It seems good to work at a certain pace, definitely helps when you have to go back on a specific part of an assignment youre doing, it's a lively demonstration of books, it's great. It's a good opportunity to understand the material easier. I just got done reading their "how to guide" and it provided a lot of thorough steps. It was helpful for making sure I understood conceps, could be harder to just bs putting in effort. Its such a hassle to write the code in the website. Overall the quality of the service was high. Press J to jump to the feed. especially for someone like me that is not very quick with information about technology and computers this allows me to focus on key information and not just get through the material without actually learning and applying new concepts. I think Zybooks helps streamline course content, and makes it a lot easier for readings to be assigned and then later looked through (with the search function). Anyone else experience this with zybooks? I also love that if i get a question wrong I can go back and try again. zybooks does a good job at explaining the material, but doesn't help much when you get stuck on a challenge. Overall, I really enjoyed it. I'm just starting CS program slackiswhack 2 yr. ago For Python: PyCharm For Java: Eclipse Good luck. It is quick and to the point. zyBooks has made it possible to interact with my learning and apply what it has taught me. It is easy to follow I have only seen one mistake on one of the labs. It has been tremendously helpful in teaching me java. just a better ui for the transitions with fsm simulators, would be nice. Super easy to use and has very cool visual/video/interactive examples. The textbook overall could have used more detail for the contents. Zybook is a very easy to use, instructional book which can give a lot of information in a short amount of time. I think its good, but I wish it went into more detail of explaining. Interesting learning tool, can seem dense at times but very useful. It also helps tracking which readings are important for current class topics which helps me understand the material much better. first experience was really positive. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I like the organization, I like the fact that it can be linked to Canvas, I like the detailed steps explaining each process before the challenge problems, I like the way problems become incrementally harder, I like how the hints provided for wrong answers steer you towards the correct answer without revealing what it is. I've enjoyed Zybooks because it tests your knowledge and retention immediately to ensure you are grasping key concepts. So far learning basic coding skills has been easily understandable. It's very easy and intuitive to use.I much prefer it to a traditional textbook. I liked zyBooks but the labs were a lot harder than the assignments. The fact that it reinforces your learning with practicable examples helped me learn programming concepts better with zero programming experience. I also wish that for $80 there was a better coding tool with autocompletion and other features. zyboks provided aa way to not only understand the material but to step through the code. With these submitted assignments, I was able to better correlate what I actually learned in class with real world usage. Though it would be nice if on some of the more difficult problems there would be hints or something to help push us along. Concise text improves usability by as much as. My first CS class and also my first time using zyBooks. I enjoy the interactive aspect of the site that is not paralleled in any regular physical textbook. Just another site. If there was any implementation of highlighting things that are wrong, or when hovering over a variable it gives you info about it, like Microsoft VS does, that would help immensely. For improvement, I suggest a light penalty for missing too many questions. It is a great platform to learn as zybooks allows you to interact with the material and have the best experience. There is so much useful information packed on here that it really eases the stress that comes along with the class. It's helpful, especially the challenge questions. zyBooks is very helpful and makes things seem easier than than it is. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Explained a lot of the material the professor didn't in a streamlined way, and tested it in little bits and pieces which i liked. It's very useful and helpful to define one's errors in the work and the explanation afterwards helps a lot to know why it was wrong and a lot of activities to help one going. It was very unhelpful when it came to the written portion because if you wrote the wrong answer there was no help on what the right answer was so you pretty much just had to continue to guess until you got it right or just not do them. Another rare complaint indeed relates to cost. Easy and convenient way to learn how to program. I think zybook is better than physical books. Made new concepts easy with the interactive slideshows and problems. I already pretty much know everything in this course, so zyBooks is a good way to get some practice in, I thought the material was good overall. Sometimes I have to rush through the activities without really paying attention just to get them done before the deadline (and because sometimes it just feels like busywork), but it's organized in a way that it is easy to go back and find topics when I need to reference them later. Some of the errors that I got during some labs didn't make any sense. I love the interaction while I learn. I helps a lot with the explanation of the material and then helping me understand different types of code. Zybooks learning materials are very clear and concise. I did like the fact that I shows you what you need to learn and the trial by error factor. I was able to complete HW assignments wherever I was, and the interactive animations really helped me to understand what the book was talking about. A good tool to learn if you put the work in. I enjoyed it because it helps to learn more about the topics. Zybooks had a very easy to understand and gamified learning experience which made understanding high-level concepts a bit easier. I think zyBooks made the information very digestible and interactive. It was an effective way to learn the material. It would be helpful if the