Lyran Starseeds: Origins, Starseed Markings & Modern Starry Practices. Lyrans are the only star seed group that will say aliens have contacted them personally and given them specific information about our world. You may be a person who searches for fairness in the world and feels compelled to help those who are being mistreated. . You can always ask your star family or an elder to help you out so that they can explain what each of your markings mean just in case some are more obvious than others. If the Avatar body was already lived by someone else (which is entirely possible) then it is most likely that you will find a starseed marking there as a reminder of that life. Just like Pleiadian and Sirian starseeds, you are highly creative and always full of ideas. Trust. When youre born into Lyran Starseed lineage, you may have unique gifts that set you apart from other people on earth, including: They are often misunderstood, told theyre weird or different, teased or bullied, told theyre too emotional or sensitive, and sometimes even advised to stop being so creative. The brightest star in this constellation is Vega, which is also one of the brightest . You are drawn to acting, writing, and other creative work where you can express yourself freely. Feel that I have a much higher calling and I want to give and serve however I fear Im missing the boat. They tend to be inquisitive thinkers and will seek out solutions through intellectual pursuits rather than relying on intuition or inner guidance. But it is possible to find a life partner that fits with their particular needs. They mark specific events and energies that play a crucial part in our lives. Lyrans tend to observe the people theyre surrounded by, as they feel different to others. Lyrans have mastered survival in the physical because they are very grounded. If this seems like something that might describe your life, dont worryyoure not alone! Even though there are many people who do have one (or more) starseed marking(s) that doesnt mean everyone else will too! Another method would be to go into nature and sit for a while. The best way to deal with this is by meditating more, as well as using crystals to help calm your field and keep it clear of excess attachments. Most likely this means either theres an energetic attachment blocking you from getting the job or else that theres just too much activity in your field (due to not having many energy signatures.). In awe, I am in absolute awe and amazement by this revelation. When Lyrans incarnate into a three dimensional world, they like to experience that world to the fullest. Lyrans may have many romantic relationships as they enjoy the physical connection but have a hard time committing to one person. Not a rage, or anything, but if they are mad, you should look out. Generally, this will bring about either a tingling sensation or warmth if youre very sensitive. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Faith. This means that even if you dont have any markings anywhere on your body then still your aura may look like an array of colours, shapes and symbols; some people have them while others are completely void of them. Many lyrans will begin sentences with phrases like The truth is and What if, followed by unusual rhyming phrases like paint of love or flirt at dawn., Many lyrans will also end their phrases with words that sound lyrical, such as love or dove.. 2. I am. Other species exist in Lyra and have made contact with . The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13th, What are Avian starseed traits, and what do they mean, Lemurian Starseed: traits & characteristics, Spiritual meaning of dreams about being cheated on. The best way to deal with this is by meditating more. This means that either your intuition (which is connected with your soul) has made itself heard OR else you have a spirit guide who likes to play tricks on you and show themselves whenever they can! If done correctly, you should be able to feel where your markings are on other peoples hands. Lyran starseeds pursue justice fearlessly. *You just dont feel like yourself anymore; it feels more like something (or someone) else has moved into your body and cloned you. Have you ever felt like you just dont quite fully belong with everyone else here on Earth? You enjoy solving problems and have a natural gift for helping others solve their own problems. These markings are associated with ones karma, purpose and divine fate. Here are some common lyran starseed traits to help you find out. Unfortunately, they might write them off as the same as everyone else and miss out on a fulfilling relationship. However, they are mainly lovely and easy going, until provoked. It might be challenging to find someone who shares their values, but eventually, they will find someone compatible. After a quick search, I came across this page, and found I related almost immediately. Each marking has a meaning attached to it however that can change depending on how they combine. Often Lyran starseeds are master at healing and are the ones who founded Lemurian civilization. Staying in one place for a long period of time could depress them. The easiest way to tell if youre a Lyran is by identifying whether youve ever been able to perceive other realities or if you have memories of other lifetimes here on Earth. If they want something, they'll go after it. When it comes to their love life, they are highly passionate lovers but get easily bored because they love diversity. Lyrian starseeds often embody a sense of calm and inner peace, being able to remain centered amidst chaotic times. Id like to believe Im awake, but I think the bad guys (Kazarian / Cabal / Elites / Them, The Man, etc) have been pretty successful in keeping the truth(s) from us. However, they can just as well turn their hands to model making and sculpture, as well as painting and drawing. This feeling is especially strong if youve tried several different careers already without success. Lastly, you could even try meditating and tuning into your third eye chakra to see whether or not it can sense your energy signatures that way (this works best with people who already have markings on their physical body as well.). Jan 23, 2017 - Discover your starseed origins and incarnations with this guide by The Starseed's Compass. my akashic records have recently said so, and i seem to have 90% traits, so any other info, or downloads, would be great thanks. I could go on and on but Im guessing youre probably wondering why Ive chosen to respond (if you even get notified) While Ive been waking up for a long time, Ive been hitting the snooze for many years, and finally decided to get out of bed. This means there is an attachment of some kind to this person or thing, which may be coming from you (if its a person) or else it could be something that theyre doing and sending out towards you without