About. There are only a few ways that this level of income can be achieved but it is possible. Luckily I found this book online a few weeks ago and it has been really helpful. When I first wanted to get into aircraft maintenance I thought it would be too hard to get into the career but this book showed me how without going to school. This book is a great place to start if you are thinking about becoming an aircraft mechanic. Sincetraining to bean aviation mechanic directly involvesthe airworthiness of the aircraft,there are certain requirements thatneed to be met beforebeing eligible for the FAA certification. Don't be a dummy! If you want to have a high-paying, enjoyable career in the field of aviation maintenance you have to go way beyond what the schools and maintenance companies will ever tell you. I thought it was just going to go over some basic stuff and maybe show some pictures of airplanes but it has a lot more than that. This is REQUIRED reading if you are even thinking about becoming an aircraft mechanic. Banged knuckles etc., A lot of banged nerves, in cases where the pilot is standing there watching you. 11.1% aircraft mechanics have this skill on their resume. This literally keeps pilots and passengers safe in the air and can save their lives, For people who enjoy doing work with their hands,training to be an. King, who was not a writer, set out on a mission to give light to all of these unanswered questions. A. The book and video lays all of the steps out and they were easy to follow, so hopfeully I can get my A&P soon and start working as an A&P mechanic. There is still a lot more to know before making the decision whether or not to pursue the aircraft mechanic route. No two days as an aircraft mechanic are ever the same, thanks to the variety of tasks that need to be performed on any given day. entry-level. Well, I can tell you that you don't start by reading a course outline from an aviation school or technical college. If you dont know if youd like to be an aircraft mechanic then read this book! Opportunities to work in multiple sectors of aviation. If you are interested in this career you have found the best resource available to make sure you know all the facts. The last one I responded too was the first time I had seen the Helite or even heard of it. They may work on scaffolds or ladders, and noise and vibrations are common, especially when engines are being tested. But I still enjoyed the book and it taught me most of what anyone would need to now if they want to start a career in this. The main thing I was worried about was being a girl because I knew their are not that many where my cousin works. I was hoping this book would talk about women that are aircraft mechanics. If you only knew the facts you would instantly see why nothing like this has ever been released! Keep in mind, I am only 82 pages in, and had to take a moment to let you all know what I think already! He is also funny. Sept. 18, 2019, 1:00 PM PDT. Mechanics get to travel sometimes for free! My only gripe with this book is that the beginning of the book is a little boring. Most of these blogs and forums tell you very basic information. The positives of these chapters: Told me everything I needed to know about having a career as an aircraft mechanic. You will be working in tight spaces, lifting heavy objects and using tools all day long. The video that came in the package was also good and packed with information. There are many pros and cons of being an aircraft mechanic. On the pro side, it is a well-paying job with good benefits. It still can be really funny as he talks about becoming an aircraft mechanic. Spartan Colleges program coversMaintenance Human Factorsthat affect the working environment and covers the common causes that lead to human errors in the aviation industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual median wage for aircraft mechanics in 2019 was $64,090. Look for an FAA-approved aviation maintenance technician school that meets these standards. And why don't the schools mention these powerful methods?? He discusses many subjects that you would not expect to find in a book about becoming an aircraft mechanic. Many people get into aviation thinking they will make a lot of money, but there's much more to working as an aircraft mechanic than all of the money that can be made. They make money by teaching people stuff. Ive been an A&P mechanic for over 5 years, and it all started with this book. When youtrain tobecome anaircraft mechanic, therecould beroom to grow in the fieldas you gain experience. However, after reading the book a couple of times over a couple of months and really thinking deeply about the content, and finding myself not only referring back to it, but also recommending it to friends, I now realize the banner isn't a claim, but is a credible statement. Wrong!! After reading this book and following the steps I got on with a company building airplane seats making around $1,000 a week. Otherwise, the book is very informative, has a lot of examples of situations an aircraft mechanic will face, and has a lot of details about the career as a whole. The most common hard skill for an aircraft mechanic is hand tools. Enjoy! There were no books, videos, or online resources that provided a clear answer to any of these questions. I had no idea you can become a mechanic without the military or going to college but you can. Aircraft maintenance is not for everyone. I now know there are ways to make a lot of money and how to do it. I didnt know that you can get into this line of work without even going to college or an aviation school. I bought this book to get a free A&P certificate. If you like me and thinking about going to school for aircraft maintenance, read this book first. I've already begun preparing myself for my career as an aircraft mechanic using Stan kings advice. