who answer do so on gender discrimination. There is no imminent need for the Sherlock Holmes theatrics. Then, as others have pointed out, the sex of other characters may create a cognitive gender set. Have you seen it? The riddle is like a game, and is also built to show the reader that there is a sore spot in society (like an old fracture), and one way to illustrate it is to make the reader put its finger on it, and press hard without a warning. 8. It is hard to achieve, but not impossible. Your email address will not be published. The first reaction is often not a female doctor, Interesting and difficult to fight the prejudices. All of the responses have different views because they were brought up differently. Which is why its the control. The riddle is like a game, and is also built to show the reader there is a sore spot in society (like an old fracture), and one way to illustrate it is to make the reader it self puts the finger on it, and press hard without warning. The doctors response skews people away from the maternal and paternal instincts. .man is more competent? Hate that it is unfair at times. One would (unconsciously) assume that if the mother was a surgeon, they would have called her in the first place rather than waiting for her to appear and state she cant operate because thats her son. I also thought up the male nurse version (so Im happy to see it was proposed here, too) and am going to try that out next. I thought that the surgeon was his mother only because of the first scenario about the father and son. Gender is the variable youre testing in the first place. What is the largest possible number you can write using only 2 numbers - just 2 numbers, no other mathematical symbols? Again, as others have stated, you would need to analyze a control group, or at least a case-control and see if there is a correlation with the mother daughter incident at seeing if the father being a surgeon is concluded. Experimentation around schemas could definitely improve to rule other causalities and better understand these mechanisms. ) at the end, to finally justify the revelation of an already existing situation. A man and his son are driving to the supermarket. Basically it's a conflict of interest.
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