My bg was over 200 at 1 hr, and went up even higher at 2 hrs. My moms took a year to go back after delivery. I was standing in the kitchen a few nights ago really, really craving Apple Pie. If like me, you fail your Glucose Challenge Test, dont panic. The morning of the test, I made myself a protein-heavy omelet of 1 egg, 2 egg whites and veggies, hoping I wouldnt need to eat again before the appointment. Which is why I thought nothing of consuming a gigantic sugary scone before my Glucose Challenge Test. Ugh I'm sorry! dutch braid pigtails for beginners A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. I had a hard time finding a hard and fast rule or percentage of how many, but I found a few sources stating that up to 25% of moms may fail the test. It is OK that you are sad, and scared, and feel like "the worst mom ever." I did too. Menu. commander erwin voice actor bronzeville walk of fame cloud radar fairbanks failed glucose test by 2 points. To get an accurate result on the OGTT, eat about 150 grams of carbohydrates each day for 3 days before the test. I felt pretty crappy. Hang in there and try not to read SO much that you confuse yourself! First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm. Ate an egg breakfast beforehand, had test at 915 am. With the Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), you will have to fast beforehand and that supe Cellular markers of aging could reveal how insulin-producing cells begin to fail in type 2 diabetes. Failed 1 hour by 2 points and passed all 4 blood draws of the 3 hour. Glucose is a particularly essential nutrient for babies, but in some regions it can be scarce. All that sunshine and fresh air, yikes. Ah no! Has anyone ever failed the 3-hour after failing the one hour by just 1-2 points? I have been going through the test strips a lot because I never get enough blood so I have to do it a few more times I failed the 2 hour test but only my fasting sugar was high (cut-off is 5.3 and mine was 5.4) and I only have to test 3-4 times a day. I said that I wouldn't do the 3 hour test and the OB said that she'd compromise by letting me take the 1 hr. Mine was off by three points, so I had to take the 3-hour test. I got a 142 and doctor said below 140 was passing. Even for a non-pop drinker, I dont think it is as much of a shock to the system as we preggos like to yack about. Do we really know the side-effects of an over-dose of health? According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, 20 to 75 percent of men with any type of diabetes have ED. My numbers were outrageously high for the 3 hour test so it turns out that I have gestational diabetes. Unfortunately, I have a chronic fainting disorder, which causes me to pass out and get violently ill when I'm triggered. I have personally known quite a few people to fail the test and pass the three hour, so it is pretty common. If you need some convincing on this, read my full disclaimer where I say it over and over again. The following is some November 2, 2013-- How do I get Lantus Insulin Less Expensively? Glucose tolerance test: Testing for diabetes A simple blood test can often detect diabetes. I'm healthy, active and never had a problem with my first. I failed the first one with my daughter and had to go back and do the long one. It's called the oral glucose challenge test. I failed my 2 hour glucose test but I'm fairly healthy. I failed the 1-hour Glucose test by TWO points! Before my breeding season of life I used to give blood a lot. Chances of Passing 3 hour glucose Test after Failing 1 hour test. You also need to have a high carb diet for some time before 2-3 days (IIRC). I was kind of shocked. I panicked at first, then I did heaps of research, saw a diabetes educator and got myself informed (knowledge is power). I actually had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies, though Ive never written about it here. How did I get diabetes? During pregnancy, the placenta, which connects your baby to your blood supply, produces high levels of various other hormones. Your email address will not be published. My doctors office usually was quick to call, so when three days past, I figured I was in the clear. You guys, I failed hardcore. I figured there are probably other mamas-to-be out there in similar situations (waiting to take the 3-hour test or recently diagnosed with GD), who might also benefit from hearing about my experience. The nurse at my doctor's office said since I was close to passing the 1 hour, I shouldn't have a problem passing the 3-hour. A month before I got pregnant, my A1C was 4.7%, which is actually just above being too low. Diet controlled, but insulin for my fasting sugar - which ironically was the only one I passed on the test. It is OK that you failed the screening. Right after this, you will be instructed to drink 100 grams of the glucose drink within five minutes. Gestational diabetes usually develops during the last half of pregnancy sometimes as early as the 20th week, but generally not until later. (source). The Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) is a relatively simple test: at 24-28 weeks gestation you drink a sweet drink with a high glucose load, usually around 50g of carbohydrate, and a blood sample is taken one hour later. It really is OK. The first one being that you do actually have Gestational Diabetes. Which path will you take? Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. My pre preg weight was 120 and I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant up to 136 (gained 16 lbs so far). This morning, I failed the one hour by TWENTY points, I was at about 160, but I feel pretty confident that I will still pass the three hour test next Tuesday. And this getaway comes with a refreshing cocktail! Some medical providers will recommend carb loading in the days leading up to the test, but for the most part, the recommendation is to just eat normally and then fast for 10-12 hours before you actually take the test. As a result, the blood glucose levels were significantly more stable; the incidence of peripheral blood glucose levels >15 mmol/L before meals dropped to ~12% and that of blood glucose levels < 4 mmol/L 2 h after meals dropped to ~6%. When the pregnancy is over, the diabetes usually disappears. Hype does not equal reality.) After you are diagnosed, your doctors office will likely send in a prescription for a Glucose Monitor and supplies. My appointment for the one-hour test was Monday at 2:40 (rookie mistake number one). Ignore them. The girl at work who recently had a bub said not to eat a few hours before cos she did, failed it and had to have the awful 3hr test. My OB's office didn't tell me I was going to be having my glucose test two weeks ago, when I went in for my 26 week appointment. EDD 4/9/12 K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks. Despite knowing that MANY women fail the test and that theres really not a lot I can do about it, I always felt like Ive failed my child somehow when I heard those words. Blegh. I sort of expected to fail the 1 hour glucose test. OR am I being stubborn? So i will be doing the 3hr test tomorrow. This is such a great post for moms who do fail that first test. (2022). Around 24-28 weeks gestation, most practitioners will order a blood glucose test to see if the pregnant patient has gestational diabetes. Maybe?) A glucose tolerance test can help to work out the difference between normal glucose levels and the levels seen in diabetes and prediabetes. They didn't have a problem hitting my veins, I just had to have my blood drawn every hour for three hours and originally when I first went in. Start Infusing Cucumber to Your Daily Water Intake: This Will Burn Fat, Protect the Heart and Prevent Diabetes! I want to know your results. Just another site failed glucose test by 2 points revere, ma condo foreclosures; don wilson obituary shelby nc This post is for anyone who failed and is wondering what happens next when you fail the one hour test. You may be at higher risk of dehydration if you have low blood pressure, take medicines to lower your blood pressure (including diuretics [water pills]), are on a low sodium (salt) diet, have kidney problems, or are 65 years of age or older Talk to your doctor about what to do if you get symptoms of a yeast infection of the vagina or penis. There are many reasons why a mom-to-be has failed the first glucose test. The diet is giving me headaches. . It means you are at increased risk of developing diabetes over time. Continue reading >>, Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. It seems that the standard alternative is to test your blood sugars eating your regular diet for 1-2 weeks to see if there is any elevation. Theres a large percentage of women who will get Gestational Diabetes who have ZERO risk factors. Out of general curiosity, I asked how much I failed my one hour test by, so I knew what I was up against.. I had no idea what Gestational Diabetes was. The one-hour gestational diabetes glucose test: It has a reputation that precedes it, and any formerly pregnant woman anywhere will strike up conversation about that blessed orange drink. I stress out pretty easily so its safe to say I wasnt able to relax until I found out what my numbers were. Your blood glucose or blood sugar levels are tested and then compared to the average levels. If she eats that well and still failed, then she probably has Type I diabetes that was undiagnosed before her pregnancy. But he wasnt. I kept telling myself that, hopefully it was a good sign since normally the saying goes no news is good news. I've really been buckling down and trying to do everything right and still :( I got a 137 and the cutoff was 135. You're also at risk of developing heart disease, even if you don't develop diabetes. Normal was 10.86 mine is 11. i have short cervix and on bedrest. She said, I just failed my sugar test and have to go back for the three-hour test Im sort of a sobbing mess about it right now, and I remember