realizing it. The best way to deal with this is by meditating more until you reconnect emotionally with your true self. Starseed markings. This symbol is said to be used by all extraterrestrial races in our galaxy as a way of communicating with each other. There are a few stars in the Lyra constellation, but the main planet of origin is Vega. Thus, many Lyrans gravitate towards legal professions, especially where this allows them to stand up to corporate interests or state injustice. They like adventures and always go for thrills. Lyran starseeds originate from the constellation Lyra, mainly the planet, Vega. This means what ever happened previously during a certain lifetime has repeated itself again but only now it is happening again in this current lifetime. Lyran Starseeds. They were said to have colonized various planets throughout the universe, leaving either compatible or incompatible civilizations in their wake. They have an intuitive ability to recognize when something is off-balance and feel strong callings to shift and re-align energies for the highest good. Lyran constellation - Lyrans call the Vegas star home, which is located inside the Lyra constellation. You are drawn to the stars and the most beautiful scenery you can find. You believe in human potential and the innate goodness of people. The brightest star in this constellation is Vega, which is also one of the brightest stars visible from our planet. By working on the foundations supplied by Lavendar and her Pleiadian starseed markings and cross referencing with native American astrology, I was able to identify what I believe are starseed markings for Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion, Vega, Lyra, Hydra, Centaurus and Cygnus. How to Find Your Starseed Markings on the Body, Pleiadian Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Zeta Reticuli Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Eridanus Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Alpha Centauri Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Procyon Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Draconian Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Maldek Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Mintaka Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Andromedan Starseed: Traits and Characteristics. Lyran starseed. They are interested in space travel and astronomy or science fiction. The first method how you can find your starseed markings is the method involving looking into a mirror and seeing what happens when you focus on parts of your body for an extended period of time. Lyran starseeds are fascinated by cultures and tend to be well-traveled. It's important to embrace your markings and love what is on your body because they mean something special to you! Youre also haunted by the feeling that there has to be more to life than this, even if you dont know what it is! The best way to deal with this dilemma is by meditating more until the energies get less dense (and/or surround yourself in nature) and then ground before sleep time. For this reason, they volunteered to come to our planet to help evolve the collective consciousness. Dont worry we will never share your information or SPAM you. It is important for lyran starseeds to find a balance between living an ordinary life and pursuing their ability to explore new ideas or concepts. You can use these gifts as a source of strength to conquer difficult tasks or channel them into powerful creation experiences that shape the type of future energy you want to bring into the world. 16 Amazing Symbolism, The Spiritual Meaning of Someone Stealing from You. This is not true at all. Second, top and rear of head is enlarged to accommodate a larger brain capacity. *You feel like you just dont fit into society very well; people around you seem strange and distant (even if you are close to them) and you feel like youre on the outskirts of everything. Lyran starseeds are incarnated souls from Lyra who have come to earth at this time to assist with planetary healing through their innate healing abilities and their passion for truth. You feel like it is very important to help others and are naturally drawn to careers in healing, teaching or charitable work. The Lyrans are primarily a feline-humanoid race. Copyright 2015-2021 The Starseed's Compass and Aspen Rain. Thanks for sharing. This could mean one of two things: either you have weak energy signatures but strong energetic attachments, or else it means that theres something off about your own energy signature (which is how most starseeds generally end up feeling to begin with.). Lyrans are very energetic and like to be involved in many activities. . But when they read a book, they absorb the information readily. Sometimes people will say that they have a gut feeling about something, or sometimes they might just know for certain that its going to happen even though there are no signs pointing in that direction. It is the small constellation that is surrounded by Hercules, Cygnus, and Draco. What is a Starseed? Lyran starseeds naturally radiate high vibration energy which can deeply impact people around them. Lyrans are very intelligent and tend to know a lot, about a wide range of topics! There are many reasons why this may be happening (which Ill go into detail about later) but most likely it means that either these spirits are actually around you or else your starseed markings are trying to show themselves. Lyrans are also good at solving relationship problems because lyrans have a knack at being able to get into someones head and figure out what is wrong. You are independent, creative, eccentric and insightful lyran starseeds are free thinkers with the ability to think outside of the box . You do much better around animals, nature and other quiet things that dont have as much energetic activity. sarcastic comments about the human race, ability to grasp concepts quickly and easily in theory but have difficulty putting them into practice, (focusing on how it should be done rather than just doing it), awareness of the big picture, able to grasp many different possibilities, need for routine and structure even if they cant easily define why a certain order makes them happy, belief that there is more to life than what meets the eye, belief in karma, often feeling responsible for helping others (or the greater good), will try anything at least once due to an intense curiosity and desire for knowledge, drawn toward spiritual interests, especially new age philosophies and ceremonies such as channeling or reiki energy healing, may feel uncomfortable with traditional organized religion that has set rules and rituals, strong sense of right v wrong with a tendency to be unforgiving of those who do harm or cause suffering in the world. Misconceptions and Facts: Lies and Truth About the Business of Modeling, they experience the