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. I havent found a job yet, but I have emailed a few places and there are some spots available. Most people automatically assume that you have to go to college. The Aircraft Mechanic is quick and to the point. You will know more about the field of aircraft maintenance than a lot of people already working in the industry. This can be a great way to see new places while getting paid for it! There is not a lot of filler here. I'm planning on increasing the price in the next few days, so to lock in this low price you need to order TODAY, Aircraft mechanics must attend a part 147 FAA-approved aviation maintenance technical school and . What you need to know to become an aircraft mechanic. Once you have obtained the required amount of practical training, you will need to pass three tests administered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). At first I skimmed through the book and then kind of forgot about it. According to salary.com, the average salary of an A&P Mechanic working on jets is $87,000 a year. I just got out of high school but for the last 2 years I been working for my uncle company doing framing work on houses and other stuff like apartments and condos. How To Become an Aircraft Mechanic (A&P Mechanic) SUU Aviation 14K subscribers Subscribe 47K views 1 year ago #amt #aircraftmaintenance #aviationmechanic In this video SUU's Director of. Is being an aircraft mechanic worth it? I just started at my first job where Im learning to work on small passenger planes and I really like the work so far and the pays really good to. The lessons taught by Stan King changed the path of my life. the only reason I bought this book was the fact that I'm thinking about going back to school to get my degree in Aviation and and this book was recommended by my friend's brother as he is an aircraft mechanic at a small airport in Washington DC. Most importantly it is fun to read, what a break..! I bought this book in the summer of 2012. For many mechanics , this feeling outweighs any negatives about the job . Being an aircraft mechanic can be physically demanding. Because A&P Mechanics are in such high demand and have such an important role in the aviation industry, they actually make really good money. It is important to be physically fit and have good stamina if you want to succeed in this career. The book starts off with the account of Stan king's career. There are many reasons that pursuing training in this field is a smart thing to do. - Don Eastman, Oklahoma City, OK Noone wants to have regrets. Being an aircraft mechanic is a great job that offers the opportunity for excellent pay and benefits. Also, the author often uses "straight talk" much of the time, so everything is clear and it's easy to follow along with all the subjects. Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology. "I have my A&P but I don't have any experience yet, so what are my best options?" Gave a lot of other info that hadn't even occurred to me. The mechanics are also responsible for keeping the aircraft in good working order so that it can be used safely. I talk about the toxic and unsafe culture that aircraft mechanics REALLY deal with. Of course, like any career, there are also some downsides to being an aircraft mechanic. The second most common hard skill for an aircraft mechanic is airframe appearing on 6.1% of resumes. } else { The job can be physically demanding, working with tools and parts that weigh a lot and often in confined spaces. Upon completion of the program, to work in some positions or for some employers,students may be required to passFAA certification examsin order toreceive their FAA Airframe & Powerplant certificate. Airframers in the Navy are the best mechanics in the world and they are the quickest to get hired because we do sheet metal fab, structural repair, component repair, composite repair, hydraulic repair, tire and wheel etc etc. if (year < 1000) year+=1900 The work is interesting and varied. Being an aircraft mechanic can be physically demanding. Start your aviation career today! I can tell when my husband really like something and when he is just pretending to like something and I could tell that he really liked reading this book. A**hole did a 3 lane change on the highway because they were texting and then missed their turn. You will find out most of what you need to know with these books and the video. I want you to know what it's really like working in aviation. As a professional working in aviation, I heard things like this almost every day. During the aircraft mechanic training in the air force field, students gain these skills: Dexterity: During training, aircraft mechanic students train to work with small and large airplane components while adjusting and assembling. If youwould like to train to become anaircraft mechanic, you can begin the process today. I got the aircraft mechanic because the author claimed that anyone could become an aircraft mechanic if you followed the steps outlined in the book. In the video you get to see aircraft mechanics in work and it is really informative. We knew from the outset that Fallout 76 was going to be the centerpiece of Bethesdas big show. They have to constantly lift items which can have a strain on their back over time. The hours can also be long and irregular. In the first few chapters the author (Stan King) describes what it was like for him becoming an aviation mechanic. And the work is really easy much easy than putting on roofs. Finally, working as an aircraft mechanic generally requires completing a formal training program at an accredited institution, which can take several years and cost tens of thousands of dollars. The fact that this is written by a professional who has years of experiences makes a big difference. Travel as we know it would grind to a halt without the work that aviation mechanics do. mechanics is expected to increase over the next two decades. I have read a lot of articles and blogs about aircraft mechanics without much luck finding any useful info. The following are some pros of, training to become an aircraft mechanic can be found in Boeings recent. If the truth about aviation maintenance was truly exposed, there would be an uproar! I'm going to read the book again to make sure I let all of the info sink in. Fact #2: The airlines need to make money! var montharray=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") The most obvious pro is that you get to work on airplanes! Using this book I was able to find