you saying you had gestational diabetes. The body is unable to process food properly to use for energy. A p 1 Lose weight if you are overweight or obese. <3 I failed my test as well! You basically eat a bunch of jelly beans that add up to the amount of sugar in the drink and do the test as follows. Every single aspect of the 3- hour test is a guaranteed trigger for me. They didn't have a problem hitting, they just drew my blood every hour. Think skinny people dont get type 2 diabetes? The phone call from the doctors office informed her she failed the glucose-tolerance test, looks like gestational diabetes. I knew I wouldnt make it until 2:00, so I caved and, like the doctor said, ate normally. Continue reading >>, im just so down right now i failed on test on my 2 hour glucose tolerance test.. by a little it. I dont know how much truth there is to that, though. I was one point away from an actual gdm diagnosis but I did the three hour and survived. TTC #1 7/08 PCOS dx 8/28/04 Met 1000 mg and Clomid cycles 1-4 1/6/09-5/2/09 BFN Clomid 100mg 6/4/09=O'd=BFP on 6/29/09! Im sure this has its limitations (especially because Gestational Diabetes can progress the further along in your pregnancy you get), but it can give you a good idea of how your levels react. I won't get my results back until later this week (this lab pulls vials instead of just doing finger pricks, which I was NOT expecting). Continue reading >>, So, I've never been officially "diagnosed" with hypoglycemia but I have the classic symptoms and respond well to the recommended diet for hypoglycemia. . That's no good! Though it is commonly kno Sickle Cell Trait in Blacks Can Skew Diabetes Test Results, Home blood glucose test: How to test for diabetes at home, When Youre Afraid to Test: The Root of Diabetes Test Anxiety, Gestational Diabetes: Please Dont Drink the Glucola Without Reading the Label, Gestational Diabetes and the Glucola Test. I have no idea how I would get through Christmas with GD. I passed. Even if you did have risk factors dont beat yourself up. Hopefully youre like all the other commenters who passed but, unfortunately, you may not. I just got the call from my nurse saying I failed the initial glucose test (by only two points at 141) and now have to do the three hour test. I have to take the 3 hour test this weekend. I have to eat EVERYTHING on the diet (i listed it below). These hormones, however, stop the mothers insulin from working properly. Passed the 3 hour a week later. If you fail the first test, you have to do a tolerance test, which involves fasting and then another round of glucose screening with multiple blood draws. Some days I feel better than others. I know its hard, but just think, in 2 more months, we will be holding our little bundle of joy. I'm currently 27 weeks. Continue reading >>, Posted by AllisonO & filed under Crafts and Recipes , Pregnancy . And both times I felt like I was punched in the gut. I failed my one hr by 5 points and must take the 3 hr on Thursday. However, the first thing my dietician said to me was, I want you to know that this is NOT your fault. I felt good I didn't have to fast and passed mine. The first one being that you do actually have Gestational Diabetes. What you should do. Med-free BFP on 8/1/[emailprotected] 58.2 [emailprotected] 198.3 Be[emailprotected] 2338. 8 , 2022. For some reason while you are pregnant your body can't process sugar that well. I'm really not looking foward to the 3 hour test. I know the veggies made it carby, but again, the docto A quick update on my story. I went to my class and got my machine and two women were there with me who hit that initial age, bmi threshold. Continue reading >>, Post by ktstorm on Mar 6, 2015 10:01:19 GMT -5 I had been checking my blood sugar off and on for the first two weeks after E was born and getting reasonable values after an hour so I stopped checking/worrying.I had to take a post partum glucose tolerance test on Monday as follow up after having gestational diabetes. Probably will go away once you deliver your baby. But my appointment wasnt until 2pm, so not eating wasnt an option for me, and I followed my doctors advice to eat normally. While most if not all of the complications that can come with it can be avoided with proper treatment, its just irresponsible to not want to find out. Excess weight plays a role in hormone blood sugar management imbalance. Content and other information presented on are not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, counseling, diagnosis, or treatment. Healthy fats are essential, of course, and dont skip meals! Blood glucose becomes higher when we cant make enough insulin or when it does not work as well as it should Development of gestational diabetes During pregnancy, hormones are made by the placenta to help the baby develop and grow. Gestational diabetes is a high blood sugar condition that 2-5 percent of pregnant women develop during pregnancy. With that said, there are alternatives to taking the three hour test. So, I