errors were specified a little bit more. Makes it a lot harder on the student to make sense of all of the material. One of the challenge activities gave wrong answers for the questions, and chapter 7 had the sections out of order. Instructors can mix and match zyBooks and can combine multiple "catalog zyBooks into one zyBook." It is very easy to understand and the examples made the code stick. I'd like to talk about the material in the books, but I never had access to them, so this is only especulation based on the level of understanding of SNHU's students: It seems to me that the material tries to simplify things, but what it actually happens is that it doesn't cover concepts well, and students feel that the material is doing big leaps from one concept to another. Notes and exercises provided are sufficient and easier for me to understand the course better. I am really enjoying it. zyBooks makes it easy to go back section by section and go over specific material with exercises and slides. I find that learning with interactive material on zyBooks is more beneficial than just reading examples and notes. zyBooks is really a good material to expand my horizon about coding. It was interactive so I was actually able to conceptualize the things I was learning as I was learning it rather than reading it without understanding. I usually come up with the solution by looking at the sample code create a similar code. I was able to understand most of the readings, there were a couple I didn't really understand. It has clear instructions and enough information that anyone, if read all the way, is able to complete it. I have always struggled with math and this year I wasn't doing so well. I learn things through interactive demos and zybooks fulfilled that requirement. I think zyBooks is a very easy program to use and is very convenient since all of it is online. The zyBooks e-textbook is one of the best e-textbooks I have ever used, with progress checks that are actually substantive. It's fun and simple. Easy to learn with visuals but not so much with a lot of text. I heavily rely on zybooks for learning to code, and it has not only been a great learning tool, but it is also a resource I find myself very often turning back to when problem solving in programming. It has been a good learning tool, however my one complaint is the jump in difficulty from the chapter material to the lab material is a bit steep for me. I used it several times to look up questions or to just learn more. I feel that zyBooks is an adequate learning tool that helps me learn on my own, rather than waiting for the rest of the class in lectures. With ZyBooks I can! Try the first chapter free! If you are talking about string streams or vector::sort, then talk about internal implementation as well. It takes advantage of the fact that it is an online material and uses that advantage to help students learn. It gives real-time feedback that helps to learn to debug but also does not give the answer out right. It was highly useful while I had access to it because it provided information in a chronologically manner appropriate to understanding the overall material being discussed. So far I like the interaction and feel more confident that I will understand the work. Overall experience is great! It is not my favorite software to use, but it is definitely helpful when it comes to reviewing materials with the challenges and participations. All Systems Operational Uptime over the past 90 days. It is a very clever way to present textbook content, in particular related to coding. So far it has been extremely useful for diving further into topics, The visual aspect of zybooks is really nice compared to others, I like the interface and the variety of questions, This has been very helpful during the crisis. but would be value add more separate reading offline access then lab online access. Welcome to zyBooks's home for real-time and historical data on system performance., .. . Instead of assigning regular textbook problems, I like how my teacher assigns the lessons from the zyBook for a more interactive experience. You also never talked about memory and underlying representation. I wish the whole entire zybooks sections were graded. Zybooks is a great learning tool that teaches the concepts of topics very well. My favorite of the online textbook solutions. I think zyBooks is really helpful, I used it for this and a previous class and I learned a lot from it. My students love it! That is what tech companies are looking for: people who can think, not just regurgitate whatever they just read. overall decent but the participating activities need adjustment some of them take more time than they should to go through them just because of the animation and some are just plain repetitive. I hope future online classes use zyBooks. I think I like the interaction and challenge questions for coding (python). Some topics become tedious. Skip responses where students answered No to a question at the surveys end asking if we could use their survey comments in marketing materials. The animations are a bit clunky and slow sometimes, and $75 is a bit steep for one-semester licence to a digital textbook, especially when lost of courses are moving to open textbooks. I think an easy version of the labs that is a bit more guided would help me a lot. I like the setup. Philip Papadopoulos, UC San Diego. It really helps. I believe that zyBooks is very essential to learning within a remote setting. first i think that zybook is one of the best way for learning computer science since it gives you explanations when you did some questions wrong. It does not need to be severe, just enough to encourage people to actually read the material. So since the week before spring break when all classes when to the online format, the zyBooks assignments and exercises were INCREDIBLY helpful. I found zyBooks to be a useful supplement to my college lectures. It implies a certain steps which make it more difficult to understand why a step has taken place. I think the reading material combined with the interactive participation is an outstanding setup for learning. The field our textbook is based off of is an extremely fluid subject, so unfortunately some small portions were out of date; which were only a year out at the most. Super easy to use, no technical difficulties. Zybooks was very organized