a program at an MRO in Georgia (where I live). wine bottles, coffee pots, etc. Ive had paychecks that were almost $3,000 for one week. Most had been pulled in by a college or technical school, and they thought that the career would be much different than it actually is. Being an aircraft mechanic, I can totally relate to the author Stan king when he says that people always ask him questions about working in aviation. Most people don't have a clue that these methods exist. I read The Aircraft Mechanic many years ago while I was working as a loader in a wharehouse. After I read it, my first thought was that I have never seen another book like it. of aircraft mechanics in the United States earned around $37,890 per year. Aviation Maintenance Technology / Airframe and Powerplant, Nondestructive Testing Technology & Quality Control Management, Black History Month: Celebrating African American Aviators, Aviation Maintenance Technology (OK & CO), Aviation Maintenance Technology / Airframe & Powerplant (CA), Aviation Electronics Technology (OK & CO), Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC), BPPE State Performance Fact Sheet Airframe & Powerplant, BPPE State Performance Fact Sheet Aviation Maintenance Technology. Workers musttake precautions against injuries, such as wearing ear protection and brightly colored vests to ensure that they are seen when working around large aircraft. They also must be able to lift heavy objects and be comfortable working in cramped spaces. Aircraft mechanics have high earning potential in their jobs. A&P Student, - James Murphy This was really great info for me and really gave me all the info I had been looking for. Its pretty good and have helped me to figure out what I need to do so I will probably have ajob in a couple months working with this place in Texas. The best thing is I didnt have to go to school. Its much better than my old boring job thats for sure! I just started looking online about going to aircraft mechanic school and knew nothing about aircraft maintenance. Fact #1: The schools need to make money! Its dirty, dangerous work that requires long hours and a lot of physical labor. Why pay thousands of dollars to get something when you can get it for free? Most quit because they didn't like the job for one reason or another. The methods the author gives to skip college and get to the career probably saved me $1,000 of dollars. Therefore, bytraining to becomeanaircraft mechanic, you are entering a job field,that would likely have opportunities throughout the United States, as opposed to something withnarrow geographic opportunities. And the video about the A&P license that comes in the package was also really helpful to me. Aircraft maintenance is constantly listed in top ten or top twenty career lists by popular websites like MonsterJobs, Yahoo! There are many reasons that pursuing training in this field is a smart thing to do. For only $27 you will learn everything you need to know about working in aviation. Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. Aircraft mechanics must have a strong understanding of how airplanes work, as well as knowledge of tools and machinery. This book is great for those who are in the process of choosing career path. Overall, a great book for an aviation class. Im so glad I didnt end up with a $15,000 student loan or a bunch of credit card debt. jQuery(".teamsters-phone").show(); Going by this book I found out what to do to get a job. I decided not to go to college and I found a MRO right near my hometown of Florida where I could gain experience and test the career out before taking out student loans to go to the community college. if (year < 1000) year+=1900 Well I guess sometimes things just have to grow on you because as soon as I started reading it again I couldn't believe that I had thrown it away so quick the first time. This book / course could easily be sold for double the price. And using this book as a general guide really helps! This puts a few limitations on where mechanics should look for homes after, s are tasked with keeping aircraft safe, there is a lot of pressure and it can move at a fast pace. The chapter about the A&P license is worth the price of the book alone. But if youre passionate about aviation and working with your hands, then a career as an aircraft mechanic could be a great fit for you. All I had to do was buy a toolbox and some tools which all cost about $200. I highly recommend the ac mechanic to others looking into this career. The A&P License is issued to qualified aviation technicians that have the proper training and meet all of the requirements set by the FAA. Another is that it can be difficult to find full-time employment as an aircraft mechanic, since there are relatively few airlines and other companies that operate their own fleets of aircraft. For anyone who wants to pursue this career this book is a must read. Third rate mechanics imho along with marines, army is okay if you get helos. For example, I have a new sense of awareness about the jobs I do and the other mechanics I work around. The Aircraft Mechanic has given me exactly what i was looking for which was information about what it's like working as an aircraft mechanic, whereas other books I've seen talk about how to work on aircraft. They could easily give this information away, but instead they hide it from you. An A&P license is what the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) issues to people who are trained to be aircraft mechanics. The answers simply weren't available. I was originally skeptical when I ordered my copy of The Aircraft Mechanic. I have a male cousin that has been working as a mechanic for a long time and he told me about this book. The pay is good. Fact #3: The whole aviation industry is controlled by Greedy corporations. Still a must-read for anyone considering working in aviation maintenance. The work is interesting and challenging, and you get to travel to different places. This chapter permits the classification of environmental events and circumstances as . The third most common is faa on 5.4% of resumes. I bought this book pretty much for one reason, and that was to find out how to make the most