failed my one hour glucose tolerance test with a 150. A foot ulcer is prone to infection, which may become severe. So, I failed my one hour glucose tolerance test with a 150. They will take your blood 4 times. I got my results back and everything was fine, didn't have gestational diabetes so got fingers crossed it will be the same for you. I also used to get shots for my severe allergies in high school. Subsequent pregnancies all requiring C-Sections. I failed both have to be checking my blood 4 times a day, I failed the 1 hour by a lot and still passed the 3 hours with flying colors. The effect of high-intensity breastfeeding on postpartum glucose tolerance in women with recent gestational diabetes, Gestational Diabetes: Please Dont Drink the Glucola Without Reading the Label. And did I mention she was living on an organic farm when we met, eating vegetables straight from the field? You should always call your provider with any concerns. This is my third pregnancy and with my first two I failed the initial test- the first pregnancy just by a couple points like you and the second test I was borderline at the top but I ended up pa__sing both three hr tests. The test is three hrs (as i'm sure you know) and you can fail one of the hours but have to pa__s the others to pa__s the test. Failed 1 hour by 2 points and passed all 4 blood draws of the 3 hour Violation Reported Report as Inappropriate barbarian125 My friend did. According to this theory, our bodies adapted to the risk of scarcity by giving our babies preferential access to it during pregnancy. For example, increased thirst may be chalked up to a hot summer, or fatigue may be interpreted as a sign of aging or stress. Hoping I pass the 3 hour! You should ask your dr if this could be a problem. It is important for the test results to be accurate so that if there really is a medical issue, your doctor will know what to do and can treat you properly and watch for the safety of both of you. At my 28 week appointment during pregnancy #1, it was time for my gestational diabetes test. You shouldnt try and trick the test because if you have Gestational Diabetes, then you NEED to know so you can treat is as effectively as possible. I was, of course, happy to share a little bit of my experience with my friend, but since reaching through the phone to give her a hug wasnt really an option I mostly tried to encourage her that this wasnt the WORST thing ever. Responses do not replace contacting your medical provider. About Business Point; Blog; Contact; Home; Home; Home; Our Services. You will not be allowed to leave, and you are generally not allowed to walk around. Don't eat or drink anything except water after about 10 o'clock the night before. Amputations mainly involve removal of the toe or part of the foot; however, amputations involving the leg, below and above the knee, have also occurred. K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks. I didn't get a call today from the clinic so I guess I don't have GD. Because I was out of town for the next week or so, I arranged to go to a lab in Forrests hometown (where I would be in a few days), just so I could get the test over and done with. Of course, since I specialize in gestational diabetes, I knew all that. However, a much larger percentage of mothers fail the one hour test, only to go on to pass the three hour with flying colors. What to expect. In fact, I already had my prescription for blood sugar testing supplies in hand before I drank the glucola. Youre welcome. I went to my three hour glucose test this morning after fasting since 1am this morning which is unlike me because I've always woken up around 5 or 6 to grab a drink and snack before going back to bed. Youll usually be given a form to go have one of two routine tests, the Glucose Challenge Test or the Glucose Tolerance Test, and thats that. <3 Omg 7x? Your email address will not be published. 2022. Because of this new sweets territory I find myself in, I have explored some new recipes for sweet treats recently.Just in case you find yourself in need of overloading your system with glucose, too, I thought Id share them with you. I do not want to do a lot of testing and monitoring for the rest of the time when it really does not benefit anything except the curiousity of the OB. I hate needles in general, so now pricking myself 7 times a day sucks! How did I get so unhealthy? If you think you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately. Yeah, me, too. GL! Continue reading >>, If youre here, you likely searched for something like: failed glucose test failed 3-hour glucose test what happens when you fail your glucose test what to expect at my glucose screenings sugar shock glucose test throwing up after glucose test And so I say: welcome! I was sick the entire day with a migraine following the one hour test. I will try Officially Ifailed by 2 pts (140 makes abnormal, even though they like to see 130- mine was 142) anyway I passed the 3 hr just fine, but I was annoyed