and the presentation of the material was very easy to digest. This fall, I'm taking a similar programming class at the university I'm transferring to and I'm 99% sure it's going to be in python. I think it was better than reading the textbook by myself. The material is concise and easy to follow. They do not have clear instructions or teach what to do clearly. The interactive activities are helpful for learning. Worked decently - for the big stuff I mostly copy and pasted from my own editor though. This is my first computer science I've ever taken, and I haven't had good experiences with past online textbooks so this was a pleasant surprise. I think its the best place to learn even for those does not enjoy reading big books because the book only have necessary objects. ZyBooks is an Education solution that StatusGator has been monitoring since March 2021. It explains material well and I like the exercises that help you understand the material as you go along. However, the only drawback is the price since it's a bit expensive for the use of 1 school quarter only. I thought the material was too trivial, though I am a fairly experienced programmer and others may have been more challenged. A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language. Summed up: Zybooks is very bad for interaction and understanding, but the actual content and definitions are fine. I noticed that the questions after each lesson tends to be extremely vague at times and I even get asked questions that isn't talked about in the lessons above. I dont learn as well just reading text though, I wish there were video explanations and examples. Broke really daunting subjects down into easier-to-understand problems. Zybooks was not required for the course but provided as a supplemental resource. zyBook in a great was to lean material and practice. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. the website and platform is organized very well, it is easy to read and functions well. They were a great practice to learn the materials. Also, the explanation of the concept is pretty clear. The format has been easy to use, especially once I figured out the expected way to input code. I enjoy the coding part at the end of sections, but the interactive slides are not as helpful for reading. Great information. However, I truly wish the book wouldn't disappear after the semester. I like zybooks quite a bit. Having the participation challenge and labs helps me to remember and connect with what i just read. Easy to use, good tutorials and plenty of examples. I would use this if I were a professor. This makes studying a nightmare. I find the graphics to be extremely helpful in learning. I enjoy that the reading material is essentially also counted as homework for my class due to the included activities. Zybooks is very tedious, but it really helped out with everything I saw in class. Really good challenge questions and practice problems. Zybooks is nice to force you to read and learn. I thought it was excellent; No real complaints. Terms of Use Privacy DMCA Notification Policy 2021 zyBooks, Katherine Murphy, Student, Clemson University, Dale Reed, University of Chicago, Illinois, Laiba Mustafa, Student, University of Guelph, inspired by a Chinese philosopher, 818 AD. I think the one issue I have with it is just that occasionally the challenge sets feel much more complicated than is to be expected. So easy to keep track of assignments and presented the material in a very clear, understandable way. Zybooks is very clear and helpful with ever concept. The integrated tools track student effort and compare programs for similarity. View ourentire zyBooks Catalog. I am not just learning it because I need to for my class, but I am actually WANTING to learn it. I like it. The participation activities actually encouraged me to look through the passages, because messing up on a question doesn't negatively affect you, I was able to learn in a comfortable environment. Personally, it's difficult sometimes but I always walk away feeling as if I've learned something. I think zyBooks is good, I wish instructors would utilize the testing system more, CS test are hard to deal with due to subjectiveness. Love how it works, it allows me to enter code and test it out here. Very interactive and helped me learn the fundamentals of Java programming. i love how clearly it explains the material as well as asking questions throughout to make sure that I also practice & understand the material. zyBooks is a good way to learn coding due to its step by step nature. zyBook is really amazing and easy to use. The formatting of the material in a more portrait page layout similar to textbooks does not work well on computer monitors. I love how interactive the information is and the reading to me is not as depth as many study materials. I can't figure out where this extra whitespace is and how to get rid of it. It is very easy to follow and very organized. It provides examples and a framework for topics that make it easier to learn the material. I can learn in my own time. It costs too much money and should be available always. Can't find anything, search feature is terrible, no summaries, doesnt save the selections for questions. I think Zybooks is an excellent resource and makes online learning something to look forward to. Get a demo today. What we were doing on here wasn't aligned to what we were doing in class, but thats not zybooks fault. vrbo trip board comments; sysco teamsters contract; dr john gemma net worth. I dont like the way the lessons are taught or the exercises. The way it is organized is very useful and the examples and participation activity are helpful. I actually enjoyed most of the zybooks activities, challenges, and explanations. The exercises seem good and it takes pressure off knowing there is no penalty. I thought zyBooks was a nice website and had good directions but it just wasn't for me. It worked well and it explained concepts well enough. Very easy to use and the problems provided in the textbook help me practice and understand the material better! I also appreciate how zyBooks are a participation grade and that I can focus on learning rather than on getting a good grade. I think it is a great way to learn coding concepts in particular! Annoying but I can understand why we have it.
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