How about a Corps of Infantry ? However, the usage of designated marksmen not too common. is the close combat element of the Infantry Battalion, with this article specifically covering the Rifle Company as it exists in the Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT). This question arises a fair bit with readers of, so we have compiled a table to help explain what the unit or group names mean, what units made up larger WW2 army units, the rough size of the unit, and what rank of officer or NCO was normally in charge. No, I hesitated on the TA bit because it sounded derogatory, but note that I said enhance their professionalism, not that they were unprofessional. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. It allows Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs) to be generated quickly. If the mortar setup is still the same as it used to be, isnt that 6 x 81mm in peace time plus 3 from TA for full war time deployment strength ? This would increase the overall costs extreme and such an all-mech-inf force with the ability of the mech-inf to also fight as light inf if the need arises would create a high logistical footprint, high equipment costs and much higher training costs etc. Battalion The weapons platoon would have the mortar platoon, the anti tank platoon, and an assault gun platoon with some sort of wheeled TD or support gun. I basically used six as a starting point in the interests of standardization because six dismounts seems to be where heavy IFVs are heading and so a six man section seems rational unless youre happy to play musical chairs on arrival and it means you can task one section in a vehicle; presuming you can pull one guy out of the turret you max out at 28 dismounts which is the traditional platoon size. 3 regiments with 3 infantry battalions, plus supporting troops. Losing this space (currently in the Pl HQ wagon) is a big problem. This would imo truly increase flexibility, fighting power and would it make even more easier to re-role the units. These were divided up in the HQ Company with 120 men. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Nominally, an extra GPMG and DMR are proposed, but a light mortar or multi-role 40 mm AGL could be carried instead. Strike battalion Both were organized along similar lines. This is will mean better effect of weapons and better for load distribution. The nomenclature varies by nationality and by branch of arms, for instance, some armies organize their infantry into battalions, but call battalion-sized cavalry, reconnaissance, or . It was common for a battalion to become temporarily attached to a different regiment. A heavily loaded German infantry unit marching into a new position on the Eastern Front in 1943. REME do not just fix vehicles, an Infantry Battalion has a huge amount of other equipment that REME have to support. The ideal solution is to have a 30 mm cannon turret with twin ATGM boxes. The infantry brigade combat team, as of 2014, contains 4,413 soldiers and is organized around three battalions of infantry. Note(s) 6-10. - With the Dutch artillery units, the equivalent of a battalion is called an afdeling (which translates to "section"). Again, organisational structure is important. Given the requirement, identify organizational structure and chain of command within the Marine Corps, per the references. Beginning in the early 1980s, some elements of the combat support companies (the mortar and scout platoons) were merged into the headquarters company with the staff and support elements, others were moved to their parent type organization (ground surveillance radar and air defense), and in infantry battalions the heavy anti-tank missile platoon was organized as a separate company (ECompany). Each type of brigade ( infantry or airborne infantry) has the same basic organization. Company One suggestion might be to convert the light-role battalions GPMG SF Pl into a MANPADS Pl? on Bushmaster as their ride. I do think the reserves however have a huge role to play in defending airfields, HQs, dockyards, ammo dumps etc etc. I like the idea of having more fire support in Platoon HQ. AT - Fireteam A fireteam is a small military unit of infantry. The overall structure defined by sub-unit organisation reflects the fact that protected mobility is now needed more widely. Military The Units As we addressed in an earlier article, any unit is a sum of its parts. Equally, it can be used for vehicles that have a larger carrying capacity than IFVs, e.g. Why some say Warrior can carry seven and why some say less: Secondly, top-slicing the Army Reserve and a Regular-Reserve integrated ORBAT: I struggle to see what the problem is you seek to solve and what the advantages are of integrated Reserve companies compared to the current system. UK Infantry battalions have a Fire Support Company with five elements. This is followed at the brigade level at which point the support scale starts to really kick in. It normally consists of a headquarters and three or more companies. Armored DivisionTable of Organization and Equipment. A battalion is a regimental sub-unit of infantry amounting to between 500 and 1,000 soldiers. Either way possibly improving retention and a quality of life issue for regulars who may need some acclimatization to civilian life. 3743 0 obj <>stream In addition to the primary mission companies, a battalion typically includes a headquarters staff and combat service support which may be combined into a Headquarters and service company. No, I am asking us to attack the sacred cows of ceremonial roles to put troops in combat formations ! In Battalions with appropriate vehicles the longer barrel bipod mourned versions could be used with the hand held MFC computer, the ability for the Platoon commander to deploy smoke to scene manoeuvre or break contact is key I think. Officers Mess Staff For all modern technology, gunning and commanding really require two people, else you have an ineffective platform. Their light cavalry troops are even bigger: 50 soldiers in eight LOVs (Pinzgauers). A platoon of 1 + 35 divides neatly into four sections of 9 soldiers, allowing 7 dismounts per section or your magic number of 28 dismounts total per section. Thisproposal is in-line with what rifle companies already have. The infantry organizational structure existing in 1969 was well suited to the strategy and tactics of flexible . With a universal size, it is easy to see gaps and to fill them. Police. Each have different jobs and roles each of which is