to have to take it. I hope that you pass! the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. These are provided for your convenience, and the price isn't increased at all. The official medical terminology is passing or failing. I cursed under my breath as I made my way to the car. To see if I'm in the same range that I'm always in when pregnant. Categories . Learn more about. At a height of 5 feet, 126 pounds (26 weeks pregnant), the thinspo body-mass index rates her as grossly obese. felt horrible, nauseous/lightheaded/jittery, but passed I felt lousy for like 20 mins for the 1hr. I sympathise entirely, 7!! According to the March of Dimes, around 7 percent of moms in the United States end up developing Gestational Diabetes. Ugh 3 hour one on wed Felt totally fine and passed with flying colors. ? I pointed out that I ate lunch right before it, including a dessert, and the lady drawing my blood told me that probably accounted for more than just two points and I would most likely pass this time around. I just have to carry something with a bit of sugar in my purse if that feeling arises and its fairly easy to avoid by eating regular meals and not I was handed the glucola, which was twice as sweet as the previous one, meaning it had 100g of sugar in it. I hope you pass with flying colors. Continue reading >>, Recently, I got a text from a friend who is pregnant with twins. I failed my glucose by 2 points. You don't need to do any special prep before the pregnancy glucose challenge test. And for all the pain, stress and worrying my little one has caused me, I would gladly go through it all again just so I can be a mom. i just found out today and thurs i have to take the 3 hour one. The three hour test tastes horrible just to let you know. Because this form of diabetes usually Insulin is a hormone that helps control the supply of nutrients to cells throughout your body. During my first pregnancy, I failed my 1-hour glucose test, which meant I was ordered to undergo a second and more extended test. In gestational diabetes, the placental hormones provoke a rise in blood sugar to a level that can affect the growth and welfare of your baby. again or just going to the class about the GD class. I had already discussed testing options with my doctor and had decided that regardless of the results of the 1-hour, 50g screening that I would check my blood sugar at home with a glucometer for 2 weeks just for my own knowledge. I share my experience for anyone wondering what happens if they, too, fail their first gestational diabetes glucose screening. So I took my 1-hour glucose test this morning and I failed it by just two points! Lo Home blood glucose test: How to test for diabetes at home, NHS to give free Fitbits and one-to-one weight loss coaching to thousands of obese Brits in bid to slash diabetes, Colorado Springs family adapts to reality of Type 1 diabetes as, one after one, children are diagnosed, When Youre Afraid to Test: The Root of Diabetes Test Anxiety, To Mark World Diabetes Day, Israeli Company Promotes Needle-Free Glucose Test, Women in India with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Strategy (WINGS): Methodology and development of model of care for gestational diabetes mellitus (WINGS 4), Gestational Diabetes and the Glucola Test, Simple New Test Might Be a Better Way to Diagnose Gestational Diabetes. It's not that big a deal, just take a book or your iphone or somet This leaflet Upswing: Caffeine Your blood sugar can rise after you have coffee -- even black coffee with no calories -- thanks to the Diabetes is a disease that causes a person's blood sugar to become too high. If you have prediabetes, you're at risk of eventually developing type 2 diabetes. Therefore, the child was discharged . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. For the one hour test, its essentially 50 grams of sugar and for the three hour test, its 100 grams of sugar. (Plus, I just had to finish the riveting article I was reading in Alaska Sporting Magazine) I was sure I had passed, so when the lab tech said: You should have studied better. I knew he was joking. I thought I was okay, but the longer I was in that museum, the more distressed I felt especially when I heard the number I failed by was so high. I ate some chips, salsa and guacamole, along with a chopped salad. Gestational diabetes. What Causes Low Blood Sugar Without Diabetes? Now I had no problem with this test during my first and second pregnancies so when it came to my third, I declared myself a glucose champion (Im sure the trophy is around here somewhere) and I wasnt concerned at all. If you have had gestational diabetes before, in future pregnancies, a test will be performed early in the pregnancy to make check that your blood glucose levels are in the normal range On this page: Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. How Can I Prepare for the Three Hour Test? The second being that the levels for failing are actually pretty low - depending on your office, to fail, you have to have a level above 130 or 140. They'll probably repeat your blood test in 3-6 months and have you keep checking your sugar levels until then. Thanks so much everyone. I have insulin resistant PCOS so it's not a surprise that my tests have been borderline for pre-diabetes. The normal distribution is for individuals who are older than 59-1/2, and the distribution does not have a penalty. So, I wasn't even informed I was taking the 1 hr test when I originally took it, which is why I didn't fast. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Open Button. Post by melmon0417 on Mar 6, 2015 10:17:51 GMT -5 I'm so sorry! I had one result high by one point. Other than the inconvenience and stress of having to prick my finger to take my sugars five times a day and not being able to eat donuts, gestational diabetes really was just a good incentive to eat healthier and get more physical activity during my pregnancies. It is usually detected around weeks 24 to 28 of pregnancy, although it can devel attempts it took for them to get blood from me for mine! They just want to be extra safe. The second being that the levels for failing are actually pretty low depending on your office, to fail, you have to have a level above 130 or 140. I go to the dreaded 4 hour class next week. I do my best to exercise regularly and be healthy though Id be lying if I said I didnt enjoy a Lindor Lindt truffle from time to time. Continue reading >>, So you failed your one-hour glucose test, and now you have to do the dreaded three-hour test? From that end, as hard as the 3 hour test is with the carb loading diet, time it takes and the full fasting beforehand - it's accurate so you may find you have nothing to worry about and 'pass' despite this initial failure. Now I have to take the three hour test. You "failed". Continue reading >>, I just got back from my doctor and i have failed my glucose challenge test she said i was like 10 and normal is 7.SO my doctor wants me to do the glucose tollerance test which will tell if i have gestational diabetes? Have to schedule my 3-hour test. But be aware that many practices will not continue to see a patient who refuses the test. Second test will confirm this. Required fields are marked *. You basically drink something that tastes like grossly sweet soda (which is much better cold) and an hour later, youll have your blood drawn. I would recommend something high in protein and low in sugar/carbs, since the drink contained a lot of that. INVOKANA can cause some people to become dehydrated (the loss of too much body water), which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, especially when you stand up (orthostatic hypotension). Continue reading >>. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Ideally, shared the nurse, my blood glucose number should be in the 130s. ! As glucose builds up in the blood, the body's cells do not receive the energy they need. If the test produces borderline results, a glucose tolerance test may help with the final diagnosis. This is not always true. After your test is over, you will be allowed to eat and drink normally make sure you bring some kind of snack. Doctor wants me below 130. A series of three blood tests will be taken one before y I went for a light 20-minute stroll with Koda and decided not to to do a full workout because I hadnt asked the doc about exercise. Honestly, the test isnt that bad and it is the gold standard so if you are okay with it, theres really no reason to avoid it. My results finally posted online the Friday after I had the test done, and I found out I had a failed glucose test hours two and three by a few points. I also couldnt resist my morning cup of decaf and 1 Tbsp of Breve Cream (straight sugar should I have resisted? 1. To conclude, my OB's office is the worst for not telling me about it to begin with, and then sticking me in the same arm four times today. I just walked in the door. I just got back from the OB. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults and is also known as juvenile diabetes. Scarring. I do have DH which helps, he says all labs have a margin of error and 3-4, 5 pts either way is still ok because no lab is perfect. Here are the reference values for the three-hour test. The guidelines just changed this yr that if one of your test results comes back high that you have gestational diabetes. Again, it didnt taste bad, just syrup-y sweet. I will find out mine on thurs what i have to do aside from diet. A million thoughts raced through my head: Should I have opted out of the dumb test an You have got to be Suninformed. If you have the symptoms of ED, it may be a sign you have diabetes. There are many reasons why a mom-to-be has failed the first glucose test. Just writing the words next time right now makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and find a corner to rock in. At 8:30am I was taken back and had my fasting blood sugar level drawn.
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