The accepted answer tackled this with a while loop. Every list comprehension in Python contains these three elements: Let's take a look at the following example: In this list comprehension, my_list represents the iterable, m represents a member and m*m represents the expression. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? Python's for loop is like other languages' foreach loops. Idiomatic code is sophisticated (but not complicated) Python, written in the way that it was intended to be used. enumerate() is mostly used in for loops where it is used to get the index along with the corresponding element over the given range. You can give any name to these variables. May 25, 2021 at 21:23 Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. There are ways, but they'd be tricky to say the least. @drum if you need to do anything more complex than occasionally skipping forwards, then most likely the. This situation may also occur when trying to modify the index of an. Just as timgeb explained, the index you used was assigned a new value at the beginning of the for loop each time, the way that I found to work is to use another index. Changelog 2.3.0 What's Changed * Fix missing URL import for the Stream class example in README by hiohiohio in https . the initialiser "counter" is used for item number. This includes any object that could be a sequence (string, tuples) or a collection (set, dictionary). Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology. Using While loop: We cant directly increase/decrease the iteration value inside the body of the for loop, we can use while loop for this purpose.Example: Using Range Function: We can use the range function as the third parameter of this function specifies the step.Note: For more information, refer to Python range() Function.Example: The above example shows this odd behavior of the for loop because the for loop in Python is not a convention C style for loop, i.e., for (i=0; i