necessary to keep the wagon fighting and surviving. A group consists of four or five field armies and between 400,000 and 1 million soldiers. These are only used in times of large-scale war, such as World War II. 2019-2023 Battle Order. It will have 6 ambulances, each crewed by 3 personnel, although this may be increased to 8 or 9 for high intensity operations, creating a total headcount requirement of 1 medical officer + 25 other ranks. [1] In the Royal Netherlands Army, a mechanised infantry battalion usually consists of one command- and medical company, three mechanised infantry companies, and one support company, which has three platoons with heavy mortars and three platoons with anti-tank missiles (TOW). Those regiments consisting of more than one battalion are: Tactically, the Canadian battalion forms the core of the infantry battle group, which also includes various supporting elements such as armour, artillery, combat engineers and combat service support. You have ended my four day long hunt! However number of boots might make the difference for protected mobility (motorized) inf. General Creighton Abrams, from 1968 to 1972. In an infantry squad, the teams divide duties: one serves as a base-of-fire element, while the other serves as the maneuver element. They would free up the Battalions and companies now assigned to this role to shore up the numbers in real Battalions . Section commanders can step back without having to control 3 privates whilst planning his sections manouver. The mechanised brigade would have Boxer 120mm TD, Boxer IFV, Boxer SPH. The HQ Company was equipped with. Genuine question because I do not think that Guardsmen do dislike public duties to the extent you suggest. The organization here has been valid since approximately 2012, although weapon systems have changed over time. I think we missed a trick not going for the much lighter 7.62 version of the Minimi, buts a new purchase and would cost a lot more than just re-issuing old stocks of L7. In some countries, battalions are exclusively infantry, while in others battalions are unit-level organizations. So it looks as if the developments for the vehicle are at a pretty advanced stage, making a cancellation of the vehicle and its replacement by the Ajax IFV variant unlikely. Rifle Squad consisted of 9-12 men lead by one NCO(Sergeant) and a - 2) Would it work for the role of the specialised infantry battalions? So to summarize it up: my suggestion would be to create identical infantry bataillons, but without any organic protected mobility. Table of US Divisions At least in tracked / wheeled armoured infantry ? This where I would fit the reserve infantry into the mix, sticking with 1 inf battalion providing 1 Coy on the 1 in 3 rotation to their twinned regular battalion for the regular motorized inf Battalions. This is because Reserves are not expected or asked to deploy more than once per five-year period. Light Aid Detachment Starting in 20052006, the U.S. Army's mechanized and tank battalions were reorganized into combined arms battalions (CABs). 03 Fire Support Company structure Instead, why cant be we be open to moving beyond the status quo of four vehicles per platoon? With the Army embracing other new technologies, such as drones and loading carrying autonomous vehicles, having sufficient technical personnel to operate and maintain them suggests that having sufficient REME personnel is essential. ~T,=y-2ZxKx FrV{^=bB&T* u \' UUplpD_&e\ I think were missing a trick with not using the reserve transition from regular service. Platoons divided into multiples may opt for a different weapons mix, e.g. Rounds and weapon will be heavier for dubious long range body-armour piercing performance. The T/O started out as a chart-like document published by the War Department during WWII, prescribing the organic structure and equipment of units from divisional strength on down to the smallest operational entities . corporal. The different types of light infantry organizations were all consolidated into the one "Infantry" organization in 2007. Units Each can conduct major tactical operations and sustained battlefield operations. Platoon-size unit per Division Required fields are marked *. A U.S. Army battalion includes the battalion commander (lieutenant colonel), executive officer (major), command sergeant major (CSM), headquarters staff, and usually three to five companies, with a total of 300 to 1,000[31] (but typically 500 to 600) soldiers. If youre looking to increase platoon strength without greatly increasing overall numbers Id eliminate the support company and draw its manpower and vehicles down from battalion, possibly adding two dedicated support sections to a platoon. The psychological impact of fighting against a platoon with immediate indirect fire capability should not be disregarded nor should the effect of hearing its noise and seeing its explosion. With common ORBATs, marine battalions can quickly be prepared for the allocated mission. of US Divisions, Corps and independant units that served in Italy. After all, the Army Reserve is not the job which pays the bills. I have always been rather sceptical that public duties require two battalions plus the incremental companies. Quartermasters Department Have the shortfall taken up by a line battalion. Theyre commanded by a general and are considered self-sufficient for indefinite periods. Catering Platoon MPSA is a jointly-staffed organization, headquartered in the National Capital Region, which serves as the single point of contact with the United States Postal Service and oversees the Military. V:Y@|L']$||Cv%r00{: $d[HAXK4;V(53QDS{cnWAFd_kG802C>8J/]'rc|zNgzP[>nr@0; dCR$SPeh!Y2z;aq]3]MQE=$o>\x=B/tcTuNJ,j~^iD}!rq|kWG#4ory6hK ]6~961f3>Dm#| The French and Germans have them at infantry-company level and the Australians have a surveillance section as part of their recce platoons. Getting rid of minimi/ LMG was a mistake based on the assumption that medium to long range contacts will dominate future conflicts. Ref Phase 1 and 2 training for a Combat Medic is around 40 weeks, compared to 28 for an infantry soldier, and even then they are not allowed to practice unsupervised until theyve completed their class one training (usually a year into their first posting). firepower and protection yes (which would possibly be over kill), but at the expense of a massive logistical footprint. consists of a platoon headquarters, 3 rifle squads, and 1 weapons squads. Two teams make up a squad, which has four to 10 soldiers.