physical world to the fullest have a love for good food, drink and music, they dont mind hard physical labour but once they get started, they dont like to stop until the job is done, they enjoy people watching and analysing social interactions, they are intelligent and tend to know a lot about a wide range of topics, they have a live and let live attitude so long as youre doing no harm, Lyran starseeds may have a freedom fighter type mentality as many are quick to identify injustices and willing to fight for causes they believe in, they are natural leaders because they are very experiencedand comfortable living the 3rd dimension, they may have many lovers because they enjoy the physical experiences of love but have a hard time staying put, their fierce independence may be painful for those close to them, especially parents. They also possess other key traits, including kindness, mindfulness, and understanding. You have many long-lasting friendships with people who share common interests with you. Im just starting to completely see things from a different light, and the light I live in isnt the same as the others around me anymore So its nice to see / read stories of people sharing. Each one of those fragments becomes an individual soul and takes possession of its own body known as an avatar or vessel body. Lyrans are good psychologists because lyrans have a natural interest in the workings of peoples minds . Modern Tarot Deck. With cosmically powerful origins, the Lyran starseed mission is an incredible journey of knowledge and growth. Additionally, Lyrian starseeds possess strong telepathics skills, as well as a deep connection to Spirit. The degrees of 0-10 in any sign can indicate the Starseeds Orion or Mintakan. Many people have experienced these things and dont know what they mean just yet. Of all the Lyran Starseed traits, this is the one that makes them the most unique. A clairvoyance told me I was a starseed I laughed but Ive read over and over each starseed and their traits. What are clair-gifts? They trust lyrans to tell the truth without malice or bias. However, there is one major difference between these two civilizations: where they originate from. Since there are no two starseeds alike, you can experiment with different ways of figuring out where your markings are. Also check outPleiadian,Andromedans,Orions, Arcturians, Avians, Reptilians, Mintakans, Alpha Centaurians, Venusian, Hadarians, Polarians and Sirianstarseeds. you feel a deep connection with animals, plants and the earth itself. This can manifest in many ways, but it is often experienced as an inability to connect with others and not feeling at home in human society. Pointed ears may also be present in some cases, as well as whispers of silver strands throughout the mane. Coming to Earth is not as hard for them as for many other starseeds and they can excel even in the harshest conditions because they carry ancient wisdom. In general, this kind of marking has two main meanings: Who you were in your past life. 1. You are immune to most sickness because your mind can overcome any ailment. Lyrans make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activity and pushing physical limits. To me, this is very odd sounding but from what Im learning, everything has certain frequencies, including these gems, and we, or our spiritual beings have the capability to tap into these forces, or frequencies to communicate amongst other things. An unusual sensitivity toward energy fields (e.g., electromagnetic fields) The rights and power of the individual are fundamental to the Lyrans. I recognize and appreciate you sharing this info, or YOUR experience. The Lyran Starseed Transmission: Clearing Ancestral Star Patterns/Preparing for the 5D Shift. When they speak, people can feel that theyre very confident. 12. They are highly spontaneous and carry high energy all the time. Most of us arent even aware that we have these extra abilities until someone points them out to us or we begin recalling memories from childhood (or past lives). Lyran starseeds have an intense desire for truth that manifests through their willingness to embrace change, even if it means leaving behind a familiar comfort zone in order to seek out new experiences. Theyre also good at making connections with other people, which makes them excellent team players. Lyran starseeds are the type of people that do things that would make the rest of us panic at least a little. Star races who reside in the 12th dimension are naturally endowed with a harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energy. Let us know in the comments. They tend to be either Feline or Avian from Lyra, though it seems to me like Feline souls are more common here. Lyran starseeds will laugh naturally in a lyrical way when they are happy and feel like dancing. Lyrans feel love deeply and know how other people feel through their own emotional connections with others. Lyran Starseeds Lyrans are a type of starseed from the Lyra constellation. Lyrans are a type of starseed from the Lyra constellation. This could also be known as burnout and it is caused by energy attachments that are draining your core essence. They tend to be highly skilled with their hands and often make expert tradespeople. A Lyran that is not allowed to express their independence is very, very unhappy and will begin to exhibittraits that are the EXACT opposite of what is typical for a Lyran starseed. The Lyran race is just like any other race on this planet: some are good, some are bad, and most are somewhere in between. You're Intelligent and Gifted. If you dont however then theres no reason to worry as theres another method that should work with just about anyone! Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Extended Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins, The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, The Incarnation Process and the Souls Innate Frequency. But do not mistake them for reckless, as Lyrans are known for analysing their surroundings before acting. There are two types of starseed markings both can give you insight into your past lives. *You just cant find a normal job that you like doing; it feels pointless to work at something you hate and it seems impossible for you to break into your dream career. This usually only works if you have fairly unusual markings though or none at all. Paired with their natural leadership abilities, this combination of characteristics lends itself to social justice and leading the fight against injustice and unfair treatment. The Star People by Brad Steiger. They gifted the element of fire to earth and also seeded the initial souls to Atlantis. As such, they embody the energy of the root chakra and the colour red. Lyrans are natural leaders, so they often take to careers that put them in charge of others.
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