money as an aircraft mechanic. There are many reasons to become an aircraft mechanic. First things first. Your copies of The Aircraft Mechanic, Interview With An A&P Mechanic, Interview With A Structures Mechanic, and the How To Get A Free A&P License video will be instantly available in your email so you can start learning about the aviation industry right now! There are a bunch of mechanic jobs out there but you cant just go and get one. If you like airplanes and want to work on them this book covers all the topics. From performing routine maintenance to troubleshooting complex problems, mechanics always have something new to keep them challenged. - Chris Vohnham, A&P Instructor. This course has sold very successfully at $49.95, and even for quite a while at $99.95, so don't be surprised if you return and see it back at a higher price. Read this before you go to school to be an aircraft mechanic, Perfect Resource If Youre Thinking About This Career, Great book if you thinking about getting into this. You won't be disappointed and you're gonna need it. After I graduated high school I was thinking about joining the air force or the navy so I could learn how to be an aircraft mechanic. Only certain jobs require it. Certification requirements for taking and passing certification examinations are not controlled by the College, but by outside agencies and are subject to change by the agencies without notice to the College. This book would be great just for someone that is thinking about going to an aircraft mechanic school. Even after being a mechanic for almost a decade I still picked up a lot of info. This literally keeps pilots and passengers safe in the air and can save their lives. Since I still had my copy I thought well I'll give it a second chance. and an admissions representative close by will call and answer your questions. I will tell you everything you need to know about the aircraft maintenance career field. Some have become aircraft mechanics making $100,000 or more per year, while some have decided that the career is not right for them BEFORE spending thousands of dollars and wasting years of their life. Every day people just like you are making money in the field of aviation. }. If you are looking to get your A&P certificate, I recommend you read this book. 30 Day Money-Back Offer if you order TODAY, - Randall T. Maintenance companies and airlines love it when fresh, dumb aviation mechanics come right out of college looking for a job. If you want to work on jets, that number goes up to between $76,000 and $98,000 . var mydate=new Date() This one contains almost everything you need to know. Fact #4: Maintenance companies like DUMMIES! After reading that kind of basic information online over and over The Aircraft Mechanic was a fresh sight. Mechanics spend their workdays inspecting, maintaining, and repairing planes, so they are on their feet and working with their bodies no pushing paper behind a desk all day or sitting behind a computer screen for hours on end. Many mechanics are around heavy equipment. Fact #6: Most aircraft mechanics think they have a good career because they don't know any better. What are the Disadvantages of Being a Aircraft Mechanic? I was thinking that being an aircraft mechanic would be something completely different than the way it is described in the book. After all, becoming an aircraft mechanic takes time and money. Here are some following cons to keep in mind as you decide whetherthisis right for you. "Every aircraft technician and anyone that is interested in aircraft or aviation, or anyone who even flies on planes should be forced to read this book." Certification is required for some,but not all,positions within the aviation industry. So is becoming an aircraft mechanic worth it? Tells how some of the aviation companies and maintenance facilities will use new mechanics and how to not let that happen. It's like "How Stuff Works" on steroids. It's pretty cheap for all the info you get. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about training to become anaircraft mechanicat Spartan College, you can find out more on ourwebsiteorrequest more information and an admissions representative close by will call and answer your questions. Fastforward two months later. Any inspections, repairs, maintenance, etc., are documented. I am the creator of The Aircraft Mechanic materials. The airlines and maintenance companies work with the technical schools and colleges to bring in new employees for the lowest price possible. The job provides a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment . The information is priceless. receive their FAA Airframe & Powerplant certificate. He really went into a lot of detail and I felt like he was spot on. Ive always wanted to work on airplanes and bought this book because it said I could get my A&P license for free without going to college. I have read the book 2 times, each time picking up more and more information that I missed the first time around. The book makes you ask yourself if you really would like this career. jQuery(".tulsa-phone").show(); . The following guide can help you understand the steps you should take totrain tobecome anaircraft mechanic, and both the pros and the cons of pursuingaircraft mechanicsas a profession. Some of these include knowing your purpose, thinking beyond what aviation colleges want you to think, and knowing who you are in order to know if this career is right for you. Mechanics who excel at their jobs can quickly move up the ladder, into management positions or even open their own shops. Don't guess if an aviation career is right for you. If you are well-suited to an active role that uses both your brain and your body,training to becomeanaircraft mechanicmay be just the right choice for you. Nothing really explained anything about the field of aircraft maintenance, how to become an aircraft mechanic, or what it's like working as one. The field of aircraft maintenance is growing every day. There is a $145 application fee once you are approved. Most aircraft mechanics can make a lot of money compared to some careers, but only